Is my battery bad or is this normal?

  • mikegr
    Posts: 16

    I got a Marcum Showdown 5.6 last year and forgot to charge it between seasons so it sat for about a year. This year I let it fully charge, don’t know how long it took, and used it for about 2 hours. After that use I charged it again and it took about 6 hours for the light on the charger to turn green. Is it normal that it would take that long or does that mean my battery might be shot?

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    After that use I charged it again and it took about 6 hours for the light on the charger to turn green.

    I would suggest you purchase a inexpensive multi meter and use it to monitor your battery voltage. The green/red lights are notorious for being inaccurate. They give no information as to battery condition.

    Posts: 54

    I have one and it does take awhile to charge but for 2 hours of fishing shudnt take that long to charge.. My buddy has 4 chargers that marcum has sent them, it charges the battery but the light does not turn green on any of them but my charger works as does the light. I remember him saying that marcum said that it was common for the light to not work on the chargers.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    It can take that long with an auto charger especially since you didn’t treat your battery so well. Best practice is to charge it fully after each use and store it fully charged. It never hurts to put it back on the charger before using it since you can’t overcharge it like other types of batteries. You’ll get years of use out of it if you store it fully charged in a controlled temperature environment.

    Posts: 54

    Also what I do is when not doing and to prevent battery draining is to unplug showdown from battery when i had it sitting around

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