soldJigs, Jigs, and More Jigs

  • Rick13709
    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 53

    This bag, with boxes, contains over 1300 items of sizes ranging from 1/32 oz. to 1oz. with the majority between 1/8 and 3/8oz. Included are Ballheads, Fireballs (stinger hooks) , Whistlers, Floating, Swimbait, Flathead, Dragging, Standup Jigs, and Football Jigs.

    Price: $ 300.00 (Average cost $0.23/unit) Plus actual ship cost

    Picture#s 188,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,199,201,202,203

    1. 196.jpg

    2. 195.jpg

    3. 194.jpg

    4. 193.jpg

    5. 192.jpg

    6. 191.jpg

    7. 190.jpg

    8. 188.jpg

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 53

    Additional Pictures to complete the package:

    pic#s 199,201,202,203

    For some reason the pics were doubled. Sorry

    1. 203-1.jpg

    2. 202-1.jpg

    3. 201-1.jpg

    4. 199-1.jpg

    5. 203.jpg

    6. 202.jpg

    7. 201.jpg

    8. 200.jpg

    9. 199.jpg

    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 153

    Dang! Where are you moving to that you would put yourself through this much heartache… this is truly a sad thing. frown

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    The only two logical explanations I can think of is that Rick is either

    A) Moving to a planet that cannot sustain water on its surface.


    B) All of this fishing gear he is selling have small GPS trackers and he is trading cheap gear for honey holes hah hah

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 53

    The thing is, that when these are gone, I have a lot more.

    Jeffrey Trapp
    Milbank, SD
    Posts: 305

    I’d take the Fireballs depending on size if you’d split them up.

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 53

    Thanks, Jeff. I do not want to split it up. I think I have offered this lot at a really good buy. I do not know where you can buy new jigs that cheap.

    Jeffrey Trapp
    Milbank, SD
    Posts: 305

    Alrighty. I just don’t have a use for a large majority of them otherwise I would buy the lot.

    Duluth, Mn/Superior,Wi.
    Posts: 63

    If you decide to split up, which I think your going to wind up doing, I will take lot 193. [email protected] Steve

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