?? Increased license $ No hatchery or access $

  • Buzz
    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    As reported in Outdoor News
    There were subtractions from the bill, including $35 million for modernizing boat accesses and $10 million for modernizing fish hatcheries. There also are fee increases for fishing licenses, watercraft registration, and AIS surcharges.

    Once again.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9139

    I’ve been outspoken and often taken heat for admitting I’d gladly pay increased license fees IF there was increased spending on COs and hatcheries.

    Imagine that – the fee increases stuck but tying them to anything remotely related to those who are paying the increases has been lost. Thankfully those checks from the $17 billion surplus/theft will offset these increases as soon as they get here?

    Minnesota could screw up anything. I’m beginning to realize it goes much further than the sports teams here.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2027

    So what is it again that the state is doing with that $17.5 billion surplus?
    I missed that memo I guess…

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    Some pretty special people working over there in St.Paul. Reduce the spending, raise the taxes (fee’s), steal the 17 billion dollar surplus.

    The trifecta for sportsmen.

    Posts: 235

    The dems in Minnesota are on a drunken money grab. There will be all kinds of tax, fee and license increases and more money spent foolishly. Minnesota is trying to out California California and I think Timmy and company can do it.

    I agree with Bucky no problem paying more if the money is directed to the right places. More enforcement is certainly needed. Lots of poaching and over fishing going on and most are doing it with impunity knowing the chance of getting caught is minimum and if you do the punishment is also very mild. If I started turning people in I know to be violators it would be a full time job and I probably wouldn’t live very long.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    That’s one thing I don’t get.
    The DNR wants to buy more land for water access, hunting ect, which I get. Land doesn’t come up for sale very often. Lottery money, Sam’s money all used to buy land…

    Generally once purchased it’s up to the DNR to maintain it.

    But we are short of money to take care of what we have now? Why do we need more?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    If I started turning people in I know to be violators it would be a full time job and I probably wouldn’t live very long.

    They have openings in enforcement.

    See something, say something… or….

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2322

    We got what “we” voted for. The dems don’t give two poops about what sportsmen and women think in this state. They have control and only care about the agenda they had going into office. As far as a surplus refund is concerned, if we actually do see one it’ll be sucked up by increased taxes and fees in no time.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    Oof bad look for the Legislature/Governor and especially MN Fish.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    Somebody that knows how should forward these threads to the clownshow. Let them know just how ridiculous they look in the eyes of the voters.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    Somebody that knows how should forward these threads to the clownshow. Let them know just how ridiculous they look in the eyes of the voters.

    “Their voters” dont have a problem with their actions. Im still dumbfounded the majority supports them.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1601

    Lots to agree with in this thread.

    I am willing to pay license and fee increases if the funding is used for related things – hatcheries, boat launches, land managment, etc.

    The legislature doesn’t care about outdoors people because they don’t constitute a large funding or voting bloc. I’ve spoken to my state Representative about clean water, hatcheries and so on, not on his radar screen. His constituents are first ring suburb residents who have other concerns. Unfortunately I am not dumbfounded that the majority supports what goes on in St. Paul. They’re getting what they voted for.

    My add on is that the Republicans aren’t any better. Their focus is on social issues and disproved conspiracy theories. They controlled the Legislature for years and did nothing to fund outdoors related initiatives.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22989

    They cheat…

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    This state has completely outpaced California lately. A democratic supermajority is getting what THEY want to keep them in office. We are being inundated with refugees, paying for outstaters to come here to receive services our tax dollars pay for, spending an enormous surplus on WHAT? Can you give us a list of your expenditures since we paid for them?
    I cannot honestly believe in the path we are on can you?
    I want EVERYONE to have EVERYTHING too – don’t get me wrong but it is just not sustainable or practical. Along with 21,000 windmills and 300 Square miles of solar cells that won’t even meet capacity when they are done?!
    3 more years of this administration.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    3 more years of this administration.

    Actually, no. MN House Reps only serve 2 years so there could be a change before that (I stress COULD). If you are specifically referring to the Governor, then yes. The Governor only signs bills though, he does not make them. The two legislative chambers are the ones who make laws and decide how to spend our taxes.

    Posts: 3319

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Umy wrote:</div>
    3 more years of this administration.

    Actually, no. MN House Reps only serve 2 years so there could be a change before that (I stress COULD). If you are specifically referring to the Governor, then yes. The Governor only signs bills though, he does not make them. The two legislative chambers are the ones who make laws and decide how to spend our taxes.

    I think in WI the Governor can line item veto what he doesn’t like in a Bill and then sign it. doah Hopefully I’m wrong but it used to he that way.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    My take on this is that it’s another example of anglers not having a seat at the table. We need boots, shoes, waders on the ground at the State Capital, sitting in hearings and visiting legislators. One definition of a hypocrite is someone who criticize others for the same things that themselves do.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    My take on this is that it’s another example of anglers not having a seat at the table. We need boots, shoes, waders on the ground at the State Capital, sitting in hearings and visiting legislators. One definition of a hypocrite is someone who criticize others for the same things that themselves do.

