Jet Ski Pricing

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    I’ve never owned a jet ski but have rented one a few times. My kids are a good age for one and considering it. I saw a used one for sale today. It is a 2013 Sea Doo GTX 260 asking $9000 (includes trailer). Everything looks in good shape.

    The price seems high to me but a quick scan for new show prices start at 15-16k (plus tax) and I’m not sure if that comes with trailer.

    Any thoughts on this price? And anything else to consider?

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Here’s a pic

    1. IMG_6028-scaled.jpeg

    michael keehr
    Posts: 363

    Those machines were around 16000 new. That may not be a horrible price depending on upkeep. Don’t know if you have looked at the seeds spark or not but you can find the 90 hp versions around as carryover and buy under 9 grand for brand new. I know the are totally different category but we have more fun on those than the big machines

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Thanks Michael.

    I could use some help differentiating the categories. Yes I see the Spark line up is the Rec Lite and least expensive. The GTI is the Recreation and middle pricing. And the GTX is the Touring and most expensive.

    What’s the differences?

    Posts: 2075

    I can’t add much knowledge other than some of those big ones are like riding a couch and not much fun to whip around and jump . The smaller ones are more fun for horsing around . The best ones of all though are the ones that are 300 yards or further away from me when I’m fishing mrgreen

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1435

    Before you buy consider buying stock in petroleum, they burn gas fast.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    ^That’s over a 1000# machine that’s 12’ long. They’re powerful and fast out of the hole, but I’d still get bored. The hulls are designed for speed and are more difficult to throw around or get out of the water. They will eat fuel as fast as you can pour it out.

    If you get the most powerful Sparx model they’re like riding a powerful dirtbike on the water. There’s also less to go wrong on them (suspension system, the braking, etc)

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Thanks that helps. I’m mainly looking for quality, low maintenance, and be able to handle at least two people. Guess I should be looking at Sparks or similar. I was just thrown by the price difference. Why spend 9k for one that’s 10 years old if you can get a brand new one for that. Guessing there are some other differences I’m still not aware of. I’ll have to talk to a dealer if I get serious.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1435

    One thing you said about riding 2 people that’s fine if they are small but they are very difficult to ride if the riders =400lbs or more, ask me I know. In regards to the sparks.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Cool, thanks guys!

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    I was in the same situation as you a couple of years ago. I purchased a Yamaha Waverunner EX Sport from RiverValley in Red Wing. I see they show them in stock for about $9,100. I think a nice, aluminum trailer will add about another $1,500. I was looking for used, but two years ago, prices for used were not discounted enough vs. new.

    The EX Sport is actually rated for 3 people so you can have two on the Waverunner and also tow a tube. The EX Sport is at the low end of the Yamaha models but it’s everything I need in a jet ski. It’s plenty fast enough and weighs only about 543 pounds. Easily handles two riders. My boy and I (about 400 lbs) have both been on it and it pops right up on plane and cruises just fine. And the financing rates are pretty decent if you want to go that route. The Waverunners are four strokes. I’m not sure about the Sea Doos. And Yamahas, at least their outboards, have a great reputation for quality.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12669

    I can’t speak to the jetski market, but I can say I’ve never seen a sad person on a jetski. And they say you can’t put a price on happiness! rotflol

    Posts: 25044

    The Spark would definitely be a more entertaining option out there because they are more sporty and not like riding a pontoon compared to many of the others. I think they have a 90hp motor but Im not sure what one it is. Is it the 900 ACE or is it and ETEC?

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Good info Boone. And I agree Werm! You guys have me convinced on the lighter weight, more agile. I’ve always liked getting wet when on a jet ski but never really thought about the difference in hulls, etc

    Posts: 890

    I purchased a brand new SeaDoo GTI SE 170 and a GTR 230 last year. Both are fun units and go plenty fast 57 and 68 mph. If you are into traveling long distances or are running in wavy waters, you’re going to want the non Spark chassis for stability. If you plan on pulling tubers or someone waterskiing, you’re also not going to want a Spark due to the lower hp and lighter weight. We spent a couple of days on the Gull Lake chain with them and logged on 150+ miles and had fun but noticed that the wakes from a bunch of large boats will get things a little uneasy if your not ready for it. I have driven Sparks and yah, they can be fun and are inexpensive, but if you want to ride comfortably while still having all of the sporty feeling and added power the midsize GT hull is the way to go. I didn’t want or like the larger GTX hull.
    I retired my fishing boat from pulling tubers for hours on end and find it much easier using the jetski. There are lots of lower hr used units to choose from if you’re savvy online.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Pris and cons it sounds like. Just like boats!

