Jiffy 2500 series 8inch ice auger

  • John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Selling a gently used jiffy 2500 series 8 inch ice auger. I am the original owner. I bought it like 9 years ago. I have used it every yr but only 20-50 holes a yr.

    I do have an unopened blade for it as well

    Looking to get 225, Onalaska WI area

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    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Maybe I am priced to high. lets go to $200

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    $175??? Would like to sell it and get my k-drill

    Greg R.
    New Berlin, WI
    Posts: 81

    Tried to sell my brother’s 8″ just like that on Craigslist. Couldn’t even get $100 for it. He just ended up giving it to a young relative that is just getting into ice fishing. Very hard to get rid off them nowadays. Good luck and hope you get something decent for it.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Yeah I am seeing they are a tough sell. I will probably lower the price again and if it doesn’t sell just keep it for late ice or do something like you mentioned above

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5097

    I’m donating mine…not much value in them anymore. I’m sure you can find a group around you that does kids or veterans fishing events. Might be an option for you.

    Posts: 411

    I feel for you, just as an example though, I was up on Red, weekend before last. There were a LOT of people as you might imagine, I think I heard exactly one gas auger all weekend. I’d look to advertise as far North as you can, specifically, as those are the areas you might find someone still relying on a gas auger for very thick late season ice, though maybe not even then.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Yeah. I am not stressing over it. I have to do a fence this spring so I might just keep it for that.

    If it sells good if not no big deal

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    guess i dont understand the hate for gas augers………….

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5097

    guess i dont understand the hate for gas augers………….

    No hate, I loved mine. The new lithium ones are half the weight, start with a button push, and you don’t deal with gas. Just better options out there.

    Posts: 390

    Agree with Matt, no hate here either but the electric options available today are superior in pretty much every way except drilling tons of holes on late ice. I am keeping my SM with the solo 154 as a second auger because they don’t hold much value any more and its nice for when my family is hitting different lakes or one person is up north and one stays in the cities. Always been a finicky engine, but I anticipate it will keep running another 10 years.

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