Kent Fasteel 3.5" BB shot 1625fps

  • sticker
    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I started using these shells about 5-6 years ago and was extremely impressed with the speed and knock down power on Canada geese. The first year I was amazed and thought I had found my new shotgun shells. The next 2 years I bought the same shells and although I was still impressed with the knock down power and speed, I was very disappointed that in a case of shells almost one shell in every box did not fire. The primer was dented well by the firing pin, but the shell did not fire. 2 of the other hunters in our party had the same issues. Both years I sent some of the not fired shells back to Kent and they sent me several boxes of free shells and an explanation that the primer manufacturer was at fault.

    I lost confidence in Kent shells and haven’t bought them since. Last week before heading to Canada for a week I found one of the free boxes they had sent me. I took it with and used it the first day. I again was amazed with these shells and shot the entire box with zero issues.

    I am seriously considering going back to Kent shells again for the Canada trip next year, but I am a little hesitant to gamble on this once a year trip. I don’t shoot enough of these size and type of shells during the MN duck season to give them a true test before buying them for Canada.

    My question is does anyone shoot these shells on a regular basis? Have you had issues with them? I’d love to hear that they fixed the problem.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    I have used the same shells on an off for a few yrs. I can not recall having those issues. . I have shot tons of there 3inch shells with no issues over the yrs. . The issues i have with them or any other brand is they don’t hit as near as many ducks like they used to. . I am SURE it has to be the Shells cause it couldn’t be ME.!! . . LOL.!

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I buy two shot sizes and length of fast steel, 3″ 3 shot and 3 1/2″ BB. I buy both by the case and have never had issues that I can’t contribute to me picking them up off the bottom of the boat when totally submerged and trying to shoot them…They pattern great, shoot great and the overall quality is night and day better than Winchester Super X for a buck or so more a box.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Thanks for the feedback, I am going to try them again next year in Canada. Might just buy a few boxes of 3.5″ BB to shoot at golden eyes this late season to test them.

    Posts: 4941

    I have used them many times; I just think the recoil and Noise is excessive compared to several other manufacturers. More so in the 3.5’s than the 3’s

    Jim Stoeckel
    Above the clouds.
    Posts: 135

    I have been to Canada numerous times for our annual goose trip. Back in the day, we could shoot #2 lead. Once the lead ban took effect, we switched to a multitude of non toxic mostly bb shells. As the velocity increased, the pattern became progressively worse. I patterned my goose gun to verify my suspicion. I found hevi shot #4 (yes, #4) patterned very good, and had no issues bringing down geese at 50 yards. And that was only a 3 inch shell. No, they are not cheap. But how much have you already spent to drive or fly up, buy your licenses, along with a place to eat and sleep. For duck and pheasant, I use #6. Nothing wrong with Kent, but just a suggestion to experiment what your gun likes and doesn’t like.

    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    I shot Kent for a long time and it seems to pattern very well out of pattern masters in my beneli and browning gold even though when you push steel that fast it is tough to get a good shot spread as steel does not flex like lead through a choke tube. I stopped using Kent when I bought an 870 and it bulged my choke tube to where I could not get it out of my gun in the 1st box of shells. I called pattern master and they along with other choke tube manufacturer’s will not warranty their chokes if you are shooting over 1450fps loads.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Good info, thanks. I have shot a fair amount of Kent out of my Carlson super full steel choke tube in the Benelli Nova with no problems and it patterns very good in that set up.

    I have had no issues with Kent other than the shells not firing.

    eyota, mn
    Posts: 599

    Benelli shotguns have a thicker choke tube walls as do browning’s. I have shot a lot of Kent and other fast steels through my Gold 3.5″ and my I12 without any issues. I have not had any issues with the firing of them either. I did however switch over to fiocchi steel shot to try it a couple years ago and haven’t switched since. I buy a case of 3″ 4 shot and use that for both ducks and pheasants and a case of BB and have never had an issue and get good consistent patterns. Not to mentions Scheels has it on sale before the season for 89.99 a case for the 3″ and I think 109.99 for the 3.5″.

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