    Isn’t that allegedly what MN-FISH is doing? Seems they are failing quite miserably. But maybe with another round or 10 of fund raising they actually make it to St. Paul.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Lol , I wasn’t referring to MN Fish, at least their trying. How ironic that an organization that folks criticize over and over again, gets blamed.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    Lol , I wasn’t referring to MN Fish, at least their trying. How ironic that an organization that folks criticize over and over again, gets blamed.

    Are they?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9139

    ^I think MN Fish might be “trying” but raising funds and not being specific about their intentions using them is going to be their unraveling.

    If some of those well-known faces in the industry organized lobby days and pounded on doors at the capitol building, they’d have a whole lot more influence than hiding behind an organization as “partners” helping raise money. Boots on the ground in St. Paul will speak louder than anything. A few of these leaders in MN Fish wouldn’t have to make many phone calls for some news cameras to meet them in St. Paul either. If they start organizing and carrying out things like this, I’ll be on board with my donation…and maybe bid on a few things with our man EPG at the next auction

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17577

    Bucky you forget these guys are all smarter than us. They need our money, not our opinions. If they wanted our opinions they would have one of their members post in here, at least to let us know what they are up to. No, why go on a sportsman based website where you have to explain your organization. First and foremost these guys are about protecting their companies and brands. There is zero chance Linder, Peterson, Schara, Nuestrom or any of the others will take a public stand.

    You wanna help……send cash, but quit asking questions or expecting results.

    End of my never-ending rant against MN-FISH.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    I think MN Fish might be “trying” but raising funds and not being specific about their intentions using them

    Funding for improving boat accesses and hatchery improvements has been MN Fish’s primary goal basically from the start. Which is why this is such a bad look for them. Especially since they supposedly had the Governor and DNR Commissioner’s support on those 2 issues, from their recent press release March 30th to the event at Clam last winter.

    We need boots, shoes, waders on the ground at the State Capital, sitting in hearings and visiting legislators.

    Agreed, and I offered to volunteer my time supporting MN Fish, but Schara basically called me an idiot and told me to go fly a kite. I still wish them luck, but they are 4 years in with ZERO results.

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1046

    I guess I don’t see why this year is any different from past years.
    When the legacy fund was created some warned that the legislators would try to circumvent the money to other projects.
    And guess what, they have been trying to get their hands on it every year.
    So not a big shock they would shaft us again.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Umy wrote:</div>
    3 more years of this administration.

    Actually, no. MN House Reps only serve 2 years so there could be a change before that (I stress COULD). If you are specifically referring to the Governor, then yes. The Governor only signs bills though, he does not make them. The two legislative chambers are the ones who make laws and decide how to spend our taxes.

    Yes Gimruis, excellent point – I was referring only to the Governor. THey take their lead in many ways from him though too, IN ADDITION to their own pre-set values.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    THey take their lead in many ways from him though too, IN ADDITION to their own pre-set values.

    Yes, they do, I agree.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9139

    Bucky you forget these guys are all smarter than us. They need our money, not our opinions. If they wanted our opinions they would have one of their members post in here, at least to let us know what they are up to. No, why go on a sportsman based website where you have to explain your organization. First and foremost these guys are about protecting their companies and brands. There is zero chance Linder, Peterson, Schara, Nuestrom or any of the others will take a public stand.

    You wanna help……send cash, but quit asking questions or expecting results.

    End of my never-ending rant against MN-FISH.

    I agree completely.

    There are opportunities to show effort (a little public lobbying, contacting their media connections, posting on this forum or social media on the topic, etc.) that don’t take excessive amounts of money. Instead of doing these things FIRST as a grassroots effort to unite anglers on causes…they chose to ask for money as a first step. Clearly money isn’t going to fix this and they cannot admit that nor stoop to the level of us less famous peons to promote change.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2122

    I have lots of experience with Legacy funds and their use.
    “CIRCUMVENT” ? how about duplicate, existing services, how about funding pet projects…… This is a rabbits hole of legislative abuse.

    The folks referenced above are never going to publicly stand up for what they are hearing from us. THeir “reputations” and “connections” would suffer and for them, personally, I don’t believe they are willing to take the position/stance they need to. They want to be liked by both sides but making changes for the whole will never have that luxury.
    My two cents from working with legislators/elected officials.

    What needs to happen is elections need to be based differently than just inner cities/metro areas controlling how the rest of the state functions, which will not be easy or well-received by the party that benefits from this change

    Posts: 1806

    Buzz, do you have the bill # that can go look at? Thanks for the info.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1840

    Hf 172 is where you can look

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