Keel Leak – Should I Worry?

  • Weekender
    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436

    I have an ’07 G3 V185F that has a small leak along the keel located about 2/3 of the way from the stern to the bow of the boat. The hull has ever so slightly separated at the keel. So every couple hours the auto bilge runs when I take off and pumps out maybe a gallon of water.

    That is not my greatest concern though. My greatest concern is hull integrity. It’s not a huge area, maybe 18″ along the keel. But do I risk making it really bad if/when driving in pounding waves and whitecaps? Is it possible the hull will tear from the rivets and open up to a point of sinking?

    I’ve had this situation for probably 4 years now. It hasn’t gotten worse. But I wonder if there could be that “one time” and I’m screwed.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12321

    I had to have a leaking keel on an Alumacraft repaired after a dirtbag seller “forgot” to tell me it leaked. Alumacraft had some real issues with this apparently.

    The bad news is it isn’t going to fix itself. I’m not sure if you’re at risk for sudden, catastrophic failure, but this is one of those deals where sooner or later you’re going to have to bite the bullet and have it fixed. You have to look at what other damage to the floor or other parts this constant soaking is going to do over time.

    I’d say if you like the boat, get fixed and be done with it.

    Keel strip repair is pretty specialized. I had Vic at Anchor Marine in Delano do mine.


    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    If you could determine that it wasn’t structural, I would patch it and cover with some keelguard.

    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 436

    I think it’s a small dent that pulled away a tad from the keel. You can fit your fingernail in the part that’s separated, so it’s now huge.

    I bought some JB Marine Weld and thought I’d give that a try. Fingers crossed!

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