IDO Show Ideas, Topics, Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts

  • Ethan barber
    Posts: 7

    It would be nice to see a ice fishing show done in northern ontario (Algoma region) lots of great fishing in that area. Also would be cool if you teamed up with the uncut angling crew and did a show. Bloopers reel would also be cool

    West Central MN
    Posts: 12

    I would like begin by saying I love the new format. I have read some good ideas that would provide some additional variety-the two boat dual sounded great. I think it gives us weekend warriors the different mind sets used in setting up a plan for attacking a lake with real-time factors involved.

    I also liked the idea of smaller water adventures. I agree-many of us who tune in may not be in in the situation to experience big water as often. so to be able to maximize every experience.

    I try to involve the kids as often as possible and it can be a challenge to keep their attention. Just as many in this situation, time is crucial and I try to choose the most ideal spots in a small window, but success is not always the result. Therefore, I have incorporated many of the tips, tricks and tactics from tuning in for the past 10 years and have noticed that I am becoming a better angler and I have begun to think outside the box. Tuning in weekly has improved every experience, so please keep up the great work!

    Posts: 1811

    eel pout catch em . ,clean em,and how to cook em. DK.

    Posts: 30

    I love the new format of showing the lake map and talking what you look for in a high percentage area. The group of guys I fish with are lucky enough to spend an above average amount of time fishing but I hear time and time again that we could be more efficient if we could read a lake map a lot better and find the “spot on a spot.” So the more you guys talk about that the better off every fisherman will be. Like you said on your show, most guys can catch fish when they are on them but it’s finding the fish that is the challenge. Thanks for the great show guys!

    Posts: 8

    I’d like to see a show, where you go to a lake/area unknown by your staff prior to arriving. Come to a town, let’s say on a Wednesday, then someone local, gives you a lake name. Film that evening on how you research the lake, and how you plan to attack it the next morning and why, based on nothing more than what you can find on the web or talking to locals at a bait shop and such? Call no Pro’s in the area.

    Posts: 1

    There needs to be a show or series with lakes that aren’t mapped. How the crew goes into a non mapped back country lake and is able to piece together a walleye or trout or crappie bite. Many Canadian lakes offer this just over the boarder. How they’re able to identify “transition” areas and find where the fish are.

    travis mccolley
    Posts: 78

    I love the new format of showing the lake map and talking what you look for in a high percentage area. The group of guys I fish with are lucky enough to spend an above average amount of time fishing but I hear time and time again that we could be more efficient if we could read a lake map a lot better and find the “spot on a spot.” So the more you guys talk about that the better off every fisherman will be. Like you said on your show, most guys can catch fish when they are on them but it’s finding the fish that is the challenge. Thanks for the great show guys!

    Could not agree more

    Glynn Plantz
    Posts: 9

    First off, love the show! Second I think you should do a show on Bay of Quinte for Walleyes!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    I love the new format! I normally watching fishing show in the back ground while I am cooking and playing with my son. Last night was the first time I watched the same show back to back. Well I watched it 5 times in a row last night. I didn’t want to miss anything and while digging in the lego bin made it hard to hear at times. I sent the link of mapping contours to 6 of my friends last night and they all said that that was the best fishing show they have ever seen.
    I know it takes a lot to do the show, but I would be willing to donate $$$ to a go fund me page for this show to be year round. Maybe every other week in the summer so you guys get a little break.

    Jacob Swanson
    Posts: 3

    How about the St Croix River for walleye or crappie ?

    John Yang
    Posts: 23

    Im not gonna lie but you guys are always fishing big name bodies of water or unknown low pressure lakes. Id love to see you guys really put those skills to the test with like a metro lake walleye show or panfish show. I.E. Minnetonka, Independence, Waconia just maybe something alittle out side your comfort zone.

    Thanks Guys you do a great show


    Steve Sr
    Posts: 15

    I’m not sure how much you guys in-particular use anything but the Marcum units in flasher mode only and a lot of others do as well but for the IDO Insights segments I know a couple of us here that watch the show have questions about the flasher vs graph discussion.

