Also I do not own LS yet, but if you use spot lock a lot it will be moving around with the motor shaft, unless I am missing some option with mounting.
you can mount it directly on the trolling motor shaft (though as you said, spot lock then turns it automatically) or you can spend $700 and get a separate remote spinning turret or for $100-$300 you can get a hand pole. I use the hand pole for its versatility (I boat rail mount it & dock mount it with RAM mounts and use the tripod accessory for ice fishing) all with the same pole system (summit)
Not totally sure I understand the question, but the built-in transducer does not replace the LVS 32/34 transducer as I understand it. Just side view, down view and standard sonar. If only using the attached live Scope, then yes, it’s not needed.
Ok thanks still scratching my head though so transducer and lvs34 will both hook up to the same fish finder, sorry for all the questions just excited to install it when it arrives and trying to figure out the best way