If they kneel during the Anthem I may be done watching

  • gim
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    To be clear, nobody deserves to Be murdered while being arrested. Also to be clear, to make a martyr out of a career junkie criminal and hold him up for young people, sends the wrong message. To disallow funerals for thousands of people and then hold one, with senators and governors attending, is not deserved by a jumkie. According to gov goofys own words, by attending the funeral of a junkie, he risked all our lives from further spreading of covid 19… for a junkie he never met or cared about before his murder.

    I agree with this. No one, anyone, deserved the treatment he got by those officers, ever. However, there does seem to be quite a bit of information about Floyd missing when the media covers this all the time. He served 5 years in federal prison for armed burglary and was clearly a drug user, as toxicology reports indicate he had alcohol and meth in his system. It’s convenient that no media outlet has really mentioned this because he was not exactly a role model…

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Sorry George….. what happened to you wasn’t right….but you weren’t right either…..I don’t feel nearly as bad for you as I once did

    Turns out you were a piece of $hit yourself

    And Jesus said to them…”He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone”

    God help you if you pick up a stone.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I’m hearing on the evening new that the mpls city council is considering a vote to defund and completely remove the Minneapolis police dept. So who’s gonna uphold the law in the city then? We can’t just not have law and order. The rest of the city would be in ruins just like south mpls is.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    I would assume they have to be talking about some kind of restructure or possibly some legal break with the union or something. I can’t imagine it literally means no police. Who knows though I guess

    Posts: 1271

    I’m hearing on the evening new that the mpls city council is considering a vote to defund and completely remove the Minneapolis police dept. So who’s gonna uphold the law in the city then? We can’t just not have law and order. The rest of the city would be in ruins just like south mpls is.


    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    A quick google search showed city council is considering dismantling and rebuilding the Minneapolis police force. Quote (ish) “not having a police force is certainly not an option.” (Somewhat paraphrased)

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I heard it’s moving funds, not disbanding. The funds to be moved to social programs.

    Because throwing money at problems in the past has worked so well.

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    Jeremiah Ellison, son of Kieth Ellison is talking about complete elimination, never to be “glued back together”. What is wrong with people?? The new vision for first responders is that they social workers and mental health experts. This sort of radical behavior is going turn MN into a red state in the presidential election. Every red blooded American with common sense and a pulse will see this is radical and dangerous and will vote out the party pushing it. I consider myself a moderate Democrat, and I know for damn sure a Democrat will never get my vote again if the new agenda is anti law enforcement.

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    Imagine how the insurance companies will jack up rates for communities with no law enforcement. Worst idea any political group had ever come up with.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    I am not sure if it is the same article I read but the comment I saw said “we aren’t just going to glue it back together.” It didn’t say anything about flat out not having law enforcement at all

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5151

    The talk now is to disband the department…not defund and restructure.

    I live in south Minneapolis. If this happens we will not live here. The city council claims to have a super majority that the mayor could not veto. Frey has said he does not support this….it’s the only meaningful thing he has said recently.

    The department needs change but how this is a good idea is beyond me. I’ll be contacting my city council member to let my views known.

    This is a dangerous plan by a city council more interested in politics and trying to play social justice warrior rather than trying to actually fix a systemic issue.

    Posts: 6631

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>B-man wrote:</div>
    Sorry George….. what happened to you wasn’t right….but you weren’t right either…..I don’t feel nearly as bad for you as I once did

    Turns out you were a piece of $hit yourself

    And Jesus said to them…”He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone”

    God help you if you pick up a stone.

    I’ve NEVER pointed a gun at someone, let alone at a pregnant woman during a home invasion (or anything even remotely serious as that).

    My closet doesn’t have skeletons….does yours???

    Where’s the rocks?? I’ll take several…..I’ve got a good arm…..

    Did the guy deserve to die for being a high ex-felon breaking the law again?? Absolutely not.

    But my sympathy has dwindled considerably since his past has came out. If yours hasn’t, there’s something not right with you.

    Painting a mural of him as an angel is a F-ing joke

    Posts: 1271

    I hope what happens in MN. stays in MN, we got our own problems here.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I’ve NEVER pointed a gun at someone, let alone at a pregnant woman during a home invasion (or anything even remotely serious as that).

    My closet doesn’t have skeletons….does yours???

    Where’s the rocks?? I’ll take several…..I’ve got a good arm…..

    Easy my friend…peace. Please take note of the message. The message was not to chastise or judge. Of course I have skeletons in my closet, every human being does. Judgement surfaces when those decide that someone else’s sins are worse than mine/yours so then I’m (or you) are better because they did or committed a worse offense.

    Once you break the glass, the whole window is broken.

    Jesus message warns not to think or place yourself above other’s because you believe you are perfect. No one is without sin.

    I know well that those that are not Christian (and there are many) take no value in Bible passages or the message being told.

    I would say to that that even for non-Christians that there are many lessons delivered by the Gospel that would certainly bring humanity to a much better tolerance and understanding of our fellow humans.

    Simple as don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    We’ve gotten side tracked. This post was supposed to be so some could chest pump about how patriotic they are and others could point out that they are missing the message entirely all while subtle accusations of racism from both sides can be sprinkled in. Lets stay focused

    Posts: 1271

    We’ve gotten side tracked. This post was supposed to be so some could chest pump about how patriotic they are and others could point out that they are missing the message entirely all while subtle accusations of racism from both sides can be sprinkled in. Lets stay focused

    that ship sailed yesterday.

