Kappernik benched

  • mplspug
    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    You guys know it’s Friday, right?

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    yup, laying low, got the Gopher game at 11am …. smirk I am gonna be ignoring the crapie, he is too smart for me…. plus there is no way to block a person anymore whistling

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    you have no credibility crapie… moon

    Yeah that’s why I stated my sources, bit I can understand why you would not want to counter with your reasoning. Math is hard we all know this but if you keep working on it you can probably figure it out

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    37% prison… why ?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    USA beat Canada 4-2 in world cup exhibition hockey.

    Pete S
    Posts: 277

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    you have no credibility crapie… moon

    Yeah that’s why I stated my sources, bit I can understand why you would not want to counter with your reasoning. Math is hard we all know this but if you keep working on it you can probably figure it out

    since you’re big into math crappie, maybe you could cite the black/white ratios in the neighborhoods where the majority of these shootings are taking place?? we all can use statistics to support our side of an argument, your numbers mean nothing unless the shootings are taking place where the demographics reflect the national numbers you cited. My guess is more whites get shot in predominantly white neighborhoods and more blacks are getting shot in predominantly black neighborhoods. Which area do you think has more of a police presence, Mound or North Mpls? (and no, I don’t mean the playground monitors who are keeping an eye on Big Island in the summer)

    reads landing MN
    Posts: 517

    Check out his socks…

    1. th.jpeg

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    you have no credibility crapie… moon

    Yeah that’s why I stated my sources, bit I can understand why you would not want to counter with your reasoning. Math is hard we all know this but if you keep working on it you can probably figure it out

    since you’re big into math crappie, maybe you could cite the black/white ratios in the neighborhoods where the majority of these shootings are taking place?? we all can use statistics to support our side of an argument, your numbers mean nothing unless the shootings are taking place where the demographics reflect the national numbers you cited. My guess is more whites get shot in predominantly white neighborhoods and more blacks are getting shot in predominantly black neighborhoods. Which area do you think has more of a police presence, Mound or North Mpls? (and no, I don’t mean the playground monitors who are keeping an eye on Big Island in the summer)

    Ive already prvoided statistics, which I used to prove big_gs claim was wrong not support an argument of my own thank you very much.

    If you are claiming that you know something about the race relations of individual neighborhoods and how that relates to the number of deaths involved in police shootings it’s on you to provide the statistics to back up your claim. It’s not my job to go find the proof to backup your speculative argument.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I love this

    “We decided to play the anthem in our stadium ahead of schedule rather than subject our fans and friends to the disrespect we feel such an act would represent. We understand this may be seen as an extraordinary step, but believe it was the best option to avoid taking focus away from the game on such an important night for our franchise…To willingly allow anyone to hijack this tradition that means so much to millions of Americans and so many of our own fans for any cause would effectively be just as disrespectful as doing it ourselves.”

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    You can turn the numbers however you want (that’s what libs do)…young black men are 9x more likely to commit murder than young white men… why is this ? Until people like crapie can come to admit somewhere we (as a society) are not reaching these young black men at an early enough age to show them right from wrong (parents job, plural) it will only continue and get worse. Keep blaming police and the big bad white man and nothing changes, keep turning out victim democratic voters… smirk

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Big_g you really are something else lol! first off i gave you facts from the US concensus and the washington post, one of the most respected newspapers in the country. you provide facts, (which you dont even bother to cite btw but ill do that for you) from the fox news opinion section LOL. Your own referenced source even goes on to say things that go against your claim! Here is the statement you are referring to, keep in mind this is an article presented in the FOX NEWS OPINION –

    “Among blacks, teenage crime is much more of a problem. Black male teenagers were nine times more likely to commit murders than similarly aged white males, not two to three times as likely.” I could find no source for this quote at all on this column.

    Should one continue on and read down a few more lines they would find this:

    “Doing the math, blacks male teenagers are killed by the police at a 2.3 times greater rate than whites after adjusting for these murders. It’s still considerably higher, but by a fraction of the rate asserted by Slate.

    Can we still conclude that police singles out black teenagers? As ProPublica acknowledges, the data on justifiable police killings are ‘terribly incomplete,” and “vast numbers of the country’s 17,000 police departments don’t file fatal police shooting reports at all.”

    Now again i know math is hard but your own source does the math for you and even includes an omission that data on police shootings is grossly incomplete.

    If we take a look at the person that penned this “fact” we find on his webpage a litany of articles seemingly in opposition of gun control as well as Hillary Clinton so he clearly doesnt have a vested interest in this issue (sarcasm)

    If you read the full article you would see that this John Lott accepts that the information provided and used to make all of these assertions is incomplete and in all likelihood is off. Then he makes the claim that you have quoted, which by the way he didnt reference his source, he then goes on to use the same information he accepts as being inaccurate to conclude that yes indeed blacks are shot at a higher rate than whites by police its just not as high as the article claims. Wonderful reporting Mr. Lott. So you reference a fact out of the blue then your whole point is that, according to information i dont believe to be accurate, while its true that blacks are killed more than whites its not as bad as these people are making it out to be.

