Every year the Chicken Little’s come out this time of year to shout out how skinny the Walleye’s are on Mille Lacs, as if it’s the only place with skinny walleye’s right now. This happens every year on every lake due to the spawn. Here’s the Results from the Leech Lake Walleye Tourney last weekend, big fish was 7.37 lbs and most of the big fish registered were in the 5-6 pound range, these are all likely 27″+ fish so that is skinny. Leech must have a forage issue and they are all starving… 
p.s. no idea what’s going on with the OP but that walleye is sickly in many ways, so not something to base the rest of the lake on. And I’ve yet to catch one with any fuzzy growths up there.