Info about this little lake

  • Dylan Johnson
    Pequot Lakes Mn
    Posts: 58

    Anyone ever venture onto this lake to ice fish in the winter time? Any fish in it? Im just curious, but not curious enough to want to drive up there and waste time. Any information would help. The lake is circled blue and green on the map. Thank you in advance.

    1. litle.jpg

    North Metro
    Posts: 978

    Sure it has fish in in but I am guessing that it is hard to get to this time of year. Only two ways to get to it that i know of and that is down the river from the landing below the dam or thru the resort. I believe the resort doesn’t allow access for anyone not staying on site and am guessing the river could be relatively sketchy ice conditions. I have only fished the river a few times during the open water season. Might be worth a call to the resort on the North end of the lake (I cant think of the name), Thousand Lakes Sporting Goods or even Gosh Dam Place.

    Dylan Johnson
    Pequot Lakes Mn
    Posts: 58

    Ok ill call up to that resort thank you!

    Posts: 898

    Check the DNR lake finder. It shows 2 accesses and a decent walleye fishery. Not much for pan fish though which suprises me.

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