    I’m personally about to pull the trigger on a Lx-6s (about 98 percent positive LOL) but on a few videos I’ve noticed some fishermen use the vertical sidebar flasher along with the screen in graph mode.

    I’d be interested in the input on what, if any, pros and cons exist between the two (round and vertical) flashers only and the flasher plus graph combo mode.

    Other than the graph showing a bit of history in case something distracted you where you could then see something like a “miss” while you didn’t have your full attention on the unit I’m at a loss what else such a combo offers.

    Maybe even part of the segment talking about graph only mode for ice fishing. A relative and his boys do pretty well on Saginaw, Both Bay De Noc, Erie and inland lakes and will openly tell me I’ve lost my mind to consider anything else but just the graph… SOME find that option preferable but I feel people should use what they like the best. I don’t have to agree with their choice.
    That said, I’d like the opinion of those in the crew of the pros and cons, like I said above and feel it may be a good subject for a short segment of your show.

    God Bless. Be safe out there.

    Posts: 1

    targeting pan fish and techniques in these wormer weather conditions. Like, where the gills are, where the perch are and how to produce on small and pressured lakes


    I also want to see some shows on smaller (1000ish acres or less) HEAVILY pressured lakes. What would you guys do?

    David Kimball
    Posts: 12

    Well let’s just start with a show focused on stick baits and casting for instance maybe a day/night time video casting with the new shadow raps in shallow water I do alot of this style fishing back home at night and have had some really fun times doing so and go into detail where your fishing how and why

    1. IMG952016051195232403.jpg

    David Kimball
    Posts: 12

    How about lake gogebic in upper Michigan giant perch and healthy dose of walleye

    Posts: 0

    What about bringing just a regular guy on one of your trips?

    I can get you my contact info if you wish devil

    Seriously, I love the new shows, very informative without the feel of an infomercial.

    David Kimball
    Posts: 12

    I would love to see a show based on afternoon walleye bite the toughest time of the day for most walleye fisherman I’d like to see how and where to find the walleyes once they leave the morning shallows along with what baits and specific typical locations and what to use during mid day do I take a more aggressive approach or do I simply stay where I’m at and hope one swims threw these r just a few things I had in mind I’m sure most of our viewers would love a show like this o and keep it on a average lake nothing like lake of the woods because of the fact the walleye population is high meaning just about anywhere on that lake I’m sure walleye roam or any featureless lakes with no structure idk about the rest of the fan base but where I fish there’s lots of structure steep brakes,u’s,v’s,90ft of water,sand bottoms,muck bottoms,flats and slow rising breaks plzzzzz do this it would make our day????

    Mike Vaughan
    Posts: 1

    Love the show. I’d to see some film of the flasher while you work a fish. At least a few time through hook set to see how you react to the fish movement on the flasher.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    I’d like to see a slow motion instant replay of the “Holst Hook Set” ….Arms over the head, one leg way up in the air, straight up vertical leap of 36 inches. Awesome stuff.


    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    A few mentions of the time of the day you are currently at, or when you come back from a commercial break, have the time of the day on the screen for a few seconds as you come to a new scene. You can kind of tell by the sunlight on TV what relative time of the day it is, but not always. With a full day of filming wrapped up into about 20 minutes, I’d like to occasionally know what time of the day you caught said fish.

    Also, some sort of “hole counter” or a mention of how many holes you’ve drilled. I think everybody has a different idea of what is a lot of holes to drill for the day. Somebody might drill a dozen or two and that’s a lot for them, other people might drill 200 a day and that’s an average day. I’m sure you guys are often in the several hundred a day number, but I’d be curious how many holes you’re punching to find fish.

    How to effectively fish as a team. Does one guy drill holes, and another just simply follow behind with the flasher, only stopping when fish are marked. Do you drill a series of holes and each spend a couple minutes fishing holes, then move on when unsuccessful?

