Kicker motor advice

  • Carl S
    Posts: 60

    I have a 2013 Lund Predator 1810 with a 115 Mercury Pro XS that I’m looking to add a kicker to. Most of my trolling time is spent on the st. croix and mississippi.

    The beam on this boat isn’t super wide – it’s 85″. Will I have any issues fitting a kicker with this space?

    How are the Mercury 8hp motors? I’m looking at manual start / tilt because of cost and weight. Any substantial benefits to spending more on electric?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8969

    I have a 2013 Lund Predator 1810 with a 115 Mercury Pro XS that I’m looking to add a kicker to. Most of my trolling time is spent on the st. croix and mississippi.

    The beam on this boat isn’t super wide – it’s 85″. Will I have any issues fitting a kicker with this space?

    How are the Mercury 8hp motors? I’m looking at manual start / tilt because of cost and weight. Any substantial benefits to spending more on electric?

    If you are able bodied and have no issues with a manual start – by all means go for it. The manual tilt would get somewhat old however. I’m not sure what the cost differences are, and that’s something only you can decipher the worth of.

    You shouldn’t have any issues getting a kicker on the boat with an 85″ beam.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Kicker placement can be very snug to the main motor with a short steering rod between the 2. By going all manual, does that also imply that the motor will be a tiller? I’m an advocate for helm control and auto trim with electric start. I’ve never liked the tiller arm being in the way and having to be at the motor to change speed.

    Posts: 6687

    If you are not looking for all the gadgets (rpm control, electric start, trim, etc) which would be awesome btw.

    Check out tohatsu.

    I have a narrower beam and 50# was all I was willing to hang on the transom. Prices are really good.

    I had my 2016 4hp shipped to my house for $1100.

    It works good for me, of course there is better for more$

    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 742

    I have a Merc 8hp 4 strk manual start, manual tilt, tiller on my Crestliner 1800. This came with the boat when I bought it. I would definitely get the power tilt, and would advise to get the electric start as well.

    You will want the power tilt mainly for traveling in rough conditions. The bracket/mechanism for the manual tilt is not very durable and can break when motoring in rough conditions as the motor will bounce around. I know a few people who have broken their mounts on the manual tilt merc 8/9.9 kickers.

    I am now in a position where I am looking to add an aftermarket electric tilt system. Do it right the first time!

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    Here is the one big selling point to the electric start models. They come with charging systems. I have had more than one occasion where I found dead starting batteries (usually due to something being left on), and was able to run my pro kicker for 20-30 minutes until my opti could turn over and start. Once the opti starts, the 60 amp charger and a decent run gets things going.

    Posts: 7348

    How’s that 8hp gonna handle current in an 18′? Can’t answer that for ya, but I’d look into it.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    I’ll second some of the thoughts already shared – I was looking for an all manual for my 17′ Lund Fisherman to save money and weight as well. Found a deal on a used Yamaha 9.9 with power trim. Having had a manual on for a while previously, I would never hesitate going power trim and electric start. I even planned on taking mine off when not using it early on…. just cause my boat is already slow, and weight matters. Took it off once for pulling tubers… besides that, it is on always.

    Unlike a manual trim – it is rock solid in heavy waves for traveling. Trim is nice even when trolling. Mine is an older carb model – so push button starting is great. Resale is there – just all the reasons if possible to stretch to the power/electric model.

    A 8 or 9hp high trust kicker can but pretty impressive at moving a wide boat in rough water or in current. I had a 6hp on for a while – and even that was enough.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    For fishing on a river and the way I troll on a river, I would get a tiller. I have only had the power t&t with electric start, so I have nothing to compare it to.

    Open water trolling. I lock the kicker to go straight and let my bow mount and H-bird do the navigating.


    Carl S
    Posts: 60

    Thanks for the advice everyone! I found a used T8 on Craigslist and picked it up tonight. Power trim, electric start, should be perfect!

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    You’ll like that much more than a manual tilt. I had a six horse and thought it was a pain to bring up and down. Proud owner of a pro kicker now.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Thanks for the advice everyone! I found a used T8 on Craigslist and picked it up tonight. Power trim, electric start, should be perfect!

    Congrats! You won’t regret owning it!

    Greg junior
    Posts: 1

    Hey Carl!

    I recently came across this thread and was curious if you had any pictures of your predator with the kicker ? I have a 2012 1810 I was planning to add a kicker too and was curious how it worked out for you. Couple of questions I have: Was there an extra fuel hookup on your tank for the kicker to go direct? What steering linkage did you use, it any? Thanks!

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