This might have been asked before but, would you go with the clam plate and the nils or the k drill?

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This might have been asked before but, would you go with the clam plate and the nils or the k drill?
If drilling pristine ice the nills is a great choice. If ice is dirty or your opening old holes then the k-drill rocks.
I can only speak for the Nils which has drilled a ton of holes for me. That k drill looks like a great option too.
If you don’t need an 8″, folks I know use the 160mm nova headed synthetic strike master hand drill with their drills too. I liked mine so much I got a 2nd identical setup. I like that the composite head ensures the proper blade angle, even when abused.
I really like my K Drill. The only reason I don’t have a Clam plate is I need the same electric drill to put the anchors in to hold my shack down. Other than that I would probably have the clam plate too.
Personally I do not have any experience with the k drill. I have an 8 inch nils and I love it. I usually just crank it by hand when the ice is still relativity thin and I never feel under powered when it comes to drilling holes all day. I do have the option of attaching a hand drill and it works flawlessly. Either way I do not think you will be disappointed
I have run the K-Drill 8″ for 3 years and love it. I just ordered the 6″ bit from Reeds for $189 2 weeks ago and wow do I love the 6″. It is nice to have both bits for different uses. I primarily fish for Crappie/Bluegills on my home lake so the 6″ is awesome. I fished Christmas Eve and cut 35-40 holes on 1 battery in 10″ of ice. K-drill is my recommendation!
I own the nils and have used a kdrill. I think the k drill has the advantage. They have replacement blades where the nils only has a few “factory authorized” places to get them sharpened. The weight factor plays in too. I love my nils, but it costs shipping, $30, and lead time to get it sharpened. Another thing I learned with my nils is that they either work or they don’t. When they get dull they just quit… period. Now on the other hand, when sharp they are sweeeeeet!
Both are great augers. I use a 6″ Nils with my cordless drill and my 8″ with a Tanaka Power head. My brother uses his 8″ K-drill and cordless and can drill just as fast as my Nils. If I didn’t already have a Nils gas auger, I probably would have bought the K-drill bit. I just like the idea of screaming through the ice with a 6″ bit on my power head once the ice gets thick. Either way the cookie crumbles, you will be happy.
Hey John Kulcsar,
How did you attach that Nils to the Clam drill plate??? Looking to do something like that myself
I have a K-drill with a Milwaukee drill. I use the handle that comes with the drill. Just like in the video above. I cant figure out why anyone would need that Clam plate to put the drill on and then connect that to the auger? Seems like a completely extra unnecessary part of the system that would add weight. I must be missing something
I cant figure out why anyone would need that Clam plate to put the drill on and then connect that to the auger? Seems like a completely extra unnecessary part of the system that would add weight. I must be missing something
I ran the Bosch 36v drill that was initially suggested as the best drill by the Kdrill folks, it was big beefy and had a good side handle. The drill sucked, the batteries were terrible when cold. I ran my first Fuel for over a year without a plate, only using the side handle. The problem is, if you don’t constantly tighten the side handle, it will get loose and will likely damage the drill if operated that way. I had to get a drill repaired because the metalloy cracked for this reason. I got tired of constantly reminding folks to tighten the handle, so I put one of my fuel setups on a 2nd gen clam plate. The drill plate is nice, I like the chuck being out of the equation. IMO, It’s much safer for kids and small humans to operate. The smurf plate also keeps the drill off the ice and snow. I figured I’d primarily run the unit only using the chuck adapter, but found I preferred running the plate when punching lots of holes.
Nice to have the drill plate handle and trigger, also helps absorbing the torque in stead of the drill chuck, also don’t have to worry about Chuck loosening up. To each their own.
Nice to have the drill plate handle and trigger, also helps absorbing the torque in stead of the drill chuck, also don’t have to worry about Chuck loosening up. To each their own.
When I fish with Chuck I need to get a few beers in him before he loosens up.
Has anyone ever needed to resharpen their K-Drill blades?
I am wondering myself,which blades are more durable in the long run.I got the 6″,so far it is everything it is supposed to be.
fishwater- Ever have this happen to your milwaukee? This happened on my second time out. I also had the handle loosen up on me several times.
I am just starting to look into these drill auger kits so I don’t have all of the info… I also just happen to be interested in investing in a good hand auger this year. Ive read plenty of places that the Nils is the best hand auger hands down so I would like to get that. Before I invest in a Nils hand auger I would like to know if i can use that bit later with a drill. Im having a hard to piecing this together. I can see that Nils sells a bit that fits with your drill but it doesn’t look like the same bit that is used with the hand auger. Can you by the Nils hand auger and also use that with a drill through some sort of conversion kit or can you only use a drill with the special auger bit designed for use with drills? Thanks
actually looks like they have a simple product for sale that is what im looking for
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