Kab help

  • Jam256
    Lowell, Indiana
    Posts: 4

    Will be up at Kab this Friday for a family trip. This will be my 20th year at Kab. However always come up in July. Can anyone help with a fishing report? Any info would be much appreciated.

    East Troy, WI
    Posts: 24

    The Gateway store normally has weekly reports but has not updated since 7/22/18 not sure why, the 7/22 report does give some insight to conditions 2 weeks ago and summer trends to reefs and deeper water adjacent to points. I will be up there for a week starting on the 11th maybe we will cross paths
    Good luck and tight lines

    Wis Walleyehunter

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 740

    I was up on Namakan July 25-29.
    We had a cold front blow thru our first day with wind and rain which I think slowed the bite. Most all of the fish we caught were in 27-34′. We only lindy rigged crawlers and leeches, and picked up fish. Plenty of eaters but the bigger fish were slow for us. Most fish were at the end of rocky tips off islands and off-shore reefs.
    This weeks heat should warm the water back up. Was 75 on the main lake when we got there, and dropped to 72 when we left.
    Good luck!

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1854

    I was up a couple weeks ago and did very well on keeper sized walleyes fishing humps and points in 18-24ft with leeches and crawlers under floats. Limits came easy the first couple days before the big cold front. Use your graph and locate fish before fishing.
    For bigger walleyes, trolling deep divers in the open water over schools of whitefish produced a few fish. We also caught big fish in the shallow bays on the weed edges when the wind blew.
    For bass find boulder to weed or sand transitions. Top water plugs and crayfish imitations were working well for us.

    Lowell, Indiana
    Posts: 4

    Thanks for the info all!

    Lowell, Indiana
    Posts: 4

    Thanks Wis! Good luck next week!

    Daniel Hup
    Posts: 2

    Was up last week and did well in 17-22′ on reefs with leeches. Good sized pike were very active on weed lines. Good mix of walleye, sauger, and huge perch on the reefs. Best perch fishing we’ve had in 29 years up there.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17419

    The Gateway Store posted a fishing update this afternoon

    Wis Walleyehunter

    While those reports are welcome please remember any reports from guides, resorts, stores all have their best interest at heart. Their best interest is getting people to come up and fish. grin

    I have never read a report from a local business that said “fishing sucks, stay away, go elsewhere.” jester

    That said Gateway does a nice job with their reports.

    Posts: 201

    Fishing sucks stay away go anywhere else. The only thing i caught that was worth anything was a rock we somehow didnt feel at all. Just noticed the motor vibrating more.

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    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1854

    Ouch. That sucks.
    Where did you hit the rock? On Kab? Namakan?

    Posts: 201

    Namakan by the wolf pack islands. Im not sure exactly but it had to be between there and namakan island.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17419

    I heard a big rock jumped up and got one of Ebels houseboats out there also.

    Posts: 201

    Thats not good. The weird thing is we didnt feel anything except the motor shaking.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2421

    Sometimes if you got something just right, only thing that makes contact is what brakes off, or the casting has a weak point that just let go from the force of the water.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17419

    If the worse thing is a dinged alum prop don’t sweat it. It coulda been a lower unit. grin When you come to play in the Canadian shield lakes rocks and the hazzard they pose is the risk you take.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1073

    Kab and nam are some treacherous waters! I see hundreds of vertical logs out there while trolling basins. One good wind storm and they break free from the mud and become bobbers.

    Victoria, mn
    Posts: 820

    Kab and nam are some treacherous waters! I see hundreds of vertical logs out there while trolling basins. One good wind storm and they break free from the mud and become bobbers.

    Not to mention the waterlogged beaver sticks floating around. I hit one about 3″ diameter and 4′ long dead center running into the sun one morning with just enough ripple on the water to disguise it. Luckily, no damage. I hauled it back to my campsite for some greenhorn to try to burn. smirk

    Posts: 201

    Ya new prop and soon ill buy another hydrofoil. Yes these waters can take out a lower unit at any time and theyre a reservoir not a lake so stuff is always moving and shifting. I was lucky but it hurt to have to stop fishing.

    Lowell, Indiana
    Posts: 4

    Had another great trip to Kab! Finding limits of keeper walleye was difficult for us this week but we did manage a limit two days. Best depth for us was 15 to 20 feet. Fishing the wind when we had any was key. Did get into a few fish over 24” on crank baits. Had family with me so only fished big baits for Northern one day and got a 37, 40, and 41” pike. This fishery just get better every year. Thanks for the info and keep the posts coming. Enjoy reading everyone success. The chipped prop is not included. Sorry to hear that. Tight lines all.

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    East Troy, WI
    Posts: 24

    We also had a great trip on Kab the week of 08/12 to 08/18. one of the best in 20 years! 3 adults and 2 teenage grandkids (fished part time) we had no problems with our boat slot of 15″ to 16.75″ we only kept 2 person limit and well over 40 in our boat slot were all released, too many to count in the 18″ to 23″ and 1-24″ and 2 at 24.5. most were walleyes vs saugers.Encouraging was the amount of 6″ to 9″ and 12″ to 14″ we caught and released . There is some great year classes for the future! We fished from the Ash River to north/west areas. Air Temp’s were 90 to 80 all week except Tue which was only 66 as a high. No rain or storms. The bite was hot for all periods of the day. The highlight was a 35″ northern on slip bobber. While we had live bait (crawlers, LG leaches and minnows) artificial baits were the preferred presentation. In past Aug visits live bait presentation were more successful. We were up the week of July 4 with my daughters family and the bite was tougher but we still had good fishing. We are planning late Sept 4 day trip with my 2 sons and we can’t wait to see what the Kab fall bite brings us !

    Tight lines

    Posts: 9

    Wow! I love reading the reports and seeing all the fish pictures! Sorry about the props…it happens up here. For a glacial shield lake, Kab is actually marked very well, but they mark the main boating channels, not the area’s around each island, so be careful, trim up the big motor and use your Minn Kota or kicker when near the islands. I love helping people learn the area better, so if that’s finding more fish, finding the best campsites, or just learning about Kabetogama or Namakan ask me. I started a newsletter on the area, no strings…don’t share your email. Let me know if I can help! https://www.gofishkab.com/contact-us
    Wade Watson
    “Kab Kid”

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