Insanity at the Capitol in St. Paul

  • carroll58
    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Insanity at the Capitol in St. Paul

    Wow, the Minnesota Politic process is complicated to follow when the stuff Omnibus Bills:
    Received this email from the DNR this at 9:19am this morning. Ton’s going on but nothing in “MyBills” for tracking the individual bills.

    Greetings from the Capitol,
    Happy Arbor Day! Established in 1872, Arbor Day encourages groups and individuals to plant trees. This week the omnibus budget bills (HF846; SF2101) passed to the floors of the House and Senate. The House bill- on the floor today- includes numerous bills, including:

    HF79 Nornes State permits requirements for campgrounds modified
    HF184 Drazkowski AIS prevention program requirements repealed
    HF238 Dill Residents Over Age 84 allowed to take deer of either sex
    HF449 Bennett Shell Rock River designated for state water trail
    HF476 Hausman Metropolitan Park appropriations interest payment usage modified
    HF572 Hackbarth Utility licenses crossing public lands and waters fee exemption created
    HF608 Hackbarth Trap shooting sports facility grants provided funding, and money appropriated
    HF616 Fabian Water Quality Standards Legislative Approval
    HF617 Fabian Water Quality Standards Peer Review
    HF624 Dill Snowmobile registration fees modified
    HF668 Newberger State disposal facility permit issuance required to obtain local approval
    HF690 Fabian 404 Permit Feasibility Study
    HF824 Green Culverts Exemption for permit
    HF834 Uglem Plastic Microbeads Prohibited
    HF961 Dill Minnesota Veterans Home Antlerless Deer
    HF1000 Melin Wild Rice Standard Suspended
    HF1008 Dill Timber Permit Interest Rates
    HF1065 Uglem AIS trailer decal requirements modified
    HF1161 Fabian Truck Wash on Feedlots
    HF1326 McNamara MPCA Policy Bill
    HF1328 McNamara Conservation Easement Stewardship Account
    HF1329 McNamara DNR Policy Bill
    HF1394 Fabian MPCA Citizens’ Board Modified
    HF1406 Hackbarth Game and Fish Bill
    HF1477 Uglem Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling
    HF1489 Hancock Wetland Conservation Act Modifications
    HF1494 Howe Groundwater Appropriation Permits
    HF1557 Dean White Bear Lake Augmentation Study
    HF1594 Hackbarth ATV Safety Training on DL
    HF1601 Clark Crumb Rubber Impact Study and Use Restrictions
    HF1835 Runbeck Metropolitan Water Supply Advisory Committee

    The Senate bill passed a floor vote on Tuesday and includes the following bills:

    SF1099 Rest Priority chemicals
    SF945 Skoe Utility fees
    SF1534 Hoffman Conservation easement stewardship account
    SF520 Bakk Snowmobile registration medication
    SF669 Saxhaug Aquatic Invasive species
    SF1550 Schmit Mississippi blufflands state trail
    SF266 Sparks Shell Rock River water trail
    SF631 Schmit Shooting sports facility grants
    SF1008 Bakk Timber permit extension
    SF1460 Tomassoni State land on meandered lakes, university lands
    SF281 Bakk Residents age 84 plus deer of either sex
    SF1515 Marty Wetland stakeholder coordination
    SF517 Saxhaug Working lands watershed restoration program
    SF1132 Scalze SCORE grants; purposes

    SF1007 Tomassoni Wild rice quality standards
    SF1659 Eken Water quality standards; Red River of the North

    On Wednesday, an informational hearing was held on the DNR’s 2015 Fishing Regulations for Mille Lacs Lake in the House Mining & Outdoor Recreation Committee. On Thursday, the omnibus Legacy bill (HF303) passed out of the House Ways and Means .
    For the most up to date list of meetings and bills, please visit committee web pages or currently posted meetings for the House and Senate.
    Please contact me at [email protected] or Bob Meier ([email protected] ) if you have any comments on concerns. I hope you are able to find time to enjoy Minnesota’s great outdoors, perhaps planting a tree in honor of Arbor Day.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    I bet most Lawyer’s would not even understand this Bill, stuffed with everything, even opposing Bills!

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5669

    “Insanity at the capitol” sounds redundant.

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