It’s still around – Covid that is.

  • wkw
    Posts: 646

    Even as we speak, 60 Minutes is talking about Covid. We’re all gonna die if we don’t do what we’re told. Oh,that’s right,it’s an election year. Same as last time.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15515

    That’s a re run episode. From over a year ago.

    They’re still looking for real evidence of a Thylacine in Australia too.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22021

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    Gim no one in their right mind would go to fleet farm and get it.

    Oh I think you might be surprised. Some not very bright people out there that could easily get misinformed.

    Let’s put this absurd response in perspective… and misinformed people. These people who were told they are going to die if they get Covid, they hear that Ivermectin will potentially save their families lives & were then told by the government “you can’t have it”… did some of them resort to getting it anywhere they could ??? Yes. Yeah, who was misinformed ? Again, remember the cooler warehouse ?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15515

    Let’s put this absurd response in perspective… and misinformed people. These people who were told they are going to die if they get Covid, they hear that Ivermectin will potentially save their families lives & were then told by the government “you can’t have it”… did some of them resort to getting it anywhere they could ??? Yes. Yeah, who was misinformed ? Again, remember the cooler warehouse ?

    No argument here. Was simply telling wkw that’s he’s about a year late on last night’s episode. Maybe he’s been living in a cave for a year.

    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 650

    Gim no one in their right mind would go to fleet farm and get it.

    Wasn’t there a guy that drank Lysol or Clorox because it said on the bottle it kills 99.99% of germs including Covid?

    Also, there are people that ate Tide Pods.

    But, I guess you are correct, no one in their “right mind” would do that. )

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22021

    people will do lots of stupid things, when they are misinformed by a stupid government. crazy

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15515

    Absolutely. That’s why you follow your doctor’s advice. Not what you see on social media, the news, hear from a politician, or hear on a forum

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22021

    yes, because Doctors were not told by the government agencies, what they could prescribe and what they could not prescribe during the plandemic. coffee

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11121

    Update on my Covid situation. I ended up only taking the plaxolvid for 2 days ( 4 dose’s ) was feeling better after 2 days and didn’t want to risk any more side effects than necessary ( yes I know you are supposed to take all meds to the end ) rather or not the meds helped shorten or lessen the symptoms or not I can’t say. To be honest, I was starting to feel better by the time I started taking them. Overall it probably lasted me about 5 days with about 3 of them being somewhat bad. I’d say not any worse than some flu’s I’ve had in the past. That about how I think of Covid these days. About like the flu. Some are worse than others. I will say I think sweating it out of me by playing 18 holes of golf and going fishing back to back on Friday probably helped. As strange as that sounds. I was just not willing to let it stop me from my summer plans.

    Posts: 4046

    Yep My wife has it right now, got it while on Vacation.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11121

    Yep My wife has it right now, got it while on Vacation.

    Sorry to hear that. Hope her case is a mild one.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11121

    When it come right down to it. All of us are free to get their Info. and take advise from what ever source they feel the most comfortable with. They are then free to use that Info. in whatever way they feel is best for them. In a ideal world we’d have one true source of Info., but these days we are living in a far from Ideal world. Their is some things I’d take advise from many here about. There are other things not so much so. When it comes to medical issue’s I prefer to listen to a Dr. that I know and trust. If you don’t trust your Dr.’s advise, I’d find a new Dr.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11121

    Glad you are feeling better FT!

    Thanks. I was mostly better in time for my round of golf on Friday and for a full weekend of fishing so that was a big Plus. Feeling about back to 100% today.

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