My son shoots left handed and just uses a right handed gun. The shell eject isn’t a big deal, the main thing is having the safety on the top not down below by the trigger. He shot a youth model Mossberg bantam 20 ga. It was a combo and he still uses it for deer hunting with the slug barrel.
That sounds like a good way to go. For the mossberg slug gun was yours a newer one?For the small experience I’ve had with mossbergs I shot my first deer with my grandpas older mossberg that was deadly accurate. My brother had a mossberg combo from about 12 years ago and that thing was not the most accurate with the slug barrel.
Browning BPS makes an excellent youth 20 ga. shotgun. It is a bottom eject so it is perfect for lefty’s. When I was a kid, this was my gun. I used it for everything, including deer. IMO slug barrel isn’t necessary, but maybe Browning makes one for it?
Left hander here with left handed shooting kids – look at the Winchester SXP buck/bird combo as the Winchesters have a reversible safety. Yes it is a 12 but shoots soft and kids never minded it.
Thanks for the feedback will look into each one. For the Winchester how big and old were the kids when they started using it.
The little guy is a very tough wrestler but only 50 lbs I don’t want him flinching on his first gun or ever really.