I recently purchased a jiffy pro 4 lite it starts easy and cuts nice but it started leaking oil now it leaks it out about as fast as i put it in is anyone else had this problem ?
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jiffy pro 4 lite
Alex browne
Posts: 97January 24, 2015 at 8:51 pm #1502081Hopefully this isn’t an issue with propane augers in general. My Eskimo hc40 developed a leak overnight, which caused a gear in the crank case to fail. luckily it was still under warranty and got a replacement unit pretty quick.
InactivePosts: 317January 24, 2015 at 9:25 pm #1502093Bummer about the Pro 4 Lite leaking. I know the older model Jiffy Pro 4 had to be set on a particular side otherwise it would leak. There was a label on it that said “this end up”. Might be the same with Eskimo? The Lite is an all position motor though (except upside down). I think I’d be taking the auger back to where I bought it and/or calling Jiffy right away. Let us know how it goes with customer service and getting this fixed. I bought a Pro 4 Lite this year and I’ve been happy with it, but I’d like to hear how this goes for you and what the issue is.
Alex browne
Posts: 97January 24, 2015 at 9:50 pm #1502111You are correct about the “this side up” label. Only thing is, I always had my stored the proper way. I was out on the ice one day in -10° when it made a burping sound And I’m pretty sure that’s when the gasket failed. The next morning there was a small pool of oil under the power head (properly stored with the arrow up).
I really do hope it’s only a fLuke because I absolutely love the hc40. No smell, clean, no mixing gas/oil, and plenty of holes per 1lb cylinder.
January 24, 2015 at 10:45 pm #1502128I bought the auger at mills but i found a dealer near home i will call them on monday and hopefully they can help it only has acouple hundered holes on it so i hope everything will be covered i have run the 3hp jiffys for years and never had any problems
January 25, 2015 at 8:26 am #1502166I just got a pro4 lite also about a month ago. So far I love it! Runs great cuts great!! Let us know what they say.
January 25, 2015 at 9:45 am #1502189I purchased the 4stroke version, I’ve learned that taking it inside at night to store it safely and going out in -8 the next morning will cause condensation in the fuel, so need to remember to add some seafoam to the gas can. Sure is a nice auger
Kenneth Brant
Posts: 5January 25, 2015 at 4:46 pm #1502368Bought one in November and on first trip to Wisconsin after drilling holes my son put it in front seat at next lake (so it would be there when we got back) and used a friends auger. Got back and cloth seat was covered in oil! Called jiffy and they told me to take it back. Now have a jiffy pro 4 and no problems. Kenny
January 28, 2015 at 12:00 am #1503531my brother called jiffy on monday and they are sending out a new power head ups hopfully we will have it in the next couple days we have to send the old one back to them i am happy with there service.
January 28, 2015 at 12:41 pm #1503737We had an issue with our pro 4 lite this year as well, first time out some sort of “drive spline” (the terminology our local jiffy certified mechanic used) slipped and dropped out of where it was supposed to be. So the powerhead ran fine but since that spline slipped it wouldn’t turn the actual auger worm. Took it in to the jiffy guy and he fixed it in 3 days, jiffy stood behind it and paid everything. I’m hoping Jiffy continues to tinker and refine the engineering in the propane models to make them better and better each year because I absolutely LOVE that auger, cuts through the ice like a hot knife through butter and starts super easy plus it’s light and no more gas smell on my hands or in the trunk of the car.
InactivePosts: 317January 29, 2015 at 7:21 am #1504095Yep, and nice to hear that if something does go bad Jiffy will stand by their product.
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