Jimmy buckets

  • Morel King
    Posts: 526

    He wants traded before the offseason workouts even start this Monday ! As a mild basketball fan i thought the t wolves were finally headed in the right direction but this one really stings thibs gave up a kings ransom to get butler and look how it is working out . Getting one year out of him and considering what we gave up for him … I was excited when they went out and got him i just hope after all the top picks we gave up to get him we can recoup some strong talent back in a trade … flame

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    Tremendous talent but it was also pretty well known that he ruined the dynamic of Chicago’s locker room before coming here… Now there’s a lot of rumors that he’s done the same here. We gave up a lot for him, and ultimately it wasn’t worth it for 5 playoff games.

    Posts: 19602

    he preached repeatedly that he’s all about winning and doesn’t care about the money aspect of the game, yet the three teams he wants to get traded to are all terrible rebuilding teams that have MAX contracts available…Jimmy is full of crap and is all about himself…Build around Kat and Wiggins….

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Pretty ugly. There are unsubstantiated rumors going around that Buckets got with KAT’s lady. bawling

    Don’t get me wrong, they’re a much better team with JB on the court. But at this point let’s just package him up with some other aging ex-Bulls or guys like Gorgi with bad contracts, hopefully get 1 serviceable player and a draft pick, and let our young guys sink or swim.

    he preached repeatedly that he’s all about winning and doesn’t care about the money aspect of the game, yet the three teams he wants to get traded to are all terrible rebuilding teams that have MAX contracts available…Jimmy is full of crap and is all about himself…Build around Kat and Wiggins….

    I think several teams could afford to give JB a max contract — but those 3 teams have the cap space to pay Jimmy AND another super-star. He could get max money in MN, I don’t think it’s about the cash here. He wants to be in a big market, and he wants to go to a team that has a shot at landing one of the BIG stars that are coming up in next summer’s free agency period — probably Kyrie or Klay. And don’t forget the guys who aren’t technically free agents, but have the player opt-out option after this season — some dude named Durant is at the top of that list I think.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12267

    What a jackass.

    Serious question. Why don’t pro sports teams have a “Jackass Clause” in the contract that says if the player becomes a total jackass and “demands a trade”, he gets $0 salary until such time as the team can trade his self-loving @ss?

    Right now it seems like all the leverage resides with the player. The team has no choice, they have to pay this d!ck that just said he’s happy to take thier money but no way will he play for this team.

    When these jerkbait NBA players pull this “demand a trade” cr@p it must totally tank the player’s trade value because everybody in the league knows the player HAS to be dumped at any cost. Fruther tanking the value is the fact that the players get to hand pick the teams they will allow themselves to be traded to. What a crock.

    I’d love to see Butthead ride the pine for half a season getting $0 and watching his future value dry up.


    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    let him go. disappointing to say the least. we should be able to recoup a nice return for him though however not likely from any of the teams on his list. Sure hope Boston comes calling. Id also take Ingram from L.A.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5180

    I’m with you Grouse but NBA contracts put most of the power in the players hands. Since this is his final year, he could sit out and go into free agency at the end of the season leaving the wolves with nothing.

    He puts the wolves in an impossible spot so you’re assessment of him being a jackass is too nice.

    Maybe this jump starts Wiggins? He has the talent….maybe he can pull it together.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    What a jackass.

    Serious question. Why don’t pro sports teams have a “Jackass Clause” in the contract that says if the player becomes a total jackass and “demands a trade”, he gets $0 salary until such time as the team can trade his self-loving @ss?

    Right now it seems like all the leverage resides with the player. The team has no choice, they have to pay this d!ck that just said he’s happy to take thier money but no way will he play for this team.

    When these jerkbait NBA players pull this “demand a trade” cr@p it must totally tank the player’s trade value because everybody in the league knows the player HAS to be dumped at any cost. Fruther tanking the value is the fact that the players get to hand pick the teams they will allow themselves to be traded to. What a crock.

    I’d love to see Butthead ride the pine for half a season getting $0 and watching his future value dry up.


    Agree with most of what you said, but he basically said, “He, I’m a free agent after this season and I am not going to resign with you. Trade me now for what you can. Oh, and if you also trade me and my contract then I can sign a super max deal elsewhere rather than just a max deal.” So in that aspect, at least we can maybe get something for him rather than letting him walk.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    let him go. disappointing to say the least. we should be able to recoup a nice return for him though however not likely from any of the teams on his list. Sure hope Boston comes calling. Id also take Ingram from L.A.

