Is it planting season yet? Maybe next week…

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    I had .66 inches more rain in the last 24 hours on top of already wet ground at my hunting property, so as ready as I am to get going, it’s a “maybe next week” scenario for me. Hopefully, some of you IDO hunting property managers are having a bit of a better go than I am.

    Sticker says the north-west part of the state is in go-time mode for planting on higher, lighter ground, so at least some of us are able to turn wheels.

    I have a couple of not-quite-made decisions I’m wrestling with.

    1. Should I cover crop the brassicas strips or just disc and leave fallow until the brassicas get planted in early July? On one hand, I’d love to provide the nutrition of a nice cover crop like oats. It would also be a great plow down “green manure” soil addition and of course weed control is a benefit.

    On the other hand, it adds a series of to-dos that I’m not sure I want to invest time in. I’d have to disc it, plant it, then terminate it, disc it again, rock pick it, and only THEN could I get brassicas in. So it’d be a ton of extra work for only about 4-5 weeks of actual growing time.

    The weather may make the decision for me because if I don’t get this planted by mid-May at the latest, no way would it be worthwhile. What would you do?

    2. Where the heck do I get a good price on PELLETIZED lime? I don’t want ag lime because I don’t want to rut up the plots with a ag-size spreader. I just want bag lime that can be run out of a broadcaster, but where in the Cities can I get a price on this stuff? Cheapest I’ve found is Tractor Supply for $4 per 40 pound bag. Anyone seen a cheaper regular price?

    But all things considered, I feel great about this year. Big John, my 1965 John Deere fired up after a long winter’s nap after only about 5 seconds of cranking. I got Big John’s oil changed without problems and I even changed an oil bath air cleaner for the first time ever. Only read about these in old shop manuals. Classic technology, maybe not perfect, but highly durable.


    Posts: 850

    The cheapest I found was at Menards, when they have the 11% off

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Grouse, absolutely for sure plant the cover crop if at all possible. The benefits are many and it really isn’t that much more work. I would do it for the weed prevention alone, not to mention the other benefits. I have never and don’t think I will ever let a plot sit fallow, but that’s me.

    For the lime, you can get some ag lime bags and some pellet lime bags. Mix 2 ag lime to one pellet lime and it will run thru the fert spreader just fine.

    It’s go time for me this weekend. Everything is in but the corn and beans and that will happen saturday. Last weekend the farmers by our farm were planting like mad. Probably just corn, but they were getting it in the ground!! yay

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    It’d be really nice if I could plant the cover crop. More than likely the weather is going to make this decision for me. If it dries out enough to disc before mid-may, then I’ll plant it.

    On the other hand, if it really dries out, I’m going to run the rock picker over the whole plot again. To really get the best “sift” I need dry soil so that opportunity cannot be wasted considering the wet years we’ve had recently. Last year I hit the only week that was dry enough to use the rock bucket, so I can only hope that if the opportunity is there, I’ll be in position to do it again. My north plot needs a serious going over with the rock bucket again.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13888

    Grouse, absolutely for sure plant the cover crop if at all possible. The benefits are many and it really isn’t that much more work. I would do it for the weed prevention alone, not to mention the other benefits. I have never and don’t think I will ever let a plot sit fallow, but that’s me.

    For the lime, you can get some ag lime bags and some pellet lime bags. Mix 2 ag lime to one pellet lime and it will run thru the fert spreader just fine.

    It’s go time for me this weekend. Everything is in but the corn and beans and that will happen saturday. Last weekend the farmers by our farm were planting like mad. Probably just corn, but they were getting it in the ground!! yay

    X2 waytogo

    Posts: 384

    All my spring planting including the garden is done, I picked up my pel lime from work along with some triple 19 and 22-0-7-6 fertilizer for the plots

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    All my spring planting including the garden is done, I picked up my pel lime from work along with some triple 19 and 22-0-7-6 fertilizer for the plots

    Curious Sam, what is the 4th digit for? I have only seen 3 digits for fertilizer N-P-K.

    Posts: 727

    Frost seeded 1 acre of clover, and Got 18 acres of corn in so far thats it.. Been wet and cold here all spring.. hell we had 6in of snow on Monday MAY 1st!!!! shock

    Most of my stuff this year is mid or late summer plant so Ill be okay yet, this weekend should dry things out.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    The rye I planted at home about a week and a half ago is starting to come up pretty good. This warm weather now should get it going real good. I am hoping to get a double crop of this rye.

    1. rye-at-home.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12218

    I have test pots of my food plot blends growing on the patio at home, and they’re doing great. The clover/chicory blend hasn’t missed a beat despite the cold/wet/snow.

    Lots depends on what happens the rest of this week and next week. If it starts to dry out and we don’t get a ton more rain, I could be in good shape. A wet week next week would be bad…

    I’m very much looking forward to getting Eagle Forage Soybeans planted in a test plot on my own property up by Hinckley. I’m very eager to see how these beans perform in the tundra AND with heavy browsing pressure.


    Posts: 384

    It’s actually NPKS nitrogen phosphorus potassium and sulfer the sulfur is like steroids for root systems I throw it on my clover and alfalfa plots anywhere else I just use triple 19 and pel lime it’s nice working at a fertilizer plant I can get it in bulk or bagged

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    It’s actually NPKS nitrogen phosphorus potassium and sulfer the sulfur is like steroids for root systems I throw it on my clover and alfalfa plots anywhere else I just use triple 19 and pel lime it’s nice working at a fertilizer plant I can get it in bulk or bagged

    Gotcha, thanks. I have heard sulfur is great for clover.

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