Is Anybody Else Sick of Winter Already?

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Can’t believe I am saying that before Christmas, but……

    Part of the problem is I have little kids and I love being outside, but when it’s dark and cold by the time they get home from school that makes it tough. And maybe the biggest reason is the thought of another 3 plus months of this is a little daunting…

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12450

    Shhhh, I haven’t even drilled a hole yet Lindy! I agree with you on the kids front though, it’s tough when it’s dark and -10 by the time you get home. I am looking forward to taking the little guy ice fishing for the first time tho!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I put a flood light at the top of our sledding hill. )

    Posts: 2123

    Yup I am sick of it, plus side I am going spend the money on a new snow rake )

    Posts: 703

    Today is actually the latest sunset time of the year. Daylight will start lasting longer from here on out. Sunrise still gets later until the 22nd.

    1. Annotation-2019-12-11-141806.png

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18800

    I can tolerate a 2 day deep freeze but the quantity of snow out there, especially in the northern half of the state, is ridiculous already. How deep is it going to be come February, 4 feet? I can’t hoof through knee deep snow chasing pheasants very long – a couple hours at most and even that is a tall task. Last winter was pretty mild in terms of snowfall and bitter cold until the end of January (polar vortex) and February (constant snow), so maybe this winter will be vice versa.

    Posts: 9311

    I’ve already prepaid for Sturgis 2020. I usually love the winter but love motorcycle season more. I’ve already been out ice fishing a handful of times. I’m good.????

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026


    …to the darkness thing

    Thanks for the info anotherfisherman, that makes me feel better.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Climate predictions are suggesting high probability very cold and above average snowfall for MN and WI. Buckle up, it’s gonna be a long ride.

    Lake Superior, here I come!

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    i would be fine with it if we had good ice

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1430

    Is used to say the same thing before I started snowmobiling. Now I count the weeks of how fast it will be done. Try to find a hobby of some sort that you can do outside during the winter with your children and you will start saying the opposite thing. There are so many outdoor activities in the winter just google what is going on around you and you would be suprised what you can do.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12450

    i would be fine with it if we had good ice

    I think this is still up in the air, the metro should be pretty good. Northern MN will vary a lot on where the ice making process was when the storms rolled thru. Duluth area sounds like slush city, but from Grand Rapids to DL/Alex I think they are alright.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19011

    Just getting warmed up. Looking forward to a long snowmobiling season.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12575

    I use to Love winter months in Minnesota. Now that I’m older I’m not as much of a fan of it. It doesn’t help much that every day my daughter ask ” Why do we live here again ” I now find myself Saying to people ” If you don’t enjoy any winter activities here in Minnesota ( Ice fishing, Snowmobiling, Skiing, ect. ) Why would you want to live here. I use to think those people who became winter birds and went someplace else warm in the winter months were crazy – Now I think they are the smart ones and the ones who stay here are crazy !!!

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6136

    Not yet. Had the boat out last weekend. coffee If I’m off the water for a month straight, then I’ll start getting crabby. smash


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 540

    I love the winter. It would just be nice if it stayed above 0. I’ll take ice fishing over open water any day

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Shhhh, I haven’t even drilled a hole yet Lindy! I agree with you on the kids front though, it’s tough when it’s dark and -10 by the time you get home. I am looking forward to taking the little guy ice fishing for the first time tho!

    I remember taking my son ice fishing for the first time when he was 3 and watching and helping him pound the perch on a nice day. That was pretty awesome.

    And I am looking forward to getting him out again this year, can’t wait for that actually…

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Ice fishing is the only thing that gets me through the winter. It’s already gotten me my biggest walleye of the year so I’m not sick of it yet. The snow on the other hand……

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    sometimes the winter can provide some of the most beautiful scenery our state has to offer too. I also really enjoy the silence, especially at night. Ive said it before one of my favorite things in the world is stepping out of the portable at night in winter and looking up at the night sky all alone on a frozen lake and just taking in the stars and the silence.