    This article is also from 2014 so its old.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    There is no such thing “concensus”. It’s the census.

    It doesn’t matter if the ratio is 100 / 1 blacks over whites. If you are getting shot it’s often for a reason. Look to where these shootings are taking place. Facts are blacks shoot and kill far more blacks then cops do. So more cops are where the shooters are and confronting more criminals. I’m guessing more people (of any color) get shot in North Mpls. then in Edina? (Targa did I do that OK? You able to follow my thinking?)

    If Kaepernick is so concerned maybe he should lead a protest march on Tuesday (his day off) to draw attention to the problem. Showing no respect for this country just shows him to be a ignorant clown.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    So here is a link to the article from a different site. John Lott does work for fox news but i think he also publishes here.

    Grossly misleading claims about black teens being “vastly more likely to be killed by police than whites even after adjusting for crime rates”

    he does source his claims here – albeit it using an excel spreadsheet. I dont really know what to make of his claim. Here is his quote:

    — Pro Publica acknowledges that police-involved death data is not complete. But there is a systematic bias in what data is missing. Generally most of this data is collected from urban areas. Obviously most deaths occur there, but these areas also tend to be heavily black. The percent of the population that is black in areas reporting justifiable police homicides were 50.3 percent more black (17.8/11.8) than those jurisdictions that didn’t report these homicides.

    he then shows a chart and goes on to say:

    “— If black murders are more likely to involve gangs and gangs are more likely to get into shootout with police, young black males would be more than 9 times more likely to commit murders than similarly aged relevant white males.”

    Now maybe im not understanding this correctly here but to me he is making some claims off of assumptions.

    1) “Generally most of this data is collected from urban areas.”

    – OK? thats the foundation of your argument right there?

    2)Obviously most deaths occur there, but these areas also tend to be heavily black. The percent of the population that is black in areas reporting justifiable police homicides were 50.3 percent more black (17.8/11.8) than those jurisdictions that didn’t report these homicides.

    – this starts out again with another vague statement without verified numbers but he then provides some actually numbers which is good. My problem with this is that he seems to accept that the numbers of reported police shootings is inaccurate and then he uses those number so substantiate his claim.

    3) — If black murders are more likely to involve gangs and gangs are more likely to get into shootout with police, young black males would be more than 9 times more likely to commit murders than similarly aged relevant white males. –

    This is the first introduction of gangs into the conversation which is confusing to me (I get gangs live in inner cities and he is likely concluding that gangs must be involved in these but you cant just make assumptions like that).

    The best conclusion i can make is that with inaccurate numbers these claims are crap.

    If you guys want to have a real conversation about this instead of going with the opinions of what we all think America should be here is your chance. You quoted this big_g now help me to understand it and i will listen.

    Posts: 7348

    train wreck

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Cool. I didn’t know you could embed a video

    So. Iowa
    Posts: 50

    Here is another source you can take a look at.


    A good quote from the article:

    MacDonald also pointed out in her Hillsdale speech that blacks “commit 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime” in New York City, even though they consist of 23 percent of the city’s population.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Wonder what this guy thinks about Kappernik?

    1. Bud-Grant-Speaker-_-Contact-Booking-Agent-For-Fees-_-Appearances.jpg

    Posts: 95

    The racist opinions expressed here by some ( big g) are an embarrassment to fishermen. The fishermen that I know are good and accepting people.

    Posts: 292

    Whats racist there walleye?

    I have a feeling you and crappie are the ones mumbling about the big racist wall thats going up to block out your illegal alien friends

    These problems are all because of the crack pot we have in office. black home ownership has gone down, black food stamps rates have gone up and black poverty is up since obummer got into the white house.

    Listen to chief David Clark and larry Elder smile

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    The racist opinions expressed here by some ( big g) are an embarrassment to fishermen. The fishermen that I know are good and accepting people.

    head in sand… there is no problem with youth today… it is the man and the cop that are the issue… my gawd there are some idiots here (walleye216) you don’t know me, you don’t know squat about me.

    here is another “racist” who’s views line up exactly with mine and millions others. If your too far left to listen to it or too lazy, skip to the 11 minute mark and “listen”


    (washington post, most respected paper) LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    “You quoted this big_g now help me to understand it and i will listen. ”

    I took the time to research your claims and present an argument. I invited you to a conversation on this topic and asked you a simple question.

    I take it by your silence on the matter that you are not interested in defending your “facts”. You have reverted back to presenting us with your opinions which is perfectly fine. its just as well as you have had much more success with that than you have had in stating “facts”.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Crappie you are in over your head. As you said you presented your facts so let it lay. There isn’t one, not one thing you can write that will sway my opinion. I have my view and you have yours, so be it. I know Big G, you aren’t swaying his opinion either. I suspect there are 10-20 other guys here that won’t change their opinions either regardless of how many facts you present. The only fact that matters is Kaepernick choose a avenue to show his opposition to a issue that most find unpatriotic and disgusting.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Crappie you are in over your head. As you said you presented your facts so let it lay. There isn’t one, not one thing you can write that will sway my opinion. I have my view and you have yours, so be it. I know Big G, you aren’t swaying his opinion either. I suspect there are 10-20 other guys here that won’t change their opinions either regardless of how many facts you present. The only fact that matters is Kaepernick choose a avenue to show his opposition to a issue that most find unpatriotic and disgusting.