    The problem is that no team is going to take the risk of trading away anything of value unless they’re quite sure they’ll be able to sign Jimmy long-term. And Jimmy’s saying he’ll only sign long-term with 3 teams that have very little to offer — nothing close to what we gave to Chicago to get him.

    Maybe this jump starts Wiggins? He has the talent….maybe he can pull it together.

    Here’ to hoping, since we paid the kid. Thing is, he was much better before Jimmy got here, but the team wasn’t.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 1678

    What a jackass.

    Serious question. Why don’t pro sports teams have a “Jackass Clause” in the contract that says if the player becomes a total jackass and “demands a trade”, he gets $0 salary until such time as the team can trade his self-loving @ss?

    Right now it seems like all the leverage resides with the player. The team has no choice, they have to pay this d!ck that just said he’s happy to take thier money but no way will he play for this team.

    When these jerkbait NBA players pull this “demand a trade” cr@p it must totally tank the player’s trade value because everybody in the league knows the player HAS to be dumped at any cost. Fruther tanking the value is the fact that the players get to hand pick the teams they will allow themselves to be traded to. What a crock.

    I’d love to see Butthead ride the pine for half a season getting $0 and watching his future value dry up.


    I’m on the other side, I like to see the players have some pull. They are, after all, the product, what the fans pay to see. In all sports, I’m all for the players getting a larger chunk of revenue than they currently do.

    Amazing the people that will complain that ‘athletes make too much money playing a dumb game’, considering most of them probably sit at work and say, ‘Our CEO makes millions and I’m stuck here doing all the work, I make the company tick, not him!’.

    It just boggles my mind that every day people will side with billionaire owners who have little care for their players, the fans, etc. Instead of the players who have worked their entire life to be in the top .0001% of their field.

    Doesn’t really matter if I like the guy or not, I just generally side with the ‘more power to the players’ side of things.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12505

    The NBA is such a joke, I don’t understand why 90% of their markets have a following. It’s pretty clear unless you are a Lakers, Celtics, Spurs, Warriors, or whatever Team Lebron is on fan, you have no chance of winning a championship ever. The best you can hope for is to be bad enough to get a Westbrook/Durant/Harden trifecta, and win in the small window before they can leave. Until they reign in the leverage the players have that will never change. As for Jimmy Buckets, he talked like he was different and all about the team/winning, but in one short year his true colors have shown. Don’t let the door hit ya…

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12505

    It just boggles my mind that every day people will side with billionaire owners who have little care for their players, the fans, etc. Instead of the players who have worked their entire life to be in the top .0001% of their field.
    Doesn’t really matter if I like the guy or not, I just generally side with the ‘more power to the players’ side of things.

    I agree on the $$, but Jimmy’s under contract and being paid VERY well. To pull this before the start of the season is garbage by him, and the team is now screwed bc of someone they paid $18.6m last year and were more than happy to pay $19.8m this year.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12267

    t just boggles my mind that every day people will side with billionaire owners who have little care for their players, the fans, etc.

    I’m on the side of BOTH sides honoring the contract they sign.

    With NBA players, there seems to be an unwritten “out clause” that they can use. Simply behave like a total tool and be such a jackass nobody can stand you, then demand a trade. The team now has no choice but let the player go at any cost because the entire league knows he HAS to be traded. The player just cost the team money, but they still get paid.

    The team has no equivalent.


    Posts: 1811

    Have the NBA make a pool of monies , and when this happens, if they see fit ,pay them , but sit them, and make them suit up.

    Posts: 24749

    In the beginning I was on Jimmy’s side and thinking it was the young guys not wanting to put forth the effort, but the more I am hearing here, why on Earth would anyone want to listen to this guy if he has indeed done what some are intimating.
    The Wolves were never going to be able to keep him here. I say trade him some place terrible that actually has some stars that we could get back. I don’t think he has ANY leverage on where he goes even though he requested as such.
    This is just adding to my hatred of the NBA and how the superstars collude with one another to form super teams. It makes it impossible for teams like the Wolves to ever win a title.

