Im fairly new to boating and very new to fishing electronics so bare with me.
I just installed a Terrova that came with i-pilot link and a MEGA DI transducer built in. Its hooked up to a Helix 7 CHIRP MEGA DI G4N at the bow. At the helm I have a Helix 7 CHIRP G3 (non DI/SI) with the included transducer installed at the transom. Both units operate perfectly on their own. As soon as both are on, I get a ton of interference. I read that this has to do with them using the same frequency so thats kinda where my question comes in.
I fish freshwater lakes in California and the max depth is around 80 ft. Im not entirely sure what frequency to operate either unit at. I tried playing around with the settings a little bit while I was out on the water today but don’t really know what I am doing and I was way too taken aback by the amazingness of i-pilot so I focused more on that. Ive watched several “how to set up your FF” videos on youtube but still havent really found anything helpful. Any suggestions?
p.s. I also included a picture of the sonar when it seemed to ping fish stacked vertically. Is that just interference? Or were the fish really stacked like that?
PICTURES: (sorry, they were too big for the Forum)