    Posts: 51

    I’d like to see a slow motion instant replay of the “Holst Hook Set” ….Arms over the head, one leg way up in the air, straight up vertical leap of 36 inches. Awesome stuff.



    Posts: 249

    It would be great to see a show on the old stomping grounds of pool 2 or pool 4 and show how the new electronics with down scan and side scan can help showing the rock piles and wing dams, as well as finding fish in relation to those spots.
    You used to make a lot of hay using BFishn jigs and ring worms!!!


    I’d love to see a little small lake fishing. I live in northern Wisconsin where there are a lot of lakes less than 100 acres in size. Some of them are shallow some are 60+ ft deep. A lot of them have trout in them that were stocked at one point but they can be very difficult to catch and/or locate. Would like to see some info on best ways to fish trout out of small lakes like that.

    Posts: 352

    It’s been said before already, but i’ll add my .02 cents to it as well. Not all of us have the time to get to the big, well known walleye lakes very often. Most of my fishing is around the metro area, or just outside of it (forest lake, chisago area etc etc).

    Being a huge walleye guy, I’d absolutely love to learn better approaches to these lakes, and how to consistently find walleye in them. I’ve found some success, but very limited.

    So an episode targeting these “more local” lakes, showing the electronics and lake maps, and how and why you pick areas to target.

    I only get one or two opportunities per year to get anywhere decent like Mille Lacs, so learning to find walleye closer to home would be tremendous.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Not a fan of this weeks show at all. Part of the appeal of your show is the Midwest focus and current bite format. Filming some show at a Canadian lodge is more like infisherman type nonsense. Stay true to what made u popular. Fish local and fish in season! It’s February so go find a dang lake in MN or Wi and ice fish it! Not some private Canadian lodge that costs $1500 per guy and any goof can catch fish at.

    Take a deep breath. You’re gonna be OK. If you don’t like the topic on any particular week, turn the channel. Not everyone is looking for the same thing.

    For example, I just received two text messages this morning from Chad at Pasha.

    I think my emails going to crash I’m getting so many inquiries

    Understatement of the century: Onaman show was a hit

    If I listened only to the die-hard ice guys that seemingly only want us to ice fish 100% of the time in the Dakotas, MN and WI, we’d be out of business.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    Hi James,

    As we are gearing up to hit the open water river fishing I would like to see a show on what to look for in a good spot to fish on the river. I like to find my own spots and not fish the community holes but do not have that much success hunting on my own.

    Posts: 6687

    The loudness of the commercials is instantly annoying. Turn down volume to match show volume would be great.

    Great show otherwise.

    I’m watching via YouTube also if that makes a difference on the whole crazy loud commercial thing.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nordicron wrote:</div>
    Not a fan of this weeks show at all. Part of the appeal of your show is the Midwest focus and current bite format. Filming some show at a Canadian lodge is more like infisherman type nonsense. Stay true to what made u popular. Fish local and fish in season! It’s February so go find a dang lake in MN or Wi and ice fish it! Not some private Canadian lodge that costs $1500 per guy and any goof can catch fish at.

    Take a deep breath. You’re gonna be OK. If you don’t like the topic on any particular week, turn the channel. Not everyone is looking for the same thing.

    For example, I just received two text messages this morning from Chad at Pasha.

    I think my emails going to crash I’m getting so many inquiries

    Understatement of the century: Onaman show was a hit

    If I listened only to the die-hard ice guys that seemingly only want us to ice fish 100% of the time in the Dakotas, MN and WI, we’d be out of business.

    I enjoyed this weeks show! Was one that I felt I could relate to a little better than the big lakes and fancy graphs and technology. Often times James had to ask or guess the depth. It was just fishing, simple!

    Ron Borowski
    Posts: 1

    On episodes of IDO, kindly discuss the gear being used: type of rods (TunedUp Noodle), reels, line, jigs (size and color), live or plastic baits, etc. and type of water.
    E.G. Fishing crappies on Leech Lake with Josh, in the rain, possibly the last time because of the weather.

Viewing 30 posts - 181 through 210 (of 227 total)

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