    Posts: 936

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>philtickelson wrote:</div>
    t just boggles my mind that every day people will side with billionaire owners who have little care for their players, the fans, etc.

    I’m on the side of BOTH sides honoring the contract they sign.

    With NBA players, there seems to be an unwritten “out clause” that they can use. Simply behave like a total tool and be such a jackass nobody can stand you, then demand a trade. The team now has no choice but let the player go at any cost because the entire league knows he HAS to be traded. The player just cost the team money, but they still get paid.

    The team has no equivalent.


    Owners have lots of ways to make it better, starting with signing better players and coaches and signing everyone to reasonable contracts that don’t let one egomaniac (not Butler) run the team as “my way or the highway”.

    RE: team’s equivalent, remember that every NBA player contract has arbitrary limits set on them by the CBA, which has always benefited the teams/owners. There’s a reason why NBA team prices went from $200M-$400M ten years ago to $2B-$4B now and it ain’t because the players have all the pull.

    It sucks cause I’m a Wolves fan and this team is a mess but I’ll only blame players for non-performance, not for using whatever leverage they might extract through their contracts.

    Posts: 0

    exactly why I don’t watch the nba.

    I’d attend a high school game before free court side tickets any day.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Jimminy Crickets jester I keep teling ya all WNBA is where its at if you want a real sport to watch. No jester intended from comment.

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    Thibs and Jimmy made enough sense to try, if they could have had KAT, Wiggins, and Butler showing up every night it could have been magic. It didn’t work out. Timberwolves painted themselves into a corner with the Wiggins deal and cannot offload him so they are stuck with the care free duo (hopefully).
    I’m not mad at Jimmy jumping from a sinking ship.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    Seems par for the course for the Timberwolves. Just another misfire in a history of misfires. You’d think they generate a little luck through pure osmosis.

    Posts: 936

    Thibs and Jimmy made enough sense to try, if they could have had KAT, Wiggins, and Butler showing up every night it could have been magic. It didn’t work out. Timberwolves painted themselves into a corner with the Wiggins deal and cannot offload him so they are stuck with the care free duo (hopefully).
    I’m not mad at Jimmy jumping from a sinking ship.

    And this is the reasonable fan take about the situation, which I also agree with.

    Seems par for the course for the Timberwolves. Just another misfire in a history of misfires. You’d think they generate a little luck through pure osmosis.

    There’s been only one constant this whole time. As they say, the fish rots from the head down.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Jimmy said he requested a trade earlier and it was brushed off by Thibbs. I don’t know who is telling the truth at this point. Maybe this will light a fire under that Bum Wiggz and motivate KAT to some extent? It sure will add to some fireworks this year at least!

    Did Jimmy have relations with Kat’s gal?
    Did he ask for a trade earlier but was blown off?
    I think there are a lot of things that led up to this and details will emerge but sad to say but it’s time for him to empty his locker. Back to loserville for the pups.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17425

    Gophers will win a National title in football before the Timberwolves win a NBA title.

    Personally under the “coaches decision” clause I would sit him on the end of the bench and he would get 0 minutes for the whole season. Now go get your max contract Jimmy and thanks for your time here.

    Won’t matter one tiny little bit if he is here or not.

    Morel King
    Posts: 526

    Good riddance ,well see how the new pieces fill in over some time but glad this finally happened toast

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17425

    Sad thing is he will get the max contract he thinks he deserves. I hardly follow the NBA at all but would have never guessed the was considered a top 15 player. I suppose all the titles his team has won makes him top 15.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Just saw he was dealt to the 76’ers. I’m in Wisconsin now so it’s all about the Bucks here.

    What did the Wolves get back?

    Thief River Falls, MN
    Posts: 44

    Saw they got back three players I’ve never heard of. Wolves sent Patton for a 2022 second round pick also

    St Paul
    Posts: 1170

    Robert Covington, Dario Saric, and Jerryd Bayless. Very underwhelming package back but the Twolves were really backed into a corner. Is nice to finally get that clown show off the team though.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    win win for both teams IMO. ROCO is all NBA defense and both are solid 3 point shooters. Saric is still young and improving. this also sends Wiggs to play the 2 which is where he belongs because he is a twig. I like it because NOBODY is beating the Warriors in 7 unless their plane crashes.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22152

    Get him out. Garbage, throw out the trash

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