Ion ultralight 8" question

  • maxpower
    Posts: 3

    Hello all, Long time lurker on this site. Forgive me if this topic has been covered before. I have a clam plate with a 8″nils that I love for new holes. Now that I have my perm shack out I am looking for opinions on the new Ion 8″ ultralight for reopening holes (auger only). With the Nils not having a center point I don’t like reopening holes with it. which I am thinking that’s the most important part for reopening? Just wondering if anyone out there has used the new 8″ from Ion. I know Kdrill has an 7.5 and I am not opposed to trying that either. Thanks

    Posts: 537

    I may be completely wrong but isn’t the Eskimo pistol but the same flighting as the G2 ion just a different color? The new pistol bit has center point also I believe.

    Posts: 756

    Not a direct answer to your question. For new holes shaver style blades work great. For reopening holes not so much. Has nothing to do with the center point. I have a Nils also. But this year I have the SM 40v. Cuts great. But the Nils the Laser auger is a shaver style too. When I got the 40v I also picked up a SM chipper style auger, at an end of season sale, for this reason. I have a perm on ML. I will be using the chipper this weekend for the first time as I will be reopening my holes – if needed. It’s been a warm week.

    Posts: 3

    Thanks gizmo. I just had my Nils sharpened so I want to last. Or maybe I just don’t let my neighbor use it anymore..

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