If they kneel during the Anthem I may be done watching

  • Coletrain27
    Posts: 4802

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Fish To Escape wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Jake wrote:</div>
    Hopefully Trumps blatant disrespect for the national anthem as displayed here (https://youtu.be/hBjpPH2wmbQ) upsets you all as much as the “knelling” by NFL players during the anthem. If not, please explain.

    I have never heard a good explanation of why this failed to cause even a little outrage

    Still waiting for beast or dutch to respond to this. If they have as much a love for the flag and anthem as they proclaim, this should outrage them.

    Still waiting for your response to my question… do you think all this racism is from two sides or just one?

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    Easy there coletrain, everyone knows the best part of arguing on a public forum is being able to dodge the hard questions!

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    Alejandro Villanueva of the Pittsburgh Steelers served as a captain in the United States Army. He was an army ranger. Good article on Fox right now where he shares his views. I think his intelligence plus his experience gives his opinion more credibility than mine on this topic. It’s a good, quick read for anyone that has a few minutes.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Kaepernick can kneel all he wants in his family room… he is not good enough for the NFL. Maybe he is helping clean up the Nike store that was destroyed. Just do it

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Why don’t we ask a veteran if they think kneeling during the national anthem is acceptable or unacceptable?

    So I’ve been debating answering this question because even though I’m a recent veteran, to identify myself like that on a day like today (D-Day) still makes me feel small as literally millions of other veterans before me did much, and I mean extremely much more than me, and boy am I grateful for it.

    My OPINION is that I do not like disrespecting the flag or our nation.

    My official STANCE is that I respect and support it because I respect and honor the constitution and our laws.

    That’s where so many people get hypocritical and act like they support some rights but not others. You cannot run your mouth about “don’t touch our guns” but then criticize people expressing their freedom of speech. What are you getting at when you do that? You also can’t use the flag or national pride as a prop, such as our president hugging it at the CPAC convention, that’s just pandering and stupid.

    So I personally think the flag should be respected and I would rather people do that. But since many aren’t, which is their right, I’ll not only respect their right to do so but listen to the conversations they’re trying to start and hope that we can all get to a better place where they don’t feel they need to do that.

    A lot of folks get into “pick a side” mentality but hopefully I was able to articulate what I meant as I’m trying to show that you don’t have to alienate one side of anything just because of your views.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    Do people know the definition of systemic ?

    You could only hope but about half of the responses in this thread suggest otherwise.

    Just trying to help spread awareness as some might not even know about the systemic issues. Try to share, inform, and spread awareness about the issue and you get labeled as a “trump hater” and a “wanna be preacher”… smh…

    I’ll leave this here for those who wish to educate themselves and/or others:

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    Still waiting for your response to my question… do you think all this racism is from two sides or just one?

    Sorry, I skimmed over your question. No I do not think there is racism on both sides. I think there is very clear racism and racial inequities on one side and frustration and pent up anger on the other which is the downstream result of 400+ yrs of racial inequality. Unless you are a POC, none of us are in a position to judge their responses and pent up anger at white people as a result of instances like George Floyd’s death and other instances of racial inequality.

    I answered your question. How about you answer mine?

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    Thank you for answering the question Dan, that was a thoughtful and well written response.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1395

    If people think Kapernick disrespected the flag they don’t get it. How many black people have to be killed illegally by the cops before enough is enough? One is to many.
    No matter what color your skin, it’s totally unacceptable.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    Doubt it, or it wouldn’t be getting used so often. If Derek Chauvin was a product of the system, every cop would be kneeling on someone’s neck till they died. The problem is localized, not systemic.

    Oh, so you’re saying this is an isolated incident that hasn’t been happening all around the country? Weird.

    1. 06802277-1449-40F6-B5AE-FFA41A6F85D7.jpeg

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    If people think Kapernick disrespected the flag they don’t get it. How many black people have to be killed illegally by the cops before enough is enough? One is to many.
    No matter what color your skin, it’s totally unacceptable.

    Unfortunately this is a hard concept for about 50% of people to grasp

    Posts: 293

    How come the liberal/Jake media do not discuss George Floyds violent criminal past?

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    How come the liberal/Jake media do not discuss George Floyds violent criminal past?

    Did the cops run his criminal record at all during those 8 plus minutes? How did his criminal past at all come into play during his arrest? Maybe if Chauvin would have lifted his knee up before the nine minute mark, he could have pulled up his record.

    So what you are saying is anyone with a criminal record is ok to be murdered by a cop? That is some excellent logic there.

    It blows my mine the lengths some of you will go to justify George Floyd’s death.

    Posts: 4802

    How come the liberal/Jake media do not discuss George Floyds violent criminal past?

    Or the fact he was on meth and fentynal. Who knows what was going through his mind

    Posts: 4802

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>coletrain27 wrote:</div>
    Still waiting for your response to my question… do you think all this racism is from two sides or just one?

