If the Pats win…

  • rmartin
    United States
    Posts: 1434

    Lombardi trophy

    1. pats.jpg

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    strange that this pic got cropped, it is only a little over 23 KB.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    What I was wondering was when the Patriots win, what will the new “cheating” allegation be? The Patriots can’t just be massively better, it’s always got to be cheating now.

    So place your predictions here, limit of 3 per member.

    What will people be claiming was the way the Patriots cheated when they win the Superbowl?

    My predictions:

    1. Some kind of Headsetgate where the Patriots will be alleged to somehow have been listening in on the play calling. An oldie, but a goodie.
    2. Some kind of “take a dive” theory where the Patriots paid off a Seahawks player to fumble, miss a tackle, or otherwise blow a key play.
    3. A referee’s blown call will open up allegations of a buyoff.


    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    The picture isn’t cropped. Just click it.

    1.) Seahawks Win
    2.) Belichick’s ego deflated
    3.) Brady’s balls deflated

    Posts: 4941

    1- Jim Irssay receives new Butt Thermometer
    2- Rodger Goodell has the Honor of placement
    3- all the whiners can stir their drinks of sorrow with it.

    1. 31aTkRNHGLL._SY450_.jpg

    Posts: 105

    They won’t, but if they do win expect to hear nothing else until next season than cheating allegations.

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736

    1- Jim Irssay receives new Butt Thermometer
    2- Rodger Goodell has the Honor of placement
    3- all the whiners can stir their drinks of sorrow with it.

    …That’s just to funny. lol lol …rrr

    Wisconsin Dells WI
    Posts: 908

    I can’t stand the Pats but I don’t think the Hawks can beat em..

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