Kicker motor for Evinrude 150hp G2

  • Tlazer
    Posts: 798

    I am looking at trying to install a kicker motor on my Competitor that has a 150hp G2 motor. I wanted to be able to steer from the console. The Evinrude G2 is different than other motors. I can find some info on the 250hp G2 but not a 150hp. I have contacted the dealer that I bought the boat from twice in the past month and no response back. Tried a different dealer that had a kicker in stock and still waiting to hear back from them if they can set up on my boat. Needless to say if I am ever looking to purchase a new boat I know where NOT to shop. I would have thought after spending $45k on my boat the salesman I bought it from could at least return my calls and leet me know if it’s possible or not.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    Sorry but have to ask, where are you located as your post says nothing and it would be dumb to recommend a place 300 miles from your house. I have a 250 HO G2 with a 9.8 kicker. When new I had it connected to the kicker with a bar but the G2’s utilize internal electric power steering and it became a pain to steer the kicker with the steering wheel unless the power was turned on the 250, allowing the power steering to function. This worked sweet however I read that the ECM (Engine Control Module) was water cooled and operating the motor without it running could overheat and damage the ECM. I don’t know if your 150 is like that but it wouldn’t surprise me. I ended up putting a Panther wireless steering module on the kicker, steers fine however for me there is a lag time as the boat doesn’t respond that well. It took some getting used to however know I simply put the main motor down to act as a keel, set my speed with my iTroll and use my trolling motor to do the main steering control using my heading lock, cruise control, and I can program routes. My dealer has been great and really understands these motors and I have not regretted taking off my connecting bar from the main motor/steering wheel.

    Posts: 798

    Dave, Thanks for the response. I live in northern Wisconsin by Hayward. I bought the boat from a dealer in Redwing, MN. I am guessing my 150hp is just like you 250hp G2. I am just getting into trolling and not familiar with Panther steering module or the iTroll but will check into them. Might I ask did you install these yourself or have a dealer do it, and do they work with a tiller kicker?

    Posts: 3403

    I will offer this. I troll a lot, and never steer with the kicker. I use it for propulsion only and steer with my bow mount trolling motor. In the wind the kicker has a hard time turning the nose into the wind and the bow mount works so much better also being able to use auto pilot. If you absolutely want to link the kicker to the main call Frankie’s marine and they should know what bracket will bolt to the G2. They used to rig a lot of G2’s.

    Posts: 798

    Mojo, Thanks for the reply. Problem with a bow mounted trolling motor is my boat sits on a lift. I live on a lake and my boat is on the lift most all summer. The lift is on an association property and there is no AC power there or close by. I would have to install a large solar panel to have any chance of recharging the batteries in a short period of time. Which leads to the next issue, if it’s a nice day and the sun is out I’m probably fishing, so the boat isn’t on the lift. I would like a bow mount trolling motor for spot lock, but until I can figure a way to recharge the batteries I’m holding off on a bow mount trolling motor. I will try calling Frankie’s and see what they say. Thanks again for the info.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536


    OK, I would also call Frankie’s. I was a tiller guy all my life then in 2015 went to a wheel boat. As stated, I was having a tough time trying to steer with the steering wheel. They did the iTroll and Panther for me and it’s a lot easier. I also agree with Mojo, I use my bow mount quite a bit these days. That’s odd that you do not have power especially if you are an association. Go to a meeting and ask what’s the deal. Heck I would demand it for the association fees!

    Posts: 798

    It’s a small association (13 members)and I am the president. Currently most members are here only occasionally on weekends. There are only two lifts currently and the other lift they don’t use a lot. If I could get power down there it would be quite costly and I would have to pay all myself since nobody else would use or need power. That’s why the best solution would be a large solar panel to do an adequate job.

    Posts: 6631

    A couple ideas for you. You could look into installing a “stick steer” for the kicker. A buddy of mine has one and he likes it.

    As for power, if I were you I’d just buy a small 1000watt generator and leave it right in the boat waytogo

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