Is it possible to use Panoptix Downview while Icefishing without the pole system

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19572

    Has anybody tried some type of float system for the PS22? i’m guessing the thick transducer cable forces the transducer to turn sideways vs pointing straight down if using some type of float system? Just looking for ways to avoid using the cumbersome PVC pole system while downview icefishing….

    Posts: 813

    I haven’t tried but seems a pole-less set-up would be difficult because, not only does the transducer need to be oriented correctly in the vertical plane, but you don’t want it leaning to one side effecting the horizontal plane. Complicating the matter, that heavy cord gets very stiff in cold temps. You might be able to figure out a way to attach a heavy weight so that it pulls the cord straight? Then, you’d have a 20 pound ice unit and a 10 pound transducer. My other thought was maybe you could figure out a DIY smaller, thinner, less bulky pole system.

    Ryan Speers
    Waconia, MN
    Posts: 513

    I think the transducer cable will give you fits in two planes. Up/Down and Left/Right, although left/right would be easier to fix.

    Is the pole cumbersome because you are fishing in the same hole? When I am using it for downview fishing I usually drill multiple holes in a row so I am not fishing in the hole with the transducer. Might not always be an option though.

    Posts: 19572

    I just think the pole is cumbersome in general, if I can find a way to not use it, that would be ideal. I’m looking into the retractable Summit Fishing pole system..

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