If Someone Loves You…

  • B-man
    Posts: 6631

    If someone loves you, PLEASE wear a lifejacket

    A friend of a friend is one of those currently missing and has presumably drowned in the Boundary Waters.

    It’s reported they went over a falls and never surfaced.

    Please keep the Grams family in your thoughts, and just as importantly remember that wearing a PFD isn’t about you.

    I don’t wear my lifejacket for me, I wear it for my family.

    Just last weekend I got a hair up my butt to hit the river for a few hours in the little boat.

    Drove to the landing, loaded my stuff, put the plug in, unstrapped the back, hopped in the truck and reached in the backseat for my lifejacket…but it wasn’t there.

    I had forgotten it at home

    For a split second I almost said “F$@k it, I’ll be fine…”

    Two seconds later the boat was tied back down and I drove home to get it.

    Missed out on a half hour of fishing, but I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

    People love you and need you to be here


    Posts: 2687

    Great reminder!

    So many experienced boaters think it’ll never happen to them. Shocked how many guys just absolutely refuse to wear them.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Prayers to the family

    Mark Anderson
    Posts: 20

    That’s a great reminder, and to that I’ll add to also use the safety tether. If I get thrown out of my boat my PFD won’t do me any good if my boat circles around and runs me over.

    Posts: 3421

    I always wear one whether alone or with others. Got to do better about the engine safety tether.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    We complain about government mandating things yet we are to stubborn or stupid to take care of ourselves. Mandating life jackets isn’t to far down the road.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I’ve been fishing a bunch of times since April and the amount of people not wearing one is staggering, even while they are cruising around on plane. The majority of people on the water just don’t do it, and that won’t change until it becomes a state law. Its like telling someone to wear a motorcycle helmet. “Watch your own bobber” is the response that is often received.

    I have to wonder how many boaters aren’t wearing their mandated kill switch even though that’s required.

    Hoping for a resolution on your missing friend B-man.

    Posts: 4362

    Me and my 8 year old daughter went fishing last Sunday morning. Got to our first spot and she said “dad dont we need to wear our life jackets?” My heart just sank. I dont always wear mine but cant believe I spaced out about hers. Neither one came off til boats was on trailer and in the parking lot.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    We no longer only have the option of the ugly orange ones that go over our heads. I wear a real comfortable vest style and I know lots of guys here wear the inflatables. The pontoon I just bought must have had 15 life jackets under the seats….they are everywhere. jester There will be no reason other than stupidity or vanity not to have a life jacket on.

    Posts: 24606

    Sorry to hear about this! Not wearing one in a canoe is really careless. I admit I dont often wear my life jacket and I know I should.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I have to do better. Thank you for the reminder.

    I wear one in the boat in cold water, when alone, and when any children are with. With that said there are still other times that don’t fit those examples and I may not have it on at all.

    Posts: 2816

    Ever since I started fishing the croix and sippi more a few years ago(often cold water, at night, and/or by myself), I’ve been super anal about keeping a life jacket on, wearing my kill cord when on plane, and having all the proper emergency gear with me. Also like to keep many light sources in the boat like high powered flashlights, spotlights, and extra headlamps/batteries.

    Can never be too safe!

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    I have to do better. Thank you for the reminder.

    I wear one in the boat in cold water, when alone, and when any children are with. With that said there are still other times that don’t fit those examples and I may not have it on at all.

    Same here. Sorry to hear about this Bman hoping for the best

    Posts: 2910

    I hate reading things like this… I’ve gotten better the last two years – Now, At a minimum, I always wear an inflatable, and when conditions are bad – like choppy and cold water, I’ll wear a standard PFD. I preach it to my kids who are now both able to take the boat out on their own. But just like me at that age, they think they’re immortal. They do it with an eye roll and a sigh, and I told them that I better not round the bend on the pontoon or jet ski and find them fishing without it.

    Hoping for the best for your friend, B-man. what a nightmare…

    Justin riegel
    Posts: 976

    This one hits close to home. Reis was my son’s soccer coach last fall, I am really hoping for a good outcome here. I never wear a life jacket or pull cord on the boat. I will from now on.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    Me and my 8 year old daughter went fishing last Sunday morning. Got to our first spot and she said “dad dont we need to wear our life jackets?” My heart just sank. I dont always wear mine but cant believe I spaced out about hers. Neither one came off til boats was on trailer and in the parking lot.