    Sorry, I skimmed over your question. No I do not think there is racism on both sides. I think there is very clear racism and racial inequities on one side and frustration and pent up anger on the other which is the downstream result of 400+ yrs of racial inequality. Unless you are a POC, none of us are in a position to judge their responses and pent up anger at white people as a result of instances like George Floyd’s death and other instances of racial inequality.

    I answered your question. How about you answer mine?

    Yep my suspicions were correct… you are a ignorant idiot. There’s racism on both sides and if you don’t think so your blind.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Hope to get this in before the thread gets locked down. Is kneeling more disrespectful than the thousand fans buying their beer and hot dog during the playing of the anthem?

    Posts: 293

    I do know that if you are an avid golfer that your chances of getting struck by lightning are better than someone who isn’t.

    Posts: 4802


    If I had a dollar for every time I stuck a gun into a pregnant women’s stomach…….

    Sorry George….. what happened to you wasn’t right….but you weren’t right either…..I don’t feel nearly as bad for you

    That’s unreal. I’m sure he was a very nice guy though and attended church every Sunday. A guy that does meth and fentynal is a winner in my book

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    Jake, I agree with some of the points you’ve made, but that video you posted is absolute trash. Only black people go to inner city public schools? Only whites live in the suburbs? All white kids go to prestigious colleges? All black peoples are being held down by the system? C’mon man, your better than that.


    I’m sorry but his history is irrelevant. Good guy, bad guy, doesn’t matter. As for the drugs? Addiction is a terrible thing.

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    Hope to get this in before the thread gets locked down. Is kneeling more disrespectful than the thousand fans buying their beer and hot dog during the playing of the anthem?

    That was one of my points. If your going to be offended by people not acting appropriately during the national anthem fine, but don’t single out one group and exclude another.

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    And I just looked up teacher salary, St. Paul was second to Edina last year, so the propaganda video claiming inner city teachers are underpaid is absolutely a lie

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Jake wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>coletrain27 wrote:</div>
    Still waiting for your response to my question… do you think all this racism is from two sides or just one?

    Sorry, I skimmed over your question. No I do not think there is racism on both sides. I think there is very clear racism and racial inequities on one side and frustration and pent up anger on the other which is the downstream result of 400+ yrs of racial inequality. Unless you are a POC, none of us are in a position to judge their responses and pent up anger at white people as a result of instances like George Floyd’s death and other instances of racial inequality.

    I answered your question. How about you answer mine?

    Yep my suspicions were correct… you are a ignorant idiot. There’s racism on both sides and if you don’t think so your blind.

    So you gonna answer his question or just insult the guy. Seems you are copying someone’s playbook…

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    Yep my suspicions were correct… you are a ignorant idiot. There’s racism on both sides and if you don’t think so your blind.


    Sorry, who’s an idiot? hah

    Still waiting on you to answer my question. Way to keep it civil btw

    Posts: 4802

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>coletrain27 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Jake wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>coletrain27 wrote:</div>
    Still waiting for your response to my question… do you think all this racism is from two sides or just one?

    Sorry, I skimmed over your question. No I do not think there is racism on both sides. I think there is very clear racism and racial inequities on one side and frustration and pent up anger on the other which is the downstream result of 400+ yrs of racial inequality. Unless you are a POC, none of us are in a position to judge their responses and pent up anger at white people as a result of instances like George Floyd’s death and other instances of racial inequality.

    I answered your question. How about you answer mine?

    Yep my suspicions were correct… you are a ignorant idiot. There’s racism on both sides and if you don’t think so your blind.

    So you gonna answer his question or just insult the guy. Seems you are copying someone’s playbook…

    What question?

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bob Erfish wrote:</div>
    Doubt it, or it wouldn’t be getting used so often. If Derek Chauvin was a product of the system, every cop would be kneeling on someone’s neck till they died. The problem is localized, not systemic.

    Oh, so you’re saying this is an isolated incident that hasn’t been happening all around the country? Weird.

    That’s a clever tactic, putting together a list of all the names of minorities killed by officers. If I did the same thing with whites people killed by police which list would be longer? In the case of Michael Brown forensic evidence proved the officers account was accurate. “Eye witnessed” who told police that Brown had his hands up and said don’t shoot later admitted to not actually seeing the shooting, the witnesses that were actually deemed credible corroborated the officers account.
    Certainly there are more than one case of obvious excessive force, George Floyd being at the top of the list. But don’t just list all the names of those killed and act like they’re all in the same category as George Floyd. It’s intentionally misleading

    Posts: 4802

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>coletrain27 wrote:</div>
    Yep my suspicions were correct… you are a ignorant idiot. There’s racism on both sides and if you don’t think so your blind.


    Sorry, who’s an idiot? hah

    Still waiting on you to answer my question. Way to keep it civil btw

    We get it you hate our president and everything is the right wings fault. Maybe you should run for president then and make everything better when he’s done in 2024

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    I’m sorry but his history is irrelevant. Good guy, bad guy, doesn’t matter. As for the drugs? Addiction is a terrible thing.

    Exactly! Under this proposed logic, the police can murder anyone they want in cold blood as long as they have some sort of criminal history. Makes complete sense!

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