    Posts: 934

    I just hate driving in the snow. Not so much if it’s just me, but mainly I don’t trust anyone around me on the roads.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Ive said it before one of my favorite things in the world is stepping out of the portable at night in winter and looking up at the night sky all alone on a frozen lake and just taking in the stars and the silence.

    Definitely agree with this.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3140

    looking up at the night sky all alone on a frozen lake and just taking in the stars and the silence.

    One of my favorites as well. Especially after a handful of white claws…

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Don’t like winter?? Move closer to the equator! I’ve been too busy at work to be sick of anything BUT work. Another week and I will be drilling holes somewhere….can’t wait! I really contemplated requesting all of January off so I could fish….ended up deciding on 2 day weeks starting in 2 weeks.

    Posts: 6259

    Snowmobiling has started, ice fishing strong for 5 weeks already! Throw in Christmas and New Years packed with snow. Then the long portion of winter. Ice fishing trip to Kabatogama 2nd weekend in January. Keep busy and enjoy the outdoors any way you can. I love it

    Posts: 149

    finally winter is here! Takes way too long to get here and is way too short! Love it!

    Posts: 3917

    I have been sick of winter since October got here,it can be spring time anytime now and stay that way.
    I hate short daylight months,leave at sun up and come home after sun down,crap !!!
    I wouldnt mind winter so much if the sun would stay up as long as it does in mid June.
    screw the ice,snow,cold and howling winds !!
    if there is one good thing about winter its that there isnt any bugs.
    winter,BAAAAAHHH !!! HUMBUG !!!

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Today is actually the latest sunset time of the year. Daylight will start lasting longer from here on out. Sunrise still gets later until the 22nd.

    I have been sick of winter since October got here,it can be spring time anytime now and stay that way.
    I hate short daylight months,leave at sun up and come home after sun down,crap !!!
    I wouldnt mind winter so much if the sun would stay up as long as it does in mid June.
    screw the ice,snow,cold and howling winds !!
    if there is one good thing about winter its that there isnt any bugs.
    winter,BAAAAAHHH !!! HUMBUG !!!

    I agree!
    Come On SPRING!! I need to get the boat out!!

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Climate predictions are suggesting high probability very cold and above average snowfall for MN and WI. Buckle up, it’s gonna be a long ride.

    Lake Superior, here I come!

    I’m praying we get good ice on Superior again. I’ve been waiting all year to go after lakers on the ice again.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    I remember growing up on the farm my dad used to always say that each winter got tougher and tougher on him. I didn’t get it. Now I do. I’ll add to everyone else’s list:

    I don’t like to have to worry about roads. When I have to get up at 0330 and I hear we’re going to get 6 inches of snow after midnight I hate wondering what my roads will be like in the morning. And winter driving takes on a whole new meaning with a young child; you have to worry about their safety as well as if you were to somehow get stranded. Plus these arctic blasts are mostly unlivable. Think of how many days a year in MN you get in and out of a vehicle/building as fast as possible and stay inside. It’s almost like you’re wasting days, whereas people in better climates still get the opportunities to enjoy the day a little more.

    What I do like:
    Ice fishing, and also the option in MN to do both styles of fishing. I’ve said on here before that usually my favorite season is whatever one I’m in, so I enjoy getting to fish two different ways.

    Daylight changes. I think I’m in the minority on this one, but I actually really, really like the change. I like getting home from a night shift and still being able to get to sleep in the dark, and if I have to go to bed early it’s dark already. Even if I wasn’t working shift work I still like the change.

    And as long a it’s not too cold or hazardous on the roads, went snow in the trees just looks pretty awesome all the time.

    To each their own but I don’t think anyone is wrong for liking or not liking what we’ve got going on here.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>
    Ive said it before one of my favorite things in the world is stepping out of the portable at night in winter and looking up at the night sky all alone on a frozen lake and just taking in the stars and the silence.

    Definitely agree with this.

    same here until I realised I just peed on the mess of crappies outside the shelter. chased

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