On a Thursday I bought an I-pad. I was setting it up that night and it asked for my apple ID which I had to reset since I forgot it. Everything was going well until the following Monday when I was notified that someone/thing on a Windows machine was trying to enter my apple account.
They were blocked and I changed my password.
This last Sunday, someone/thing enter into my comcast email account and sent off a ton of emails that had a link in them to a weight loss program (from what I’m told, I didn’t click on it). There was all the emails sent in my sent folder and I had 20 or so return because of in active email addresses.
I changed the password. Deleted the sent and returned fake emails then started looking around in the settings of my comcast account. There was a filter that would trash any email coming in that had “change”, “password” in the subject line. Deleted that.
This morning Google blocked someone trying to enter my Google account.
How the heck are they getting these passwords?! They aren’t easy like names or birthdays…
Yes I’ve changed bank accounts, cards and all the rest that I could think of.
I’m waiting for them to log in here…