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    Summed up nicely Crappie. I believe the defund the police issue will be a much more civil conversation as the support of that kind of plan will be almost 0% of the members of this forum. I don’t even think Fish to escape or Jake could support that.

    Disclaimer here- I pointed those 2 out because they are obviously the most liberal. This was not meant as an insult in any way. I mostly support democrat myself, not for long though if this gains steam.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    No offense taken though believe it or not I am probably More of a left of center Social liberal fiscal moderate politically. I would assume you label me as a liberal because I clearly am not a fan of the current administration. I don’t think you have to be a far left liberal to not like POTUS, for example George W, Mattis and all the other generals in the last few days. I guess my liberal tag could have been from thinking covid is real? My experiences with it have formed that opinion. Maybe because I don’t think masks are takin our freedom?

    I officially do think society needs a police force

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    Ironic, and predictable, those who scream to defund the police are the first to need them when the sh/t hits the fan. So pathetic….

    Posts: 1271

    Ironic, and predictable, those who scream to defund the police are the first to need them when the sh/t hits the fan. So pathetic….

    Be interesting to see how it plays out in MN, meanwhile I think our Governor should build a wall between ours states in case it goes south over there.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    If anyone wants a thorough breakdown of what “defunding” the police means I would suggest watching last night’s episode of Last Week Tonight. He breaks down the history of police funding, how the unions have affected spending, and what “defunding” the police actually means. It does not mean not having police. It means shifting money towards mental health, drug issues, and other programs so police don’t have to spend all their time responding to those types of issues. Would it work? No idea. Does our current system work? Not really.

    To save time I will say that yes, that show is left leaning

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    In their boldest statement since George Floyd’s killing, nine Minneapolis City Council members told a crowd Sunday that they will “begin the process of ending the Minneapolis Police Department.”

    “We recognize that we don’t have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does,” they said, reading off a prepared statement. “We’re committed to engaging with every willing community member in the City of Minneapolis over the next year to identify what safety looks like for you.”

    “ending the Minneapolis Police Department” and ” what a police -free future looks like” sure sounds like a considerable more than “defunding” to me. I doubt these empty headed nitwits could actually pull this off but these people that have been elected to the city council are ultra progressive and the now have some power backing so I guess anything can happen. If they do somehow manage to reach their utopia you suburb people will not be immune. Eliminating current police departments is the goal. The defunding is just the mask they wear for now and the first step to getting there. If they can side step the defunding and move right to elimination they will.

    My son is a very successful real estate broker down there. He put his house up for sale two weeks ago and is getting the hell out of Dodge. If any of you are thinking of doing the same I’d be happy to put you in contact with him.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    I heard it called North Chicago anyways…. it’s gone.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    “ending the Minneapolis Police Department” and ” what a police -free future looks like” sure sounds like a considerable more than “defunding” to me. I doubt these empty headed nitwits could actually pull this off but these people that have been elected to the city council are ultra progressive and the now have some power backing so I guess anything can happen. If they do somehow manage to reach their utopia you suburb people will not be immune. Eliminating current police departments is the goal. The defunding is just the mask they wear for now and the first step to getting there. If they can side step the defunding and move right to elimination they will.

    My son is a very successful real estate broker down there. He put his house up for sale two weeks ago and is getting the hell out of Dodge. If any of you are thinking of doing the same I’d be happy to put you in contact with him.

    Settle down there ice cap. The Minneapolis city council almost certainly has a plan to keep order in spite of a policeless city. Or do they?


    A Minneapolis city councilmember said in a tweet on Thursday that the city would “dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response.”

    “We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department,” Jeremiah Ellison wrote. “And when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together.” He did not explain what would replace the police department.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    They also said they were going to take a year to try and figure it out. When I hear rethink emergency response I don’t hear no law enforcement free for all. We will find out I guess

    Posts: 6631

    They also said they were going to take a year to try and figure it out. When I hear rethink emergency response I don’t hear no law enforcement free for all. We will find out I guess

    Fish do you live there?

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    They also said they were going to take a year to try and figure it out. When I hear rethink emergency response I don’t hear no law enforcement free for all. We will find out I guess

    There are actually some calling for no law enforcement. Obviously these are the most extreme activists but these are the people influencing the masses.

    In really don’t have a problem with disbanding a very broken police department but it needs to be done with extreme caution and assure that the people and employees are protected in this. These protesters have absolutely no care for those that feed their families from a salary paid by the MPD.

    The city council executed this vote with little or no admission of their own shortcomings and without shame. They seem to be acting in fear and emotion. This is a recipe for disaster.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Fish To Escape wrote:</div>
    They also said they were going to take a year to try and figure it out. When I hear rethink emergency response I don’t hear no law enforcement free for all. We will find out I guess

    Fish do you live there?

    I don’t live there, no. Used to before I had kids and moved to the ‘burbs for the schools.
    For the record if you scroll up I did say that I believe a police force is necessary for society, all I am saying is I will wait to see what their plan actually is before I freak about any of this.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Stop playing the anthem at sporting events. Problem solved.

    Probably the best answer yet. Just open every sporting event with “Welcome to the Jungle” and be done with it!


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