Picked up my boat from Bob Schmitt at Just Encase with the new floor storage compartments installed. In talking with James while buying the boat he mentioned that Skeeter Boat Center had moved the batteries from the floor storage area to under the jump seats creating a very large storage area in the belly of the boat. You do loose the small storage compartments that were under the seats, but they can be relocated and cut into the area under the storage under the dash if you want them. Discussed with Dean and Cal during purchase and they had the batteries moved for me. Sat down with Bob and discussed what I thought I wanted and we came up with a split storage system that converts from storing hanging musky baits to plano box storage. I am really fired up about this as I my fishing style is mostly trolling. It allows me store large Jakes and Grandmas in the belly of the boat and take out only half of the box at a time to choose a new bait. It also allows me to store all of those walleye cranks in plano boxes in the belly of the boat that I am not using, but may use. Bob tried to get the the box set up to take the plano boxes sideways for storage, but was short by about an inch in length. Ended up with 4 plano boxes sideways per side of the box. Plan is to reload the boat this afternoon. So will post more pictures then. Here are couple of pictures of the box from pick up.

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