Intermittent downtime 2021-03-27

  • Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    I am working on some upgrades but there are a few issues I need to work through such as remaining disk space and size of the database. The server is backed up every night but it is quicker for me to restore from a copy of the files and database rather restoring from a copy of entire server, if needed.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11142

    While you’re in there you should tweak the 8EFE28AEBA5BFD44 drive.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4125

    While you’re in there you should tweak the 8EFE28AEBA5BFD44 drive.


    Posts: 2872

    Damn EP your a computer geek also.

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    It’s not so much the size of the data but rather the number of rows in the database. For post meta we’re just under 8 million rows. For the posts table we’re knocking on 2 million rows. WordPress plugins can struggle with upgrades on the large number of rows. Hopefully tonight’s upgrades wont have to be rolled back.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13099

    anyone else noticing some wierd stuff when you click on a topic????/

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    Can you describe the weird stuff? Or a screenshot if possible. Thanks!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22381

    anyone else noticing some wierd stuff when you click on a topic????/

    I am as well. The rainy river topic

    Posts: 6714

    1. Screenshot_20210328-114609.png

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    Thanks B-man – this looks like a stylesheet issue. I’ll purge our cdn’s cache. Hopefully that clears things up. You can also try clearing the browser’s cache as well.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Another one

    1. 21FF78DF-9A08-4277-B53A-A18997000E81.png

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 522

    the submerged green nav cans green point on Pepin thread is funky yet too.

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    Thanks Randy – this doesn’t seem to be happening for me. I upped the version parameter used with the stylesheets so that fresh ones are loaded by the browser.

    Hopefully this resolves the issue.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17564

    Nope. Canada thread is still funky.

    Posts: 3480

    For me the funky formatted ones are the threads I had posted in.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3148

    Can you describe the weird stuff? Or a screenshot if possible. Thanks!

    I even cleared my history and cookies, which required a fresh login. Still get a funky display on a thread in which I have made a reply. Same thread was fine before I logged back in. So unlogged = fine, logged in = funky.

    1. funky.jpg

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 715

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dave Lozier wrote:</div>
    Can you describe the weird stuff? Or a screenshot if possible. Thanks!

    I even cleared my history and cookies, which required a fresh login. Still get a funky display on a thread in which I have made a reply. Same thread was fine before I logged back in. So unlogged = fine, logged in = funky.

    I see the same behavior, logged out everything is fine, logged in and some threads are weird like your pic

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Yup. Same here on multiple threads

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    How’s it looking now? It seems fine from my non admin account.

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 715

    Seems to be fixed

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12673

    FYI I tried to quote a couple things on the College Hockey thread, and my reply wouldn’t post on 2 attempts.

Viewing 24 posts - 1 through 24 (of 24 total)

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