What a jackass.
Serious question. Why don’t pro sports teams have a “Jackass Clause” in the contract that says if the player becomes a total jackass and “demands a trade”, he gets $0 salary until such time as the team can trade his self-loving @ss?
Right now it seems like all the leverage resides with the player. The team has no choice, they have to pay this d!ck that just said he’s happy to take thier money but no way will he play for this team.
When these jerkbait NBA players pull this “demand a trade” cr@p it must totally tank the player’s trade value because everybody in the league knows the player HAS to be dumped at any cost. Fruther tanking the value is the fact that the players get to hand pick the teams they will allow themselves to be traded to. What a crock.
I’d love to see Butthead ride the pine for half a season getting $0 and watching his future value dry up.
I’m on the other side, I like to see the players have some pull. They are, after all, the product, what the fans pay to see. In all sports, I’m all for the players getting a larger chunk of revenue than they currently do.
Amazing the people that will complain that ‘athletes make too much money playing a dumb game’, considering most of them probably sit at work and say, ‘Our CEO makes millions and I’m stuck here doing all the work, I make the company tick, not him!’.
It just boggles my mind that every day people will side with billionaire owners who have little care for their players, the fans, etc. Instead of the players who have worked their entire life to be in the top .0001% of their field.
Doesn’t really matter if I like the guy or not, I just generally side with the ‘more power to the players’ side of things.