Older auger, that ran well for a number of years, but now I’m having trouble.
It has the 3.5 HP techumseh and 10 inch chipper.
I’ve had SEVERAL people work on it, with new carb kits, gas lines, fuel cap, over the last 3 years…even a new carb, which didn’t work….put the original carb back on.
On several occasions, I paid and walked away with an auger that seemed to run. Then after a few more tanks of fuel, it always acts the same–it will idle, but will stall out after a few revolutions when the throttle is engaged.
If I hit the primer bulb, and the throttle, it will spin 4-5 turns and bog down again.
Latest small engine shop advised me to have them check for bad rings, scored piston, etc…where do I stop.
Anybody had the same issues with the same auger–anything come to mind?

Posts: 53
January 23, 2021 at 10:32 pm