IDO unofficial cooking with Mr. Heater

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Hey Folks, our lovable Sharon is going to need all of our rips and tricks for cooking over a Mr. Heater. She’s mastered the conventional oven. So as her journey carries her back into the outdoors, she’ll need a little help on field cooking with the heater.

    So let’s see what and how you do it in the field and on the ice!

    Most basic- the pop tart. Wedge between the rails and heat until you begin to smell it cooking. Rotate and wait on the smell.

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    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    I prefer toaster strudel, but kudos on the innovation Randy. Sorry I’ve got nothing other than you can of course warm up hot dogs and such in tinfoil on you intake manifold of your truck, but that’s an old trick. I work in the auto field and have seen it many times.

    spring valley mn
    Posts: 756

    How about cooked side of human leg! Make sure you rotate often or until your bibs are burning!!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I’d call that pop tart maker and let them know they forgot half the frosting

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I take the grate off and flip it up side down then it warms up sandwiches, cans of soup, brats, all sorts of stuff.

    Also like John mentioned the manifold of a vehicle is a great warmer up area.

    Have cooked venison in foil on my wheelers headers

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I think James needs to have an Iron Chef segment on the show where each episode a different chef prepares a dish. Of course the challenge is they can only use a Mr. Heater.


    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 942

    I used to use a 1 gallon paint roller grate that I could wedge the tabs from it over the top of the grate on the heater so the tray was horizontal. I cut and bent a wire hanger to act as a fold away support for the front of the tray. It worked for heating in pans or toasting a sandwich or pop tart.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    On an old IDO episode the boys did pizza rolls on the uplifted grate.

    I agree,Grouse. A version of chopped. Use the auger and a five gallon bucket for a blender. The possibilities are endless.

    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    I like to use a ice anchor and cook a few smelt . Just gut them and screw them on . Nothing better!

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    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    This is great, thanks, Randy! Lots of fun ideas, uh, well except for the smelt… rotflol

    Jeff Gilberg
    Posts: 133

    Toasted sandwiches. This one is steak and pepper jack in the deer stand.
    Single layer of foil, butter the outside of the bread, cook on low for around 3 minutes per side. Half sandwich cooks more evenly. I use the paint roller grid.

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    Jeff Gilberg
    Posts: 133

    Like this.

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    Jeff Gilberg
    Posts: 133

    That’s an egg roll. We have a lot of fun with this, but low is not very low. you can boil water in a metal cup in about 10-15 minutes. I have several big buddy’s and they all seem to have different output. don’t use high!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    How about cooked side of human leg! Make sure you rotate often or until your bibs are burning!!

    I read the first sentence and was thinking “oh gross”…why would anyone roast a human leg…

    Then I realized I roasted my legs several times! doah

    Posts: 19473

    Hot Ravioli and warm garlic breadsticks is awesome over the Buddy cooker!

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    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>The SCRATCHER wrote:</div>
    How about cooked side of human leg! Make sure you rotate often or until your bibs are burning!!

    I read the first sentence and was thinking “oh gross”…why would anyone roast a human leg…

    Then I realized I roasted my legs several times! doah

    I had a little leg cook session on mille lacs opener. Did t realize I was so close to the buddy heater. Ruined my bibs and melted to my pants underneath

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    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Like this.

    i have that same grate but haven’t used it because i cant figure out if its galvanized or not. you hear lots of people say don’t cook on top of metals with chemicals on it. i suppose i could just send it

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