Rather than continue this discussion in the What’s for Dinner post I though I’d start a new post on the topic. Both the wife and I decided we are way over due to try and lose some weight and get overall healthier. She has us started on a Keto Diet. We ( Mostly her ) tied it one other time, but I was not much help. I told her I’d eat what ever she cooks this time. Some of the good foods are things I really like ( Chicken, Eggs, Avocados, Cheese ) so that’s good. My big Problems are going to be the following:
Pasta, Rice, Potatoes, Most Fruites, Sugars ( Mostly pop ) Bread will not be a issue as I don’t like or eat much of it anyway. Overall my biggest problem is going to be Carb foods. I love my Carbs. Any one who has or is doing this Diet and has any tips or tricks to share, Please do so. Also if anyone has any recipes that you enjoy that are keto friendly that would be great as well.
I know any diet without increasing my exercise is likely to have limited benefits so I’m also getting started on that. Now that the weather is looking better time to start walking and Biking. I would love to get to a point to start doing some running but i know that is a ways off for right now.
April 11, 2023 at 11:38 am