It's Here……

  • belletaine
    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    By the end of business tomorrow we will most likely have lost $100,000 due to this.

    To quote the movie Airplane, looks like I picked a bad year to retire.

    Posts: 4941

    By the end of business tomorrow we will most likely have lost $100,000 due to this.

    To quote the movie Airplane, looks like I picked a bad year to retire.

    A lot of us are in the same boat- (There that has a fishing reference)

    IMHO the Saudis have had more to do with the Stock market crash.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Crappieguy133 wrote:</div>
    Are people serious about being concerned over this or is this thread a hoax with a bunch of snow flakes? If the flu was ever tracked like this story it would be way worse than this. This is all media and yet the world is crashing because of it. WOW!

    Watch that video posted above with Joe Rogan and a disease specialist (who happens to be a Minnesotan).

    The specialists in the field are predicting 96,000,000 cases and 480,000 deaths in the US…….

    Even if they whiff on that number and it’s a quarter of that, it’s a scary scenario.

    It’s an airborne virus.

    He eluded that washing your hands is pretty much a feel-good measure.

    The disease doubles every four days. People are contagious before symptoms begin. Check back in 4 weeks and look at the numbers.

    We’re around a 1,000 cases right now.

    1,000, 2,000, 4,000, 8,000, 15,000, 30,000, 60,000, 120,000, 250,000, 500,000, 1,000,000, 2,000,000, 4,000,000, 12,000,000…..etc

    If you bury your head in the sand I guess you won’t be able to breath it in……

    That Dr. was selling his book and organizational funding hard. His predictions were based on hyperbole and whimsy. Instead of stating the actual death rate (3ish% of those INFECTED), he says its 20-30x the flu rate. Instead of basing his predictions off of the actual data from China or South Korea (where they are months along in fighting this, and have significant data sets) he bases it off of computer modeling and exponential growth and yet he says it’s a conservative estimate. The elderly and immune compromised should be taking this seriously and minimizing their time in large groups, but by the 4th of July we will be laughing at our overreaction. And our Retirement accounts will have rebounded by Memorial Day or sooner.

    Posts: 6631

    We all of course hope that this thing blows over, but you’re looking into a crystal ball of your own.

    We don’t know what we don’t know.

    Posts: 24606

    We all of course hope that this thing blows over, but you’re looking into a crystal ball of your own.

    We don’t know what we don’t know.

    Correct, but we do know what it has done elsewhere, what on Earth would make anyone predict something completely different than what has taken place elsewhere? That is completely and utterly irresponsible along with fear mongering.

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    Wow… this thread is sure… interesting.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    I personally am not worried about my health. I am slightly worried about the effects of everybody else doing dumb things – robbing and looting stores for supplies, even homes? Who knows… there are crazies out there. This is getting out of hand, and I’m not talking about the virus, I’m talking about the reactions. I picture this being like a few scenes from the movie, “I am Legend.”

    I’m leaving for Devil’s Lake tomorrow and escaping civilization for a few days. I will probably be screened(joking?) at the boarder when I return and showing up to work with an email saying we are now working from home.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Just gonna throw these numbers out there. These are the most recent numbers I could find courtesy of the World Health Organization and the U.S. CDC. Feel free to look them up yourselves.

    COVID 19 (source World Health Organization website)
    1st know case sometime in Dec. of 2019 through March 11th
    118,326 confirmed cases GLOBALLY
    4,292 deaths GLOBALLY

    Influenza (source U.S. CDC website)
    From Oct. 1st, 2019 through Feb. 29th, 2020
    34,000,000 – 49,000,000 estimated illnesses *edit* (U.S. cases only)
    20,000 – 52,000 deaths *edit* (U.S. cases only)

    Please explain to me why I need to panic about COVID 19. Not about the hysteria, but about the virus itself.

    somebody correct me if im wrong

    118,326 confirmed cases GLOBALLY 4,292 deaths GLOBALLY = 3.6% death rate
    34,000,000 estimated illnesses 52,000 deaths = .0015% ( or much less than 1%)

    now if you extrapolate those numbers off of say the projection of 96,000,000 cases (TOTALLY fine if you believe that number is BS and wouldn’t argue with you on that but the fact remains some people believe this and thus why they are worried)

