June 2017 Bass

  • tom_gursky
    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Sorry meant this post to be in the 2017 Bass thread…Must of had a brain fart:(

    Here are a few of the bass my clients and I caught last month

    1. 19030591_672943416230878_5234291773767614249_n.jpg

    2. 18921678_672943366230883_8622584483577468453_n.jpg

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    4. 18402685_658371111021442_5536987855392008152_n.jpg

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    and a few more…it was a good month due to high water

    1. 19420454_681482328710320_4822329723906826329_n.jpg

    2. 19420702_10155487552784452_1197510236246998868_n.jpg

    3. 19396766_679678812224005_1147909974253014288_n-2.jpg

    4. 18882302_672943426230877_5061187320777178653_n.jpg

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