I took my 9 year old grandson and his friend out on Saturday. Got started about 8 and quit at 2. 26 smallies and 1 northern. 14 of the smallies were 20″ or over. Biggest 3 were 21″ +. Smallest 17″. First cast for friend he got a 19 1/2″. His previous biggest fish ever was 12″ large mouth. Those 2 boys will remember this trip for a long time. Very few other boats out and most of them were trying to tuck in behind points to get out of wind. Boys pulled in all the fish. My job was to net, replace bait s, adjust baits, tie jigs, measure fish, photo, and most important avoid being hooked. I enjoyed myself as much as the boys. All fish were measured and boys would guess lengths. Grandson made a comment on one fish that “it was just another 19 incher”. Think they might have been spoiled?