Keeping Crawlers Alive

  • Weekender
    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436

    Two weeks ago I picked up our crawlers for our vacation up north. I’ve got about 10doz left and would like to keep them alive for at least a couple more weeks.

    They were packed in newspaper bedding it appears and thus far, are in Styrofoam containers in my basement and are in real good shape.

    Is there anything I should be sure to do to keep them healthy for the next couple weeks? Just keep them cool and moist? Or something more?


    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    I would replace the bedding once a week, and don’t use tap water in the bedding get rain or lake water

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 149

    Keep them cool. Put a bottle of ice in with them and change it every few days

    Posts: 125

    I used to put ice packs on top of the bedding to keep them cool, but if your basement is cool you should be good to go.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Cool and coffee grounds doesn’t hurt.

    Posts: 2218

    Keep them cool. I keep about 10 dozen in a cooler in my beer fridge. Worm bedding, damp newspaper and potato peelings. Keeps them alove all summer.

    Pick out the dead or week ones. I never put the ones I remove for a day back in with the healthy population. I keep a smaller container in the fridge for the ones I use daily.

    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436

    Good feedback! I’ve heard of the coffee grounds before, but potato peelings? Are we talking the skins or any peeled part of the potato?

    I’ll stop at Mills tomorrow to see if they have any bedding. Not too hopeful though as the last time I was in a couple weeks ago, many of their shelves were bare or very lacking of gear.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2841

    UGH, can be done. Keeping in the refridgerator is a huge plus. As mentioned before replacing the bedding is a good idea and not using tap water. Here is the big thing. Place multiple layers of newspaper on a table in your home. Dump the entire bit and go through the worms. Bad looking or dead worms need to be removed and thrown away. The old adage of 1 bad apple spoils the bushel holds true with worms. Good luck.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    FWIW I pick my own and have them in smallish containers with just black dirt and coffee grounds in my garage fridge. 6 weeks since my last pick and still looking good. you really dont need bedding but everyone has their opinion…..problem is the eyes haven’t touched them in 2 weeks on the river so panfishing it is!

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    When I had my baitshop,we liked the Fat and sassy worm bedding,had fish oils in the bedding ,I believe,worms actually seemed to grow fairly fast.
    Keeping them refridgerated,picking out the dead or dying,dont mix bedding too wet,and change as needed,all help to keep them longer.
    Nice thing about bedding is when its spilled in the boat let it dry and vacum out no muddy mess.When we started doing this nobody wanted crawlers packed in dirt anymore.
    When the crawlers start to get a little slimey,change your bedding.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    the bedding must be nice for most. I guess I am in the minority because I usually rinse my crawlers off before I rig em. I fish with some that have that crap everywhere on my floor and all over their hands, rods you name it. I wouldn’t call it OCD, just hate cleaning things so I don’t make a mess but I understand there are a lot of slobs.

    Posts: 756

    I’d venture to guess that out of the 140-150 dozen crawlers we picked from our yard so far this summer, I’ve had to pick out and toss less than 20 for being sick or dead. I mix equal parts black dirt & worm bedding. Keep 10-20 dozen in a large worm box, and the the rest in a 3 gallon kitty litter bucket with vent holes drilled in it. stored in the garage fridge at 41 degrees. A few leaves of spinach mixed in occasionally for food.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Throw in some used coffee grounds. They love them.

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