Is Anybody Else Sick of Winter Already?

  • FryDog62
    Posts: 3696

    Hate to say it but it’s hard for me to call Minnesota a true 4 season climate when you have 7 months of winter, 2 weeks of spring, 3 1/2 months of summer and a month of Fall. A more balanced, real 4 season climate (I just got back from there) is Denver.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6007

    Denver is too crowded and so is the Twin cities (wait-why do i live here?)

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    That’s the #1 thing I hear when people say they couldn’t live here, they like the seasons too much.

    I do enjoy the 2 seasons here. I can’t say I miss having 4 seasons.

    The thing I didn’t like about 4 seasons is how unpredictable they were. I like a little unpredictability, but in MN you never know is a season is going to be short or long and every week you don’t know if you are getting a stretch of unseasonably hot or cold.

    The worst being anticipating a season only to have it suck and be too short.

    Victoria, mn
    Posts: 820

    We used to joke about my wife’s grandfather wearing his long underwear 9 months of the year. At my advanced age now, I fail to see the humor in that joke. We’ll be on our way to the Texas gulf coast as soon as we can clean up the house from the Christmas celebration, contingent on weather forecasts from here to there. santa
    Three months on the beach takes the sting out of winter. yay

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    If you asked me the one thing I really miss besides family I have to say it is the long summer days in MN.

    Granted in the winter the sun doesn’t set before 5:30.

    Posts: 3696

    “If you asked me the one thing I really miss besides family I have to say it is the long summer days in MN.”

    I agree… both days woot

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    Saturday, 3 pm.

    Oh so thankful this is sleet and rain and not snow. Pretty much sleet & rain since 10 ish here this morning in Princeton. 33 degrees, if we stay lucky the snow will stay North of us.

    Gonna hunker down and watch LSU & Oklahoma in the “B” game and then later Clemson vs Ohio State in the main event.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 738

    2-3” here in Cloquet so far. No idea how much we’re gonna get, amounts are all over the map. Yes I am sick of winter already. The snow most likely won’t be gone til May. Again.
    8 years to retirement and I will spend maybe 5 months of the year in the state. June to mid October, then a few weeks in the Dakotas pheasant hunting, then back south.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    I just got my az kicked up on the north end of Mille Lacs. Decided to walk out after shoveling 2ft of snow at my place. Just about exhausted myself trying to pull my Otter out to 14 ft and couldn’t go any further. Total bust.

    Desperately want to get my 7yr old out ice fishing this winter and have him have success . Not even looking like I’ll be able to get him into my uncles cabin with this snow load so far. Maybe a trip to LOTW but that is ambitious for a little kid. Sigh….

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    8 pm Saturday.

    Still been mostly rain / sleet here today. Just checked the local forecast and the temp is suppose to rise overnight so it seems we will miss this one.

    Anybody getting any significant snow?

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    It only took 1 day behind the snow shovel.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8988

    This whole system has a lot more warm air wrapping in than most anticipated. I saw St. Cloud went from 8-12″ of anticipated snowfall to 1″ total by afternoon forecasts.

    This could slowly but surely decimate ice on Pool 4 if the flow rises much at all with a lot of soft, 4-6″ ice

    Posts: 1166

    I am fine through the holidays as the excitement over everything keeps me going. But it’s the time of year when holidays are over, not much to look forward to on the horizon as we descend into the depths of the worst of winter. On the years we have the Olympics, that is one bright spot. When we hosted the SuperBowl, that was a fun distraction as well with all of the hoopla. But otherwise, it’s the start of the year, everyone buckling down again at work, the bitter cold.

    The thrill of ice fishing quickly wears off and pretty soon I’m more apt to hibernate inside instead of wanting to go out and dealing with it.

    The trick for me is regular gym sessions and Vitamin D.

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