Jawjacker Tip Up

  • jld
    Posts: 813

    Has anyone used these? I received a couple of these last Christmas but I don’t do much tip up fishing; more running and gunning but if they are effect I may think about trying them. I still have them in the package, never opened as I planned to return them but never got to it. Good or bad please let me know. They may end up in the classifieds. Thanks.

    Tanner Voeller
    Otsego MN
    Posts: 29

    Im almost positive that it is illegal to even use these in minnesota so if you are located here in mn I would check to make sure before you use them.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3064

    You list no location in your profile but jld has Holmen Wisconsin as his location. I would assume that is where he plans to use these.

    Posts: 813

    Illegal? Really? They must catch fish then if MN DNR has outlawed them. There doesn’t seem to be anything “special” about these. Looks to basically be a rod holder that sits on the ice. I will have to dig into that because I do fish MN a little bit.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Yes, not legal to use in MN as it “set’s the hook for you”…Same with Ontario. Wisconsin it is perfectly legal and have seen many people use them.

    Posts: 813

    That is good to know. Thanks for the info.

    Posts: 1217

    Does anyone else find it odd that a tip up that holds a rod that is loaded under tension and releases when a fish bites thereby taking up slack and setting the hook is illegal, but trolling with a down rigger that holds a rod that is loaded under tension and releases when a fish bites thereby taking up slack and setting the hook is legal.



    Posts: 1048


    My complaint as well there is no difference. Look how long it took MN to approve quick strike rigs.


    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3064

    Does anyone else find it odd that a tip up that holds a rod that is loaded under tension and releases when a fish bites thereby taking up slack and setting the hook is illegal, but trolling with a down rigger that holds a rod that is loaded under tension and releases when a fish bites thereby taking up slack and setting the hook is legal.



    Well there ya go,,,,,,,,,, just mount the jaw jacker on a RC boat doing circles in the hole. Now you are trolling a jaw jacker down rigger.

    James Walliser
    Posts: 14

    I have a couple that I’ve used for 3 or 4 years. I first used them while living in Colorado fishing for rainbows and browns. They are relatively popular out west as they originated in Idaho. Recently, I moved to Virginia and have taken them out to Deep Creek Lake in western MD fishing for walleye and jumbo perch. I was surprised to find they were much less effective out here with a high proportion of poor hook sets. In retrospect I think there are few possible causes: different bait/hook and the rod weight. In CO I used small tungsten jigs tipped with waxies on a med light rod. In MD I used bull minnows on a treble with the same med light rod. The jawjacker has a hair trigger, which works well with a small, single hook jig (most of my trout are hooked firmly on the front lip). And the med light rod is just right for 13-16″ trout. But the hair trigger with a 3″ minnow did not do the trick on the md light rod. The jawjacker would get tripped and I would begin fighting the fish but lost probably 7 of 8 fish that hit the bait. I’m going to try them again this winter but use a minnow on a jig along with a stiffer rod that should set the hook a little more firmly.

    I found they were great to use with kids or newbies too.

    One other piece of advice, set them in holes close by because it is difficult to spot the tripped rod at a distance (especially in low light). Also, when close by you can usually hear the jawjacker get tripped.

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