issues sighting in my Thompsons Encore

  • erick
    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    I decided to take my Encore out yesterday (new) and get it broke in for smoke pole season and possibly this weekend. The issue I ran into with it is I have the vertical sight pegged all the way to the bottom and the gun is still shooting 3″ high at 50 yds. The 2 questions I have is I am shooting 100 grains of triple 7 with 240 grain Thompsons sabot. Help me refresh my brain if it is 3″ high at 50 yds it will be higher at 100 yds correct? I might need to run to the gunsmith today and have them adjusted I believe.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    What’s your comfortable maximum range for taking shots at? 3″ high at fifty will put you slightly high at 100. You should be good to go with that load. Myself I like heavier bullets than a 240 or 250, but that’s me. I’d leave it be.

    I spent a lot of time this summer burning powder in the long guns and found my best load was using a Hornady green sabot [for .430 bullets in .44 caliber] and a 300 grain XTP, .44 in the one I will hunt with. The slightly longer bullet really is a whole bunch more accurate way out to 200 yards. That’s with a 120 load of pyrodex. I haven’t tried any of the Blackhorn powder yet but plan to.

    Trent W
    Chatfield, MN
    Posts: 186

    Assuming your muzzle velocity is around 1900 fps, you will likely still be 1.5 to 2 inches high at 100 yards. You would need velocities above 2500 fps for the 100 yard shot to be higher than the 50. The 300 grain bullet Tom mentioned will likely get you closer to your mark at 50 yards and probably right on at 100.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Appreciate it guys I will put a 300 in her at lunch break today and see the results

    Posts: 9325

    I was shooting my T/C Pro Hunter FX today with 250gn shockwaves using 100gn of Blackhorn. When I was dead on at 100 I was 2 inches high at 50. Trying to decide if I should go back to 300gn Shockwaves. I would like to shoot to 200.

    Posts: 9325

    I should add that I was going to stay with the 250 grain bullet because I thought it would shoot platter at 200 yards but I like your idea Tom of it being more stable in the air at that distance.

    Posts: 9325

    Did you figure out your sights Erick?

    Posts: 696

    i know every gun will like different loads. i have a CVA Optima and after messing around with a few different load/bullet combo. i found out it loves 100gr 777 pellets with a 300gr Hornady® SST®-ML™ High-Speed Low™-Drag Sabots with Flex Tip® Technology
    its an inch high at 50 and an inch low at 100, which is pretty much very similar to most ML shooting 250-300gr bullet/100gr powder combo. i havent tried it past 100 since i shoot open sights but i have thought about puttin a scope on for the regular gun season tho
    theyre reasonable priced and its hard. shot a buck with it last yr at about 70yrds and it never took another step. i wasnt able to recover the bullet but the exit wound was the size of a tennis ball

    maybe give them a try dwn range

    good luck and be safe everyone

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    I went to 100 yds yesterday and it was dead on first shot in the ring and just above it 2nd shot. Plan to leave it as is for now and after gun season I will try different rounds before muzzleloader if needed.

    Posts: 696

    sounds like its dialed in to me =D

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Erick….Keep in mind that air temp can really mess with shot placement of a sighted gun. If you sight in during warm weather, make certain you run a couple with the gun cold if the thermometer decides to belly up. Black powder and subs can really get hinky in the cold.

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