    96,000,000 x 3.6% = 3,456,000 deaths

    so to answer your question people are worried about the potential for 3.5 million people to die from this. Now if you don’t believe what some people say about the potential of this virus then i see no reason for you to worry.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    118,326 confirmed cases GLOBALLY 4,292 deaths GLOBALLY = 3.6% death rate
    34,000,000 estimated illnesses 52,000 deaths = .0015% ( or much less than 1%)

    They key difference is that the covid-19 stat is based on confirmed cases whereas influenza stats are based on estimates. It’s safe to assume there are far more covid-19 cases out there than have been confirmed which would lower the percentage. Of course the covid-19 deaths could also be under reported due to lack of testing…

    Another thing I don’t see people mentioning much is that when 30-50 million get influenza that is happening when over 100 million people are vaccinated against the most common strains whereas there is no vaccine for covid-19. I believe that is the basis for predicting the possibility of huge amounts of infections.

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2220

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>
    118,326 confirmed cases GLOBALLY 4,292 deaths GLOBALLY = 3.6% death rate
    34,000,000 estimated illnesses 52,000 deaths = .0015% ( or much less than 1%)

    They key difference is that the covid-19 stat is based on confirmed cases whereas influenza stats are based on estimates. It’s safe to assume there are far more covid-19 cases out there than have been confirmed which would lower the percentage. Of course the covid-19 deaths could also be under reported due to lack of testing…

    Another thing I don’t see people mentioning much is that when 30-50 million get influenza that is happening when over 100 million people are vaccinated against the most common strains whereas there is no vaccine for covid-19. I believe that is the basis for predicting the possibility of huge amounts of infections.

    And, it’s 0.15%, not 0.0015%. Still much lower than COVID 19 of course, but this is based on available numbers. I’m still convinced that when the dust settles, the actual death rate for COVID will be much lower than it appears now.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    I am prepping my boat tomorrow and am prepared to quarantine myself on the river until I run out of TP and hand sanitizer.

    X2 here. Not worried about the TP part though.. I have plenty of extra socks in the boat )

    Posts: 6631

    Just read that the NHL has suspended the season for the time being too. Sitting in an arena with your 20,000 closest friends isn’t a great idea for the time being, especially since people are contagious prior to having symptoms.

    I’m glad to see some proactive approaches to hopefully slow down and squash this stupid thing.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    We were supposed to be going to a concert tomorrow night… but we cancelled. May have to eat the ticket cost unless the show is postponed… which it could be, stuff is getting cancelled left and right

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>B-man wrote:</div>
    We all of course hope that this thing blows over, but you’re looking into a crystal ball of your own.

    We don’t know what we don’t know.

    Correct, but we do know what it has done elsewhere, what on Earth would make anyone predict something completely different than what has taken place elsewhere? That is completely and utterly irresponsible along with fear mongering.

    They are predicting a very different outcome in the US than China. This is a respiratory thing, most of the deaths in China were older men. 60% of the men in China smoke. Smoking is much lower in the US so they think the death toll will be much lower in the US or they think it may affect obese people more. At this point it is speculation but it won’t affect us the same as other countries.

    Posts: 6631

    The Big 10 Championship is cancelled totally, not even playing it now.

    I’ll bet the entire NCAA tournament will be canceled too before the end of the day.

    There’s a different kind of March Madness his year.

    Posts: 24606

    They are predicting a very different outcome in the US than China. This is a respiratory thing, most of the deaths in China were older men. 60% of the men in China smoke. Smoking is much lower in the US so they think the death toll will be much lower in the US or they think it may affect obese people more. At this point it is speculation but it won’t affect us the same as other countries.

    Not if you believe the 96,000,000 number of infected US citizens that was the reason for my comment in the first place. Those numbers are ludicrous.
    Could there be a difference in projections in US or any other country from what happened/happening in China? Absolutely, but to think that the number would dwarf what China experienced and broadcasting that to the masses is irresponsible to put it mildly.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I would much, much rather we be proactive and conclude this with far fewer deaths than flu than to be cavalier as a society and find out much later that a giant number of people died because half of us couldn’t be bothered to give a sh**.

    Couldn’t agree more, well played.

    Posts: 24606

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>greig john wrote:</div>
    I would much, much rather we be proactive and conclude this with far fewer deaths than flu than to be cavalier as a society and find out much later that a giant number of people died because half of us couldn’t be bothered to give a sh**.

    Couldn’t agree more, well played.

