If your ever out fishing and Brian shows up and offers to help you, Decline his offer.
On Sat. I was fishing at Elwood and had just had a big one start peeling off line when Brian showed up in the same cove. I shouted at him and told him I had a big one on. He said he would be right over to help me net it.
When I got it up I had snagged a large pike (38″&14#) by the tail. He put his net in the water and I got the pike over to his net. Well when he netted the pike my lure popped off and he proceded to let the pike flop out of the net. Lucky for him he made a stab at the pike and renetted it.
Then he got his “smart phone” to take a couple of pics and it turned itself off. According to him this never happen before. So while he let his phone boot back up the other people in his boat helped me weigh and measure it.
Held it back up for a couple of more pics. Later that day he told me the “smart phone” didn’t store the pics. Also said it had never done that before either.
So let me warn you his netting tactics leave something to be desired and he has to have the dumbest “smart phone” around.
Brian and I are good friends, but I just had to tell this true story to everyone.
March 19, 2012 at 9:11 pm