It’s still around – Covid that is.

  • FinnyDinDin
    Posts: 1029

    Can we all call it for what it is? There is no vaccine for Covid. mRNA shots are not vaccines. Real vaccines have been around for centuries. They changed a centuries old definition to fit the governments agenda. It is an injustice to real vaccines that actually work. People are finally done shaming us for not taking the shots. Can we all stop calling it what it’s not.

    Lots of mud was tossed around on here from some members shaming us for living our lives, not taking the shots and not buying in to the government and medias BS regarding Covid. Did they ever come on and admit they were wrong?

    Hope you get better fishthumper. They cooked up a weird virus that they let loose on us. Get well.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Fishthumper are you or your wife vaccinated?

    I had the original 2 rounds of the vaccination. My wife had those and 1 be honest I don’t think the vaccination plays any role in rather you get it or not. I know people who have had every vacation and booster they have had and still got it. I know some who never got a vaccination and have not. Then again those people do t bother testing for it when they are ill so they would never know. Not that it matters. I just wa Ted to know since I come into customers on a daily basis and some are older and in poor health. When I’m sick rather COVID or flu or a bad cold. I just work from home or at the office with the door locked. I’m not sure if I’m helping anyone or not but I feel better knowing someone didn’t most likely get it from me. As far as friends or family goes I tell them I’m sick and let them decide if they want to avoid me or not. Some do, other don’t care. Their choice and I’m fine either way

    Posts: 2018

    I’ve got it twice in the 4/5 years it’s been around . The second time was better but not by much . Self medicated and made it bearable . Was a doubter in it till I got it . Definitely not fun for me , for others it’s not an issue . First 36 hours are rough but then it’s just a sickness . I never get headaches and remember that and the chills the most. Good luck man .

    Posts: 3696

    I got covid the first time around never got my smell back I do mean nothing. Been years now.

    Two of my family members too, although one went on Ivermectin and said he got 80% of it back. It’s not a cure-all for everyone, but could help.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    the wife and I never got it. only took the first doses. and we didnt live in a cocoon either.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    A new unknown Virus, treated by a cheap readily available drug, would not make big pharma any money.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3195

    I had the original 2 rounds of the vaccination. My wife had those and 1 be honest I don’t think the vaccination plays any role in rather you get it or not. I know people who have had every vacation and booster they have had and still got it.

    I think the concept behind the vaccine was to lessen the degree of sickness if you got the stuff. Who knows. There was, and still is, so much mis-information around that it’s hard to tell fact from fiction.

    Today I am of the opinion that even with vaccinations people contracted the covid and, as some have alluded to, the stint was mild compared to what some experienced. I also think that a whole lot more people had covid and didn’t realize it and that because of that the stuff spread enough to enhance either immunized or natural immunity. I’ve had the first round injections and all of the boosters due to personal health concerns. On two occasions I thought I had the flu or some cough bug and tested positive one day, negative the next, on both occasions, so I also am of the opinion that those home tests as well as those administered in clinical environs are way less accurate than the medical community has led us to believe.

    I’m limited as to what I can take for flu/cold/cough relief so when I come down with something I just tough it out. If others should catch this bug, do whatever YOU need to do to deal with it, because covid has such a broad range of symptoms and testing sucks, its really tough to flat out call it covid. And keep in mind that if you head to the er and they find pneumonia in you, they’ll tie it right to covid.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    A new unknown Virus, treated by a cheap readily available drug, would not make big phrama any money.

    I think you forgot the part about Merck’s motivation specifically, how did they profit from it?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Best advice anyone can get on this subject is from a medical doctor. Not from the media, online, or from a politician. Ask your doctor about treatment and vaccines if you’re unsure.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I think calling it a cold at this point is reasonable. That’s what we used to call this kind of mild illness. My sense of taste went for a long time after getting sick a couple years back and its never been the same since.
    I try not to think about 2020-2021. Darkest history in my lifetime.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Best advice anyone can get on this subject is from a medical doctor. Not from the media, online, or from a politician. Ask your doctor about treatment and vaccines if you’re unsure.

    I’d agree with this but Dr.’s were all over the place when it came to covid. There was some Dr.’s that refused the vaccination and risked losing their jobs over it. Others told people to get vaccinated even though they themselves did not. It was just a poor situation.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I’m not in any kind of position to be arguing with a doctor on a subject they spent 8 or 10 years in higher education on, plus however long they’ve been in practice. I’ll take their advice.

    The other alternative is to avoid people. That’s where germs come from.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Side note on the Plaxovid. The pharmacist had to talk with me at the drive up window when I picked up the med. She said don’t be surprised if I don’t start feeling better for 4-5 days. I thought to myself that even without the meds I’d expect to be feeing better in 4-5 days. I took dose #2 of 10 this morning. I will say that I do seem to feel a little better today than yesterday. Not sure if med related or not. Hope to be feeling well enough by tomorrow morning to get out and do a little fishing. Cancelled out on my buddy last night. Just thought the smart thing was to lay low and rest us some for a few more days.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    I’m not in any kind of position to be arguing with a doctor on a subject they spent 8 or 10 years in higher education on, plus however long they’ve been in practice. I’ll take their advice.

    The other alternative is to avoid people. That’s where germs come from.

    Not saying I’m in disagreement with you. Was just saying I would have felt far better about their advise had they all been agreement on the subject being they all mostly received the same level of education.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Was just saying I would have felt far better about their advise had they all been agreement on the subject being they all mostly received the same level of education.

