ISO LOTW/Rainy chip

  • Fishwater83
    Posts: 117

    Looking to buy a non micro SD chip for a reasonable price. Older versions are fine. Sooner the better, heading up next Friday.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 925

    If you don’t locate one, I have a Garmin LakeVue HD card I’d be willing to loan you for the trip. If you would like to borrow it, PM your address and I’ll get it in the mail.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I think I have an extra Lake Master standared SD card, I’m heading up to wheelers Point area ariving 10-21 and heading back home the 26th. I’ll try to look for it tomorrow weather permitting as we have had a lot of rain here today. I haven’t looked at tomorrows forcast as of yet tonight.

    Posts: 117

    I really appreciate it Guys, I found one to borrow.

    Denny O, how much would you want for the standard chip? I do still want one to own.

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