    In the past I do admit I’ve felt bored on the bigger ones after cruising for awhile. I’ve always liked trying to dunk the nose and tear around versus just having fast top speed.

    Anyone have insight into the Trixx model? I agree with Bucky I wouldn’t want extra stuff to fail or maintain. But the vertical wheelies, spin outs, and open nose for diving do look pretty cool!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    It is my understanding that the Trixx model is the same hull, and just has different graphics, adjustable handlebars, and different footing pads for the “wheelies”?

    I jumped on one last summer on the river and it was fun to mess around on. I haven’t been on the non-Trixx model though.

    Posts: 19842

    You’re looking at the right time as the covid prices/availability for used PWC’s have come back to earth, new PWC’s have basically increased $1,000-$2,000 each of the past 4 years…in terms of the Spark models, just be careful of the hulls, they are basically plastic and can crack. The Trixx model adds an extended trim system and foot chalks that basically allows you to ride water wheelies…There are rumors that a completely new Spark design is coming out next year…more power and a redesigned hull…

    I’m a Yamaha guy, so happy to answer any questions you might have on their lineup, I’ve owned about 7 Yamaha PWCs over the years..

    Posts: 13084

    We have a Trixx model at the lake. Teenage boys love it. Wheelies jumping tight turns. Easily ride 2. Pulls skiers and tubers. Been problem free outside of user error.
    I go for a rip around the lake a couple times a summer to cool off. Fun machines.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    Thanks for the input on the Trixx. That’s the way I’m leaning currently.

    Posts: 19842

    The 2024 Trixx model got some nice upgrades including the bigger digital info screen, but like I said, there’s tons of rumors of a complete redesign of the Spark models next year, if that happens there will be tons of older models for sale cheap…

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    The 2024 Trixx model got some nice upgrades including the digital info screen, but like I said, there’s tons of rumors of a complete redesign of the Spark models next year, if that happens there will be tons of older models for sale cheap…

    Yeah two ways of looking at that. Sometimes there are kinks with the new models. If there’s no complaints with the current model then…

    Posts: 19842

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JoeMX1825 wrote:</div>
    The 2024 Trixx model got some nice upgrades including the digital info screen, but like I said, there’s tons of rumors of a complete redesign of the Spark models next year, if that happens there will be tons of older models for sale cheap…

    Yeah two ways of looking at that. Sometimes there are kinks with the new models. If there’s no complaints with the current model then…

    that’s what your warranty is for, but I get it…. The industry insiders have been hyping the new Spark for awhile now… its supposed to be a monster…

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    that’s what your warranty is for, but I get it…. The industry insiders have been hyping the new Spark for awhile now… its supposed to be a monster…

    I appreciate the info. Thanks Joe!

    Posts: 13084

    Just watched a video on new features on 2024 not a single one that jumped out as a must have.
    They basically changed the seat a little.
    Digital screen is not new as ours has one. Had it for 3-4 summers now.
    New or used kids will like.

    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 891

    I must not be the norm.

    Give me a late 90s early 00s hull any day over these boats they have now. A Pro785 or a GP1200R both have amazing hulls and the motor to match. The 785 is a bit of a mechanics dream as they can be finicky, but damn they are fun to rip around on.

    You are obviously looking for a newer machine. But I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase an older Waverunner. You can get parts just about anywhere because they made(make) them for so long.

    Also a Honda F12 and F12X are both very nice options. They’ve not as nimble as I like, but very reliable and pretty quick.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6337

    One issue for me is I’m not very mechanical. I’m not looking for a project. I’m not opposed to buying used (most my toys I’ve bought used) but a 20 year old jet ski doesn’t seem like a good fit for me.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    There’s a lower hour ’06 Sea Doo sitting in my in-laws shed that was an “easy fix” from someone who owed them some money.

    …it’s on it’s second full year there. Parts availability is one thing, but I hate working on stuff that’s in real confined areas. Jet Skis wouldn’t be high on my list of things I wanted to tinker on.

    Posts: 13084

    Another advantage to the trixx. Top half is plastic and basically all comes apart to get at whatever you need.

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