June 1st LOTW trip

  • jonesry09
    Posts: 67

    Heading up to LOTW for the first time on June 1st. Anyone want to share some insight on what tactics would likely be best during this time? Not looking for your “honey hole”, just asking for some friendly insight so I’m not heading up there blind.

    Thanks in advance!!

    Corey Cook
    Posts: 11

    Heading up to LOTW for the first time on June 1st. Anyone want to share some insight on what tactics would likely be best during this time? Not looking for your “honey hole”, just asking for some friendly insight so I’m not heading up there blind.

    Thanks in advance!!

    Are you fishing American or Canadian side?

    Heading up to LOTW for the first time on June 1st. Anyone want to share some insight on what tactics would likely be best during this time? Not looking for your “honey hole”, just asking for some friendly insight so I’m not heading up there blind.

    Thanks in advance!!

    Posts: 67

    I’ll be fishing the US side out of Sportsmans lodge in Baudette.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 740

    A jig (likely 3/8 oz) and a frozen shinner are tough to beat up there. Gold is a very good color up there.

    Good luck. Let us know how it goes. We are heading up June 13th.

    Curt and Jason post on Facebook pretty often.


    A video Curt put up recently.



    If you get up to the Islands IDO did this video a few years ago.

    Corey Cook
    Posts: 11

    There is always a jig bite no doubt! But I would go with spinners and crankbaits in hand. Those walleyes are on the move along the south shore and i personally would start in the zipple Bay Area and head towards long point and out towards the reefs! Ild cover water and when you find em they’ll show themselves. They’re in food mode and they’re aggressive! I’ve crushed em pulling cranks and I’m putting my baits in front of a lot more fish than anchored and jigging!!

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    Posts: 67

    Anyone get up this last weekend/week that cares to give a little guidance?

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1401

    My wife and I did well pulling cranks on snap weights in 20 – 25 feet on the south shore from Lighthouse Gap west to the Morris Point area on Memorial Day.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    We are up here right now. Knight and bridges is where most people are fishing. Mixed bag of all sized fish. 3/8 gold jig. Or gold with pink and purple. 26’ of water seems to be key. Going a little deeper seems to produce more then going shallower. Frozen shinners are the go to. They want nothing to do with leeches. I got my pb. 30” walleye. Between 10-11 lbs. couldn’t get a accurate weight with no digital scale

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    Posts: 67

    Congrats on the 30!!!!
    Where were you staying? Any idea of how far of a ride that is from Sportsmans in Baudette? Looks like quite a ways across the open water.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Knights and Bridges Islands are a ways out for sure. We made the trip up there last year from Sportsmans, as well as continuing to Oak Island. But is it probably 30 minutes on plane in good conditions. Need to pay attention to the wind, most of the boats up there are big guide boats.

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    13 miles. When it’s nice out all the boats venture out

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