    Having kids really changes the perspective on life jackets. Sounds like my daughter too, who is also 8.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I recently bought 4 onyx a/m 24. I have been teaching my self to always wear it. I’ve never been a life jacket guy, but I am older and wiser now. The kids don’t have a choice. They have one on when standing on the dock.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    You just can’t even use comfort anymore as an excuse for not wearing a life jacket. The modern self-inflating ones are so light and unobtrusive that I have to remind my dad to take his off when we’ve taken the boat out of the water. Last summer in Canada he wore his around camp for about 2 hours after we were done fishing before someone said are you going to sleep in that thing?

    Just no excuse anymore.

    Question: Are the self inflating PFDs legal for children to wear as their required PFD in MN?

    South metro
    Posts: 548

    Best fishing equipment I feel I ever bought – the self inflating vest.

    Especially if you have spot lock – leaning over for whatever reason, and it decides to kick in…

    Posts: 4362

    Question: Are the self inflating PFDs legal for children to wear as their required PFD in MN?

    I hope so I bought 3 of them for my kids. I feel bad they get so hot in the vest style ones when it hot and humid out.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    You just can’t even use comfort anymore as an excuse for not wearing a life jacket. The modern self-inflating ones are so light and unobtrusive that I have to remind my dad to take his off when we’ve taken the boat out of the water. Last summer in Canada he wore his around camp for about 2 hours after we were done fishing before someone said are you going to sleep in that thing?

    Just no excuse anymore.

    Question: Are the self inflating PFDs legal for children to wear as their required PFD in MN?

    Not till 16.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    ^Is there a minimum size someone who wears these needs to be? I admittedly haven’t tested mine or needed them to deploy. I don’t let my 11 year old nephew wear one of my inflatables as his PFD in my boat. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s even the right fit for my 110# wife if they aren’t allowed until age 16?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    ^Is there a minimum size someone who wears these needs to be? I admittedly haven’t tested mine or needed them to deploy. I don’t let my 11 year old nephew wear one of my inflatables as his PFD in my boat. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s even the right fit for my 110# wife if they aren’t allowed until age 16?


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    The age is due to maturity. If it were not to deploy are they mature enough to pull the manual ripcord. Mn says yes at 16 under 16 is a no

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    It’s my one rule for my boat. I hate being a pia when it’s 90 degrees but everyone must wear one. Same as a seatbelt when driving. So far nobody has objected. I’m sorry for the Grams family.

    Posts: 6631

    A little misinformation being spread about ages above.

    To clear it up, yes 16 is “recommended”…

    BUT, legally a child 10 years or older DOESN’T EVEN NEED A PFD on inland lakes.

    On the Great Lakes, any children 13 years or older doesn’t need to wear a PFD.

    If they meet the ages listed above for the water they are on, there is nothing illegal about a kid under 16 wearing an inflatable.


    It doesn’t need to be worn, but it needs to be accessible, whether they are wearing an inflatable or not.

    My boys are turning 10 this winter and are getting automatic inflatables for inland use. Once they turn 13 I’ll allow them to wear them on the Great Lakes.

    If you ever get questioned or ridiculed by law enforcement, remind them that an inflatable is incredibly safer than not wearing one at all (when they meet the right criteria)

    Posts: 4362

    That sucks. I assumed since they were bought for their size they were good, but makes sense about pulling the cord if they had to. Looks like 2 vests going back in.

    Posts: 6631

    That sucks. I assumed since they were bought for their size they were good, but makes sense about pulling the cord if they had to. Looks like 2 vests going back in.

    How old are your kids Jeremy?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Not really misinformation. If the motor is going a legal life jacket needs to be worn until the age of 10 and 13. . After that it’s free game. I’m not sure why the 16 year age is thrown in the law booklet but that’s mn for you. So yes the kid can stand and fish with one but under power they have to have a regular one on. That is how I read the laws.

    Posts: 4362

    I dont see anything about 13. I see 10 and under says must be worn when boat is underway. Underway meaning not attached to permanent mooring or dock.

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