    I don’t have experience with hundreds of doctors so I can’t comment on what each of their opinions is. I can only comment and follow the ones I see when I need medical advice in person, which is not very many to be honest.

    Doctors and medical professionals can differ on medical opinion. I don’t really care what they do on that front. The advice they give me is intended for me because of my age, weight, family history, allergies, and personal health. I wouldn’t expect the same health advice for each and every patient given the wide range or age, weight, genetics, underlying health conditions, and many other factors.

    Posts: 749

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fishthumper wrote:</div>
    Was just saying I would have felt far better about their advise had they all been agreement on the subject being they all mostly received the same level of education.

    I don’t have experience with hundreds of doctors so I can’t comment on what each of their opinions is. I can only comment and follow the ones I see when I need medical advice in person, which is not very many to be honest.

    Doctors and medical professionals can differ on medical opinion. I don’t really care what they do on that front. The advice they give me is intended for me because of my age, weight, family history, allergies, and personal health. I wouldn’t expect the same health advice for each and every patient given the wide range or age, weight, genetics, underlying health conditions, and many other factors.

    I used to share your opinion and feeling. After this entire Covid situation my mind has been changed, unfortunately.

    Posts: 24606

    I used to share your opinion and feeling. After this entire Covid situation my mind has been changed, unfortunately.

    Yup, its hard very hard to trust someone’s advice when they stand to make money off the things they prescribe or shots they administer or whether or not they put someone on a ventilator.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>acarroline wrote:</div>
    I used to share your opinion and feeling. After this entire Covid situation my mind has been changed, unfortunately.

    Yup, its hard very hard to trust someone’s advice when they stand to make money off the things they prescribe or shots they administer or whether or not they put someone on a ventilator.

    Unfortunately if there is profit to be made, someone will take advantage of that. Which includes the medical field. I don’t disagree on that.

    I still am not in a position to argue though. I’d look like a bumbling idiot if I started arguing with a doctor at an appointment. They would make me look like a fool in a medical debate or conversation.

    If you feel comfortable confronting or offering a differing opinion with one, by all means, do it. I hope you have a good data set to back it up though.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Dr. Fauci… Dr. Jill… the term is meaningless to me now. coffee

    As far as Merck… the government agencies had many people/business saying & doing things they didn’t agree with… lest they brought the wrath on themselves. whistling

    Posts: 24606

    Him I am not saying I’d argue with a Dr but I’m definitely going to ask a ton of difficult questions to see how they respond. Health care and treatment is a right and you owe it to yourself to get the treatment and care you deserve.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    As far as Merck… the government agencies had many people/business saying & doing things they didn’t agree with… lest they brought the wrath on themselves. whistling

    So big pharma needed profits from covid so the government forced this big pharma company to not make profits from covid… jester

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    In simple terms… 5 day prescription of Ivermectin could be had for .60 – $1.40… when Covid came out. It would be much more lucrative to come up with another “life saving” drug that they can charge hundreds if not thousands for… I mean its the drugs or your life, when this stuff started… remember the cooler warehouse for all the bodies ? coffee

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    There have been several more studies done since the one Reef W linked and they’ve all said the same. No real statistical difference between a placebo and Ivermectin. I saw a couple of studies that showed one day earlier to have no symptoms with Ivermectin over doing nothing at all. Doesn’t sound like much of a treatment to me, but I do agree with many about the newly and conveniently redefined definition of vaccines.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    In simple terms… 5 day prescription of Ivermectin could be had for .60 – $1.40… when Covid came out. It would be much more lucrative to come up with another “life saving” drug that they can charge hundreds if not thousands for… I mean its the drugs or your life, when this stuff started… remember the cooler warehouse for all the bodies ? coffee

    I’m trying to follow your logic. I get that something more expensive than ivermectin makes more money and “they” want to make more. So Pfizer and Moderna is “they” in this case? Merck has the cure but Pfizer/Moderna wants to make extra money so the government forces Merck to hide Ivermectin. Merck goes along with this why? And why was Pfizer/Moderna chosen to collect the windfall?

    How about this… Ivermectin works but it’s cheap. Merck reformulates it with a new name and charges thousands for it and pays off Fauci or the government or whatever to get away with it. “They” make money and the “cure” comes out almost immediately which would be a big win at the time. That seems like it would be a plausible and easy scam but that didn’t happen. So maybe it doesn’t work?

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1428

    I can’t belive people even talk about this anymore!

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1023

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fishthumper wrote:</div>
    I had the original 2 rounds of the vaccination. My wife had those and 1 be honest I don’t think the vaccination plays any role in rather you get it or not. I know people who have had every vacation and booster they have had and still got it.

    I think the concept behind the vaccine was to lessen the degree of sickness if you got the stuff.

    No, we were told it would prevent infection by the “scientists.” You might have meant that it ‘evolved’ to ‘it will lessen the symptoms’ once people found out that it was not preventing them from testing positive…

    Posts: 24606

    Ivermectin 100% does work. The “vaccines” do not. They do not prevent illness or even lesson symptoms. They actually make you more susceptible to covid after getting a booster. Its well documented. It was known very early on, but they kept trumpeting the shots as the savior.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Coming up with a “new drug” takes time… especially an existing one with another name. The telling sign is when the AMA and FDA and every other acronym in the government, made it nearly impossible for a doctor to write a prescription for Ivermectin to combat the virus. Very telling to me.


    Talking about huge blunders in society, should help us learn from them and not let them happen again. Like others said, 2020-2021 and more, are a black eye on this country and world over. And nobody is concerned how it happened or if it will again ? Meh

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