ion auger problems

  • Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    Has anyone had problems with augers “walking” and not drilling down? Less than a year old maybe 18 holes drilled total. Not sure if there is supposed to be a centering pin in the middle or not but mine doesn’t have it or it fell off. Anyone else have issues?

    Posts: 539

    Is it last years model or the new Ion X? The Ion X now comes with a centering point. I don’t believe the old models do.

    Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    Last years model. I can’t believe the blades would be dull already. Nothing wobbles just has a tough time grabbing onto the ice now. You would just about have to put all your body weight into it to get it to drill where before it was smooth and drilled with little effort.

    Posts: 3405

    I’m not saying this is your issue, but it has happened to me with a strikemaster. I was drilling out an old hole and the auger got hung up at the bottom of the ice and I pulled it back and worked it a few times to get it to go through. After that it would no longer cut worth a damn. It bent the angle of the blade slightly and I found it it doesn’t take much to render it useless. If this happened right away, that may be the issue. If it got worse over time I’ll bet dirty ice got to the blades.

    Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    This was a new hole. Never put the blades in the dirt or anything. It did happen all at once. I haven’t tried drilling out old holes.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11093

    I had my ION out on LOTW a couple years ago when the ice was very dirty.
    Drilled a dozen holes or so, then it started doing the same thing as yours is doing.
    I bought new blades but haven’t used it since I got the Jiffy Propane.

    Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    If the blades fail that easy that is kind of scary. My gas jiffy has drilled 100 times the holes that the ion has done and never had issues. I’m going to contact Ardisam tomorrow and see what they say. Sounds like a blade issue from what you guys are saying

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    I have last year’s model and have drilled a lot of holes with it and have not had any issues with it at all, sounds like a blade issue

    Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    I agree with blade issues. I’m guessing that’s why the changed the design. I must have hit some sand that fell off of a car or something drilling that’s the only thing i can think of. New design says can drill in dirty ice.

    Posts: 1671

    Mine was cutting like the blades were dull this weekend. Then I noticed one blade was snapped in half.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    They made limited quantity this year as there suppliers had too many quality control issues.

    Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    I had my ION out on LOTW a couple years ago when the ice was very dirty.
    Drilled a dozen holes or so, then it started doing the same thing as yours is doing.
    I bought new blades but haven’t used it since I got the Jiffy Propane.

    Wondering if I should have bought a propane jiffy now. Loved my Jiffy gas auger.

    Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    They made limited quantity this year as there suppliers had too many quality control issues.

    It will be interesting to see what they say tomorrow. 18 holes is unacceptable to need new blades. Honestly I didn’t abuse them or anything. If I put the auger into a lake bottom it’s my fault but to only last not even 2 months in crazy. My jiffy never had issues

    Posts: 208

    there is a guy around Devils Lake that can sharpen auger blades if you make it over that way. I think he works with Pete’s Bait shop as drop off point.

    Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    Waited 30 minutes on hold then was prompted to leave a message. Never a good sign when customer service/ support is that busy at 11 am. Tried at 8am and waited 20 minutes and gave up, yikes

    Posts: 2596

    Eh, I’m not a fan of shaver blades I don’t care who makes them. I put an 8″ K- Drill on my Ion. Old holes, new holes, dirty holes, don’t matter, just drill, drill, drill, baby.

    But today I’m not drilling any holes…In Florida.

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    Posts: 229

    Did you need a special attachment for the K-dill to ion??

    Doug Darelius
    LaCrosse (French Is.) Wi
    Posts: 2

    I also had one of my blades break right at the screw threads on my 6″ Ion. Yes, it was trying to reach a cust. rep. at Ion,but once I got a real person,they were more than helpful. The lady i spoke with asked if the blade broke at the screw thread? It seems they received a bad batch of metal. A friend of mine also had 2 sets of blades break, so they sent him a new auger bit and blades. As a side note: Last week I drilled over 700 inches of Upper Red Lake ice on one full charge! Impressive.

    Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    It took a few times to get through but also very satisfied with customer service. He said my blades are bad but shouldn’t have failed so soon. They are sending me the new style bit setup

    Alexander Yang
    Posts: 2

    Hey Mark, did you ever get this fixed? I have an 8” Ion that I purchased in January and it started doing this as well. I have to put my whole body weight on the auger just for it to cut the ice. Let me know so I can get this fixed as well. Thank you!

    Mark Rudy
    Posts: 25

    Sorry it took so long to reply. Yes they sent me a whole new auger assembly and it drills excellent now

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