    This is very true, but the same can be done without all the ridiculousness of what misinformation is being spread and causing fear.
    I have taken steps to hopefully mitigate myself or my family getting sick. Things I didnt do, I now do. IE — Spray any surface that could be touched daily with a disinfectant at least daily. Things I did, I do more frequently. IE wash hands and use hand sanitizer.
    This virus isnt resistant to heat and is affected greatly by the sun. Everyone crank your furnace up to 80 (77 is the temp that kills it) and keep your curtains open and hope for sunshine.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    2 questions –

    This is very true, but the same can be done without all the ridiculousness of what misinformation is being spread and causing fear.

    where is someone supposed to get the “correct” information?

    This virus isnt resistant to heat and is affected greatly by the sun. Everyone crank your furnace up to 80 (77 is the temp that kills it) and keep your curtains open and hope for sunshine.

    where are you getting this information from?

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    2 questions –

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    This is very true, but the same can be done without all the ridiculousness of what misinformation is being spread and causing fear.

    where is someone supposed to get the “correct” information?

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    This virus isnt resistant to heat and is affected greatly by the sun. Everyone crank your furnace up to 80 (77 is the temp that kills it) and keep your curtains open and hope for sunshine.

    where are you getting this information from?

    Orson Welles.

    Posts: 24606

    2 questions –

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    This is very true, but the same can be done without all the ridiculousness of what misinformation is being spread and causing fear.

    where is someone supposed to get the “correct” information?

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    This virus isnt resistant to heat and is affected greatly by the sun. Everyone crank your furnace up to 80 (77 is the temp that kills it) and keep your curtains open and hope for sunshine.

    where are you getting this information from?

    I am not saying where someone should get their information from, but rather use some common sense about what you believe or put too much stock in. I mean honestly that 96,000,000 projected infected in US? Come on. Referencing the WHO site and their data is better than some professor who “predicted” this day would come and has a book to sell.
    The last piece regarding resistance to heat came either from a WHO release on their twitter site or some place similar. I made up the part of cranking the heat up in the homes as a solution, but the other temperature and sunlight references were from a reputable source.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    My one big take away from this whole thing is that if a virus of this nature can cause this much panic and fear worldwide and in this Country – What would be the outcome if a truly deadly biological created virus was to be released ( Anthrax, Ebola, Ect. ) I remember a time this was a big fear. The air systems in major airports and malls became one of the most highly secured and guarded areas. With the amount of craziness and technology these days I’m sure its simply a matter of time till some thing like this happens on a MUCH large scale. Maybe this should be treated as a test run to such a situation

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    The last piece regarding resistance to heat came either from a WHO release on their twitter site or some place similar. I made up the part of cranking the heat up in the homes as a solution, but the other temperature and sunlight references were from a reputable source.

    Good Lord. Just stop typing. Like yesterday.

    Central MN
    Posts: 184

    Yup, that reputable bookface…

    1. 491BD7C6-48FE-4F4E-AB5E-5015A70035C1.png

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    I don’t want to alarm anyone, but the current death rate is 83% in the US. devil

    At this point I am all for cancelling and postponing any large gathering, anything to help get us past this thing. It’s reeking havoc on the stock market which will have ripple effects on the economy. NOt to mention it is reeking havoc on everyone’s mental state.

    Posts: 4800

    Wow! There’s lots of experts on here. We’re all gonna get it and 99% of the people will be just fine. Good god people move on and quit getting yourself all worked up. coffee

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    For those of you clamoring for the “correct information” do you realize this is a fluid situation, a mutation of a disease nobody has seen on this earth before, and nobody has the “correct information”???

    Wife and I were going to see Kenny Chesney on MAY 2nd and just got notice that it was cancelled. Crazy times!

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    K-12 Schools in Ohio are cancelled for at least the next 3 weeks. I would assume a democratic state like MN and their governor will be following suit eventually. It will now start to hit home for some people – are parents going to be taking those 3 weeks off work too if they don’t have childcare?

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    What would be the outcome if a truly deadly biological created virus was to be released ( Anthrax, Ebola, Ect. ) I remember a time this was a big fear. The air systems in major airports and malls became one of the most highly secured and guarded areas. With the amount of craziness and technology these days I’m sure its simply a matter of time till some thing like this happens on a MUCH large scale. Maybe this should be treated as a test run to such a situation

    Have you not seen the movie Contagion?

    We’re seeing some real life reactions now. eek

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