Illegal Tournament Baits?

  • jwellsy
    Posts: 1726

    What kind of baits are you not supposed to use? I know live bait is a no-no.

    What about the new Uncle Josh meat series crawlers, can you use things that used to be alive?

    What’s the rules about electronics, motors, lights etc in baits?

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    Bass tourneys? Walleye? Catfish? Rules all differ.

    Posts: 7348

    Assuming he posted it into the Bass Tournaments HQ thread he probably is looking for general information that some may be able to share that would help expedite the process of getting to know what to expect.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Read the rules distributed by the tournament director. Asking us is worthless if we don’t know what/which tourment.

    I’ve seen rules called out specifically processed live baits or live baits by-products. Some tournaments are more laid back and some are very strict

    Posts: 1726

    Didn’t realize questions from a tourney virgin would make so many people mad, thought the rules were a bit more standardized.

    Posts: 152

    Didn’t realize questions from a tourney virgin would make so many people mad, thought the rules were a bit more standardized.

    . They ain’t mad calm your teats

    Posts: 2218

    The ones I’ve fished are basic no live bait use. That’s it.

    But These are local tournaments. 75 boats or less.

    Posts: 776

    Most B.A.S.S. Tournaments follow bass rules I think under you can find a list of rules or FLW too,this would be a good base set of rules to start with some groups have a special rule or two but I would think only a call to them to clarify would be in order.

    Stan wave

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