    I am not trying to sway your opinion. I am not trying to do that at all. How am I in over my head? I respectfully asked for a response and wanted to have a conversation on the matter. I am sorry if my facts put a wrench in your views on the world.

    big_g presented some facts to this discussion. I found information to the contrary. I am simply asking big_g to back up his claims. I think that’s a very fair thing to ask in a discussion don’t you? Am I out of line in asking someone to backup their claims with evidence? Especially if you are going to make claims that young black people are 9x more likely to be murderers! If you are going to be saying things like that and I find out you are wrong than damn right I am going to hold you to it and why shouldn’t I or anyone else on here? If I said something like its a fact that people from Princeton are 9x more likely to be racists would you want to know how I came to that conclusion or would you just accept that as fact and start repeating that information on forums to influence other people in your arguments.

    Don’t get upset at me because I ask you hard questions and it sucks to try to find facts to back up your claims.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    crapie, if you can cite to left leaning washington post, then I cite Fox or any Conservative source. whats the difference ? are you that naive that you don’t know stats are swayed and cherry picked to make ones point ? you sure as hell spew your leftard stuff and think they are facts, but anything anyone else posts, must be challenged by you ? are you some kind of self appointed teacher here ? What says you to Larry Elder ? did you listen or did he get to “Jesus H Christ” and you quit ? jester rotflol

    what do you think should be done about all the young black men being killed “daily” in chicago ?? or don’t they matter to you ??

    chew on this

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    There are plenty of people of minority make-up that are super successful people in society. Its not a color thing at all, its simply that if a person doesn’t want involvement with law enforcement that make in fact kill them, don’t break the law. How friggin hard is it to accept that idea? Color isn’t a part of it. Age isn’t a part of it. Demographics is not a part of it. Its a personal choice. Period. Those successful minority came from somewhere not so nice to become what they are and I’ll bet they made a personal choice to NOT become dinks.

    Anyone mentioning race or color or age or ethnic background or crap living conditions is depending on that crutch to create an excuse. A non-excuse really and they are the ones creating the racist aire in this, not those who are fed up with someone like COLON or that daffy chick on a soccer field slamming the country and those who have served to give them the right to slam away.

    I don’t see COLON protesting blacks shooting blacks in Chicago. If his idotic protest at the games meant anything he’d be skipping rehearsal for the next weeks games and go to Chicago and protest blacks killing blacks and negating anything he tried to prove. But as far as being shot by a cop, don’t break the law and chances are very much in your favor that you’ll never have to experience it. Its got nothing to do with color or cops picking on someone of color. The cops have a job to do and if people don’t break laws their job is that much easier.

    Posts: 292

    I found crapies suburban at the stillwater st croix access tonight

    Sign in the window says “Justice for Philando” “End racism in America”

    1. 20160910_183351.jpg

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Ok…let’s go, it’s Saturday night…

    1. Through-“Berzerk”-and-“Survival”-on-SNL-–-Video-Softpedia.jpg

    Posts: 95

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>walleye216 wrote:</div>
    The racist opinions expressed here by some ( big g) are an embarrassment to fishermen. The fishermen that I know are good and accepting people.

    head in sand… there is no problem with youth today… it is the man and the cop that are the issue… my gawd there are some idiots here (walleye216) you don’t know me, you don’t know squat about me.

    here is another “racist” who’s views line up exactly with mine and millions others. If your too far left to listen to it or too lazy, skip to the 11 minute mark and “listen”


    (washington post, most respected paper) LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!

    I am quite thankful that I don’t know you, but it is clear from your comments that you are intolerant and an embarrassment to fishermen. I am also thankful that opinions like yours do not represent most people that I do know. There are many racist people that comment here, I only mentioned you because you have made several racist comments lately. The profane personal message that you sent me only confirms that you are an embarrassment to fisherman and have the maturity level of middle school child. Your family must be so proud.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    eye216 –
    “Embarrassment to fisherman” not seeing the connection.
    I’m with G on this one.
    One more item to ponder, I NEVER worry about getting shot by a cop. Never.
    Because if a cop tells me to stop, I stop. If a cop tells me to show my ID, I show my ID.

    Pete S
    Posts: 277

    eye216 –
    “Embarrassment to fisherman” not seeing the connection.
    I’m with G on this one.
    One more item to ponder, I NEVER worry about getting shot by a cop. Never.
    Because if a cop tells me to stop, I stop. If a cop tells me to show my ID, I show my ID.

    Reaching for his ID cost Philando Castile his life. Peace

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