We have both an ion and a gas strikemaster. The ion is great for earlier in the season but I will admit that once the ice gets over approx 18 inches, the gas auger cuts better without a doubt.
I think the downfall of the electric augers is when the ice gets really thick late in the season. They just dont cut as good as gas/propane augers do in the really thick ice.
Also, I’ve found a lot of people say “I drilled X number of holes” etc with an electric auger… I always find this misleading because it largely depends on how thick the ice is, how sharp your blades are as well as if you store the battery inside or outside your house when fishing. The blades obviously come very sharp when its brand new but just like all augers, they dull over time with increased use. I think slightly dull blades on an electric auger have a much more noticeable impact on your drilling speed than a